Jamaican Vacation
Silent Cobra
Disclaimer: Bones and characters are not mine! I just play with em.
Summary: because we know she went to Jamaica with him
AN: the word BONES denotes a section break
Booth sighed and shoved the last of his underwear in his suitcase. Damn it! Why hadn't he just asked her to come with him? Why couldn't he just get over it? He locked his suitcase and took it out to his suburban. Seeley Booth was wearing a heather grey wife beater and blue jeans. It felt good to be out of his typical suit and tie.
He checked one last time to make sure he had his carry on and got in the car. He pushed his orange sunglasses onto his nose and started the car.
He really needed a vacation.
Booth walked to the baggage check in the airport. It was bustling with people and generally driving him crazy. How anyone could stand to work here was beyond him, he preferred the small groups FBI agents mostly worked in.
"ID please," the woman behind the counter said. Booth slid his driver's license over to her. She checked it against his face and nodded. "All is in order. Go ahead and put your luggage here, please." She handed him his license back and he put his bag on the counter.
He unlocked it for her and she sifted through it. "Alright, everything is good. You can lock it again." Booth locked it and watched as she put it on the conveyer belt behind her.
"Enjoy your trip, Mr. Booth."
He picked up his carryon and walked up the escalator. Booth turned and went to the security check. He waited in an outrageously long line as people ciphered through the metal detectors.
Finally, it was his turn. He dropped his bag on the x-ray machine, emptied his pockets, and removed his shoes. He watched the security guard start as he looked at Booth's badge.
Booth moved through the metal detectors with no repercussions. "Alright, everything is good, sir," the guard said. Booth took his badge and other stuff and shoved it back into his pockets. He slipped back into his shoes and grabbed his bag.
Only two hours to wait, and Seeley Booth would be on an airplane to Jamaica.
"Flight number 253 from DC to Jamaica. Please check your tickets and board the plane."
"Finally," Booth muttered. He stood up and walked to the line. He pulled his ticket out and tapped his foot.
"Ticket and ID please," the man said. Booth slid them both over to him.
"Alright Mr. Booth, my manifest says you are flying with another?"
"Ah…" Booth should have known that the manifest would have said that. "She…er…ah…she's…"
"Sorry! Excuse me! Here," a woman slid a ticket to the man. Booth looked at the ID, and then at the small woman next to him.
"Bones?" he asked, in surprise.
"Thanks," she grabbed their IDs and walked down the hall to the plane. He followed her short skirt clad form in slight awe. What was she doing here? And how did she get Tessa's ticket?
The tickets were for first class, so they had no problem storing their carryon luggage.
"You want the window seat?" Bones asked.
"You can have it. What are you-"
"Just sit down, Booth." She buckled her seat-belt and watched him. He sat down and buckled his too.
"What are you doing here?" he asked. "I thought you were staying at DC."
"You left the ticket on the bar last night, and I thought, why not? I needed a vacation."
He just looked at her.
This could turn into a very, very, very interesting vacation.
AN: well, what do you guys think so far? It's rated T for now, but it may jump to M later (and you know what that means! . feedback is welcome!