Hey this is otakunekogirl the girl with frequent artist and writer's block Hope you're enjoying our fic. -Otakunekogirl

This chapter is done by Otakunekogirl you might call it her guest chapter, since I've been writing the past two chapters. This chapter has about five million spelling, grammar, and randomness corrections by me, since Otakunekogirl refuses to believe in commas. -Ona


"It is not a silly cult! IT IS A RELIGIOUS MOVEMENT FORTHE VICTIMS OF HAO!" Jeanne stopped, struck by a drunken idea. "We would gladly receive a donation from you, Ren! We know you're rich, you can't deny it! A small 1 million dollars won't be that big, I mean to you it's just pocket change, yes? So come on help us, can't you see the poor Marco over there?" She pointed at Marco, who had about the same amount of alcohol as her. "Can't you see Hao's effects on him? Can't you see how crazy Hao made him! Don't you give a damn!"

"No, I do not want to have anything to do with your stupid cult, in any way whatsoever!" Ren turned in the other direction, but as he was about to walk off Jeanne overtook him, knowing exactly what to persuade him to donate.

She then sang,

"Christmas is coming and no ones getting fat.

Please put a billion dollars in Marco's hand.

If you haven't got a billion, a million it will do

And if you haven't got a million I'll make Shamashu kiss you"

Jeanne grinned until she was in a deep red color.

Ren was about to blow his top when Hao jumped from behind them.

"HEY WEIRDO! HEY SHARKUHEAD! WAZZAAAAAAAAAAAAP" Hao said with his tongue out, "How's my favorite pair of Bilbo's hobbits!"

Ren had a confused look on his face and turned back to Jeanne.

"No, I will not. I will not give you a single cent. Not even a nut. I think you are crazy." He then turned to Hao "BOTH OF YOU AMPHIBIANS!"

"Amphibiwabumshmabum… What? Hey Lyserg what did he the shark just say?" Jeanne turned to Hao's direction.

"Eh! I'm not gay or green!" Hao protested. Lyserg was nowhere near Hao.

"Eheheheh… Hey Lysy, since when was your hair long and brown? Eheeheehee. It feels nice to pull." Jeanne was tugging on Hao's hair.

Lyserg tapped Jeanne's shoulder.

"Jeanne-sama, I believe that that's the evil bastard who threatens to kill all human beings and not me, your loyal follower," Lyserg said hopping on one foot.

Jeanne spun around "Oh my GOSH! It's Hao! You evil bastard! Don't you dare touch me, you freak! It's time for you to die, Hao!" She quickly summoned her Oversoul.

"ASTA LA VISTA! Saiyonara! Goodbye! Farewell! Adieu! Au Revoir..."

"Just finish Lys… Hic--I meant Hao already! Send him to—hic… Hell! Hic." Hao screamed out, fighting a bad case of hiccups.

"Huh? Why are there 2 Haos? Oh my GOSH, and the other one is pirated and in Christmas colors!" Jeanne giggled. "Heh, that just looks funny…." She smiled in a dizzy way before fainting.

"Okay all you lowly minions, one of you better sing or it's off with your heads!" Anna the evil overlord was sitting on a human chair made out of Horo Horo and Chocolove.

"Well, what are you lowly minions waiting for! Sing, my bitches, sing or it's the CHAIR for you!" Anna demanded

The remaining conscious X laws started singing.

Deck the halls with rows of bombs.

Fra la la la la la la la la

Tis the season to be ready.

Fra la la la la la la la la

Take out all your guns and grenades!

Fra la la la la la la la la

We've got to stock our warehouse up

Fra la la la la la la la la

"I am not amused! Off with your heads! All of you lot! That was the lamest song I've ever heard!" Zenki and Kouki appeared behind the X laws and took them outside.

Screams of girly terror were heard from outside soon after.

"Next—hic-- victim!" Hao hiccupped.

Anna hit him on the head. "Shut up! Where's my eggnog, you freaks! I told you to get me eggnog!."

"I object! No you—hic--didn't!" Hao objected.

"Objection overruled! Now sit before I sentence you to horrible and gruesome torture!"

Meanwhile, Yoh had finally found the love of his life—his headphones.

"Headphones, where have you been all my life! I looked for you in the trash can, but you weren't there, so I looked inside my pants pocket, you weren't there either! Then I looked at Anna's bag and you were there, oh I love you headphones don't ever leave me again!" Yoh was kissing and hugging Opacho who he had mistaken for headphones.

"Waaaaaaaaaa," Opacho cried.

Meanwhile, back in Anna's drunken kingdom…

"Anna here's your eggnog---Whoa!" Tamao tripped over the unconscious Iron Maiden.

All the eggnog spilled on Ren who was sitting