Krypton's Last Son

Disclaimer: I don't any part of Justice League or any of its other cartoons; I am only borrowing their characters for the story.

Zatanna Zatara, was a woman with many things on her mind, i.e. what tricks she would be performing at next week's magician's convention that was going to be held in Las Vegas, but one of the most paramount images flashing through her mind were not of tricks or illusions that would astonish the world, but an image of a chiseled physique and a face that would make any woman swoon. Of course Zatanna didn't want anyone to know about her obsession with the man, but there was still subtle ways that it was getting noticed, for example the amount of time she stares at him, with a look of pure adoration and love. There were also the times when she would trip and fall whenever he was in the room, it was just too much to take to stare at him and walk straight.

Although Zatanna tried to cover it up it was seen by many in the Justice Tower, all vying for the same man's attention, Shayera Hol was one of those women, she wanted the Man of Steel all for herself. Shayera would look at him sometimes hoping to catch his eye, but knowing that if she did have the chance that she would eventually mess it up somehow or someway. 'I don't need this kind of drama in my life, not to mention all the women that are trying to attract Clark as well, I know Diana still holds a flame to him, and the new girl Kara, I don't think all her motives are sisterly. I mean how many times does Clark have to tour around with her before she understands the layout of the Tower?'

Multitudes of women were surrendering themselves to the spell that seemed to float around Clark Kent, Superman, The Man of Steel, or as they all liked to refer to him, their dream god. Dinah Lance a.k.a. the Black Canary, was also watching out for her favorite superhero, walking around in leather and fishnets did have it's advantages, Superman always looked her way when she walked by him, even though many of those times she didn't have to.

Vivian Dalais and Constance Dalais, the two women who comprised the being known as the Crimson Fox, were enjoying their favorite pastime, watching Superman bench-press over a 100 tons without breaking a sweat, though the twin sisters wouldn't mind if he did. Although it was getting a bit crowded in the gym, the twins didn't know how all these women could fit into the small gym set up for the superheroes to work out in. Kimiyo Hoshi, Dr. Light, was studying the male physique trying her best to maintain emotionless when studying the way Superman lifted the weights, 'I believe he could 5 times that weight with ease, although from the strain on his muscles it would be foreseeable to check up on him more carefully, maybe a full body scan at a latter date, in the comfort of his own bedroom of course.'

With all this attention shown to their leader, the men of the Justice League were a bit perturbed to say the least, many of them were questioning their manhood's and wondering why the many women who comprised the league were all gallivanting after the man of steel. "Hey John, what's with the estrogen festival centered on the big man?"

"Wally, although the way you put it is very unorthodox and similarly disgusting, it is a question I have been asking myself for the past 10 hours."

"Got an answer yet?"

"Nope, but I hear the Bat is trying to get a tissue sample from Superman."

"How the heck is he going to do that? I mean not only is he impervious to needles and knives, all those women won't part company just because of a man in a bat suit."

Watching and waiting for the Batman to come forward, the men just couldn't understand what was wrong with the women. Although Clark was starting to figure it out little by little, "Here you go Clark, what are you doing after this?"

"Kara, I told you not to call me that, I don't want anyone to know. And to your question I was thinking of heading down to the café to get something to eat, would you like to come?"

"Yes! Uh….I mean, that sounds like fun. Now if only these girls would let us pass." Similar to how Moses parted the Red Sea, Clark walked through a sea of beautiful women that wanted to ravage him. "Uhh…do you know what's going on with the league Kara? They seem really anxious about something."

"Don't worry about those witc…..I mean women, they are just jealous."

"Jealous of what?"

"I don't know, but let's not think about it and get something to eat. What do you think about my new outfit?"

"It looks very nice on you Kara, where did you get the material?" Looking at the girl he once thought of as his little sister, Clark soon saw that she was much more mature than he gave her credit for. "I bought it, is it nice, it feels great on my skin, here check it out." Taking Clark's hand, Kara used it to caress the material and also to get Clark as excited as she could get him. "Kara, don't do that, it's not proper." Taking his hand away, Clark could not get the feeling of the material and the warmth that it hid.

"Don't be such a prude, it's alright, and I trust you. I would trust you with my life Clark." Looking into her baby blue eyes, Clark could see the truth in her statement, "That means a lot to me Kara, I will always protect you, remember that, anytime you need me all you have to do is ask."

No matter how tempting that statement was, Kara tried to control herself, "Well I did want to learn a few new moves, how bout you come over to my room and show me some later tonight?"

"Uhh…..into your room? How bout we do it in my room?"

"Sounds good to me, when should I get there? 8 sound good?"

"Tonight? Uhh….okay, but let's make it 7, so you can get back to your room before it gets really late."

"Sounds good, now let's get some food I'm starving." Taking Clark by the hand, Kara lead him toward an empty table in the café, "I'll get the food what do you want Clark?"

"A club sandwich sounds good, how bout yourself?"

"I think I'll get the pasta, it looks really good." Watching as Kara walked toward the kitchen, Clark could really see that Kara had grown up, 'I can't believe I just checked out Kara, I really need to get out more.' Helena Bertinelli, the Huntress, was hunting different prey this evening, she saw the blond walk away from Clark and knew this was good a chance as any to talk with the big boy. "Superman, what are you doing here?"

"Huntress, how are you doing? I'm just here to grab a quick lunch with Supergirl."

"I'm fine, sounds fun, can I join?"

"I don't see why not, but weren't you heading back?"

"I decided to stay a few more days here, I mean it was an invitation right?"

