"Wake up, little android." She knew that voice. But why was she standing there on the street corner watching Roger drive by in the Griffon? And why was she standing there with that woman?
"You miserable, manipulating rust-bucket," she proceeded to curse Big O up one side and down the other, delving not only into the probable habits of the humans that had built him, but the likely perversions of their ancestors.
"You've done well," Big O was laughing again, but this time, the amusement was inclusive. He was... yes, he was proud of her. And pleased. She had been a complete surprise, and the Megadeus loved surprises.
On impulse, she ran a systems check. While she was still an android, this time, she was no longer stunted and incomplete. She was the way her original designer had intended her to be. And if that woman was standing here with her, that meant she wasn't with Roger Smith. What was that saying the old man at the marketplace liked? Something about keeping your friends and enemies?
"I thought you might like another chance," Big O said, interrupting her train of thought.
"What's the price this time?" she asked.
"You've already paid it," he said. "This time, you win or lose solely on your own merits."
She eyed the blonde woman speculatively. "May the best woman win," she said to Big O, but she was smiling. No matter what happened with her and Roger, her life was truly her own now, and no one could take that away. The saying suddenly came back to her. "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." It was sound advice. "Hey, Angel," she said, carefully making her tone light and friendly. "What are you doing for lunch?"
We have come to terms