(Sorry for the delay, fellow readers!)

Ra Dorm: The Next Morning

"Syrus! You retard!" was the first words every student in the Ra dorm had woken up to that morning. The Slifer had curled up beside Bastion in his warm bed and had drooled all over him. The poor guy had been so tired, instead of going back to his own dorm, had flopped onto Bastion's bed that night.

"Huh?" Syrus asked, startled by Bastion's voice. "Oh, hi, Bastion. Did you have a nice sleep?"

"Yes I was until you crawled in here, you little fart!" he shoved Syrus onto the floor. Syrus groaned and fell back asleep. He began snoring loudly. Bastion got up his clothes were slightly damp, but he almost threw up when he saw the puddle of saliva that nearly saturated Bastion's pillow case. He stifled a gag.

"What the flip is going on!" demanded Demetri, walking into Bastion's room.

"It's none of your business, Demetri, you're just looking for someone to copy!" said Bastion. He took his pillow and threw it on Demetri's face.

"What is Syrus still doing in here?" asked Demetri as if it were really his business.

"I don't know, but just get him out of here before I make you sleep with that pillow!" Bastion said. Demetri looked around the room for a second.

"Bastion, you think you're so smart when you draw all those fancy little numbers on your wall! But you're not, you're just...just...NOT!" Demetri said and he walked out slamming the door.

"And a good morning to you too!" Bastion said. He threw a shoe at the door. Then he looked down at Syrus' motionless body. "Dang! He looks like a complete moran in his sleep!" Bastion kicked Syrus' head and he got into his uniform and walked out leaving the Slifer, clad in his pajamas and covered in a thin film of slobber on his face. He walked out of the room and headed to the common room for breakfast. After eating cold soggy waffles, he headed to 1st period, his least favorite subject...Math.

1st Period

Chazz felt a lot better and had managed to get to Math class that morning, however, as usual he was not looking forward to it. That kind of motivation often led to mischief. Chazz leaned over as the Math teacher was talking and looked at what Zane was doing.

"Hey Zane, why the heck did you try to strangle me this morning?" asked Chazz.

"Because...," Zane growled. "You wouldn't stop singing that stupid song!"

"But Dr. Crowler said I have a beautiful voice!" Chazz said.

"Yo' mama says you have a beautiful voice!" Zane said.

"Shut up! We don't say 'yo mama' any more, we say 'your mom'," Chazz corrected.

"Well I'm so sorry, Mr. Perfect." Zane rolled his eyes.

"It's Princeton, you idiot!" Chazz said. "It's just some dumb 4Kids English dub! It's not that hard to say!" He yelled in Zane's face.

Zane shoved Chazz's face away with his hand. "Go away before I contract your disease!" Chazz sighed boredly and since Syrus wasn't here, he knew there would be no mischief out of any of the Slifers, so he decided to see what stupid stunts Bastion was trying to do.

Bastion was flirting with the girls again. "...you know, she thinks she knows everything but she (the Math teacher) doesn't." he whispered. "She thinks I'm a Second Year! I'm Not! And that neema-toad, Alexis is always saying she's so smart, but she really isn't."

"You gotta point." whispered Mindy. "She thinks she so cool because she thinks Zane likes her." The others agreed (HOORAY WE NOW BASH ALEXIS!)

Jaden decided to be random today in class and very disturbing. "BOOTY! BOOTY! BOOTY! BOOTY! ROCKIN EVERYWHERE ! BOOTY! BOOTY! BOOTY! BOOTY! ROCKIN EVERYWHERE! ROCKIN EVERYWHERE! ROCKIN EVERWHERE! ROCKIN EVERYWHERE!" he sang to Bastion. Everyone except Zane all stared at Jaden for a long time and then continued what they were doing.

"Jaden, where the TARNATIONS did you come up with that!" demanded Chazz.

"It's the theme song from this WEIRD T.V show I was watching! It's called Tutti Frutti Booty!"

"Tutti Frutti Booty?" Chazz rolled his eyes.

"Your mom's booty is tutti frutti." said Zane randomly.

"I think that's what it was called...I'm not sure...but it makes since...," Jaden says. "It's one of those stupid Japanese cartoons where they have those enormous eyes and that weird hair! And all the boys look girly and wimpy looking!"

"Hhmmm...," Chazz nodded.

"Like Whole Metalic Chemistry, .Hack/Loogie, B.M.Angel, and some I can't even pronouce, and even this show called Yu-Gi-Oh! I mean it's so retarded! And could you believe they are actually making a sequal to it! Yu-Gi-Oh GX how stupid could they get?" Jaden asked.

"Gee, I'd hate to be on that show." said Chazz. "Well, now is the time for you to shut your pie hole."

"But I wanted to tell you more about Tufruboo!" said Jaden. Chazz continued to listen to the teacher.

"Your mom!" Chazz said.


"Your mom!"


"Your mom!"


"Your mom!"


"Your mom!"


"Your mom!"


"Your mom!"

"just hold on and let me...,"

"Your mom! Your mom! Your mom! Your mom! Your mom! YOUR MOM!" Chazz exclaimed his rage rising each time he said "Your mom!" The room got really quiet.

"Okay everything just got really quiet in here!" said Alexis.

"Must you always address that?" asked Bastion getting irritated.

"Must you always address that?" Alexis mocked, imitating his British accent. "What do ya' have a problem with that?"

"Yo' mama has a problem with that!" Bastion said.

"Shut your pie hole Bastion Misawa! We don't say 'your mama' anymore we say 'your mom'!" Zane corrected.

"Shut up Zane! No one likes you!" Chazz snapped. Meanwhile the students were oblivious of the teacher sitting there listening to them, but they kept going. Suddenly it got quiet again.

"Okay everything just got really quiet!" Alexis said.

"Darnit woman, shut up!" Bastion slammed his fist on Alexis' desk.

"I hate you! Die and go to Heck!" Alexis exclaimed.

"Mrs. Teacher! Bastion and Alexis are using inappropriate language!" Jaden tattled.

"No he didn't Mr. Yuki, now finish your work!" The teacher said. Chazz farted. Giggles erupted from where the girls were sitting. Chazz wasn't embarrased or anything and merely laughed along with them.

"Mrs. Teacher!" Jaden waved his hand in the air.

"Yes, Mr. Yuki!" the teacher grummbled.

"Chazz farted!" Jaden said.

"That's nice." the teacher rolled her eyes. Chazz farted again. This time the class burst out laughing.

"Mrs. Teacher!" Jaden once again waved his hand in the air.

"WHAT?" the math teacher demanded. "I'm in the middle of a lecture!"

"Chazz farted again!" Jaden said.

"Mr. Yuki...,"

"But it's very distracting!" Jaden said. Everyone was nearly dying with laughter including Chazz, when they heard this. Apparently the teacher had dismissed the idiotic remark for she went on to another subject.

Once again you hath stummbled upon another chapter in which stupidity is predominant over all other aspects of fictional writing. However, if you object to any of this, for example, want to send a reveiw saying I suck or I'm retarded, you are simply a moran who can't accept the real truth.

The following are FYI's

(1) Tutti Frutti Booty Fruits Basket (2)Whole Metalic Chemistry Full Metal Alchemist (3) .Hack/Loogie .Hack/Sign (4) B.M.Angel D.N.Angel