Too Much Love



Chapter 1

"Do you think Kagome will ever come back? She looked really angry. Shippou, a small fox demon with red hair, blue eyes and a fluffy red tail stated.

"Don't worry Shippou, I'm sure that Inuyasha will go and get Kagome soon." Sango, a beautiful older girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes assured him. Miroku, an older boy with short black hair that was gathered into a pony tail at the nape of his neck walked over to Inuyasha, a boy with long silver hair that reaches his hips and 2 triangular shaped dog ears at the top of his head, had his face planted into the ground.

"Inuyasha, what happened this time? You and Kagome are arguing more then usual. And she seemed extremely upset when she went through the well."

"What!" Inuyasha snapped, "Kagome went back to her era!" He mumbled something that Miroku couldn't hear, but Miroku chose to ignore it.

"Yes, she looked furious. What happened? Why is she so upset?" Miroku questioned.

"Why would I tell you monk?" Inuyasha snapped. He knew that he really got her upset this time 'me and my damn pride.' He mentally kicked himself. 'Kikio just HAD to show up didn't she?' These thoughts shocked Inuyasha. 'What am I thinking? I love Kikio, not Kagome!' But even after assuring himself, Inuyasha knew deep down that he was lying to himself. But he wouldn't let himself believe that he loved Kagome.

"Inuyasha, are you even listening to me?" Miroku snapped Inuyasha out of his troubled thoughts.

"What? You were talking?" Inuyasha said shocked. Miroku sighed and shook his head.

"Yes I was talking. I was asking how you were planning on bringing Kagome back?" Miroku gave an aggravated sight, how he hated repeating himself. "Hopefully this time you won't try to bring her back by force." Miroku sighed again as a blush crept onto Inuyasha's face.

"Of course I wasn't!" Inuyasha barked, "I'm not stupid."

"Could have fooled me," Miroku mumbled.

Inuyasha, who had heard this with the sensitive dog ears on top of his head and glared daggers at Miroku causing Sango to interfere before someone got seriously injured.

"Alright enough! Inuyasha, when are you going to get Kagome?" She asked, 'Kagome looked really mad, I'm not sure if Inuyasha should wait for her to calm down or go right away.' She though.

"Inuyasha go and get her NOW! I miss her already" Shippou whined.

The truth was that Inuyasha missed Kagome also, but he was afraid that she would never want to see him again. He would never be able to live with that. He would die if Kagome weren't by his side.