"Of course, stay as long as you like, how's the crime scene going?"

"It's going well, but it sometimes gets lonely." Sitting a little closer to the man of steel, Helena wanted to see how far she could get with the man that every woman on board the Tower was after. "Well, there are many ways to alleviate loneliness, I mean you could play a round of racquetball with the team, I hear that Diana and Shayera are the ones to beat."

Obviously missing her point entirely, Helena tried another approach, soon Clark had a new friend close to his nether regions. "It gets really lonely sometimes, would you be my friend?"

"Get away from him Huntress!" Jumping away, Helena just dodged the biscuit that was thrown by an irate Supergirl, "I see that some girl's can't share, if you don't want to share, then I guess I'll just take what I want."

A fight ensued and Clark was soon holding the two women at arm's length trying to stop them from killing each other. "Okay what is going on? Supergirl calm down, you as well Huntress." Both women calmed down and Clark released them, "I'll be back Blondie, and don't think this is over."

"I'll be waiting."

"What's going on Kara?"

"Don't trust her, I don't like her around you."

"She's one of the team, we shouldn't fight amongst ourselves." Kara decided that Clark was too nice for his own good, thus escorted him to his private room and started the necessary exercises to get ready for her tutorial. "Isn't it a little early? It's only 5 p.m., don't you want to digest our food first."

Nodding her head, Kara turned on the television and reclined on Clark's bed, "Come on Clark, let's veg out all night and watch T.V. till the morning."

"Wish I could Kara, but we have a meeting bright and early tomorrow morning, you know that."

"Then let's veg out right now, until 7 at least, then we can do the exercises."

"Sure, but you got to get off my bed, there's no where else to sit."

"Come on, just lie down here with me, it's okay." Feeling entirely uncomfortable, Clark nonetheless lied down next to Kara, "See isn't this better than going to some boring meeting?"

"Yes, but we can't do this all the time Kara."

"I know, but it's still fun." Thus the two continued to watch t.v. until the clock hit 7. "Alright let's start off with a few easier maneuvers, grappling an opponent is a key skill, it will be necessary for all your life." Forming a stance, Clark waited for Kara to lunge at him, when she did Clark showed her how to lock a person in a sleep hold and other such head locks. Kara continued to learn the techniques and was soon using them on Clark, "Good, you got the basics down, let's try something a bit more complex." Next, Clark showed Kara how to perform a pile driver, although Clark explained the basics, Clark did not use it on Kara. Unfortunately for Clark, Kara was not that kind, awakening from his induced slumber, Clark was surprised to see Kara crying. "Oh Clark, your okay, I thought I did it too hard."

"I'm fine, but next time don't do a pile driver on me. Ok?" Nodding her head, Kara couldn't help herself and hugged Clark, "I was so scared that you had gotten hurt, I didn't mean to hurt you."

"It's okay, I told you I'm fine. What time is it?"

"It's a little past 9, you were out for an hour." Suddenly aware of the weight on his chest, Clark discovered Kara holding onto him as tight as she could, "Kara, I got to breathe."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just wanted to hold you for a minute." Blushing profusely at her admission, Kara walked away from Clark, "It's okay Kara, there is no shame for worrying about a friend."

"I don't think of you as a friend Clark, I never did."

"I'm glad you think of me as your brother, it makes me feel good."

"I don't think of you as my brother either Clark, you should know that." Kara soon was staring at Clark like so many of the women on the Tower, with lust in her eyes, "I have always wanted to tell you how much I love you Clark, you mean so much to me, I would have still been trapped in the ice if you didn't find me. I really do love you Clark." Embracing Clark, Kara touched her lips onto the man of steel, and drove all the passion that she felt inside into Clark. Pulling away, Kara looked at the man she loved and watched as he looked dazed and confused. "I know that this must seem really weird to you Clark, but it's the truth. I just wanted to say it to you." Walking away, Kara was close to tears as she reached the doors of Clark's bedroom. "Kara, come back, I don't think it's weird, I do love you. But Kara, you know we can't do this, what about Mom and Dad?"

"Were not related Clark, it's okay, will you be with me tonight?" Walking toward Clark, Kara guided Clark toward his bed. And for a good portion of the night, sounds could be heard in the man of steel's bedroom. They soon attracted a majority of the women on the Tower, "What is going on in there Shayera?"

"You know what is going on Diana, the blond is taking away Clark from us."

"From us? When did you ever like Clark?"

"Don't play stupid Diana, the whole tower is in an uproar over this, let's just get inside and stop those sounds." Hawkgirl and Wonder Woman both headed toward the door of the man of steel. "Shouldn't you girls be in bed?"

"Stay out of this Helena, it's not any of your business."

"I beg to differ, I wanted to see the man of steel and if it takes me a few minutes to take care of you two then so be it."

"Enough, let's just go inside and stop this nonsense."

"Kimiyo, where did you all come from?"

"Don't act stupid Zatanna, we followed him, just like all of you, it's no secret where Superman sleeps. We all just wanted to be with him, can't we all admit that?"

The continued moaning coming from the room stopped all the outbursts and the women headed inside, what they found amused some of them and all of them soon joined into the festivities.

Soon the tower was a veritable stereo for the cries of women in pleasure and the lone man who was confused but very, very happy.

Author's notes: Well what do you think? It's my first installment, if you all like it drop a review, if you don't still drop a review, I came up with this idea with the new women that seemed to be everywhere in the newest Justice League Unlimited. Thank you for reading and have a great day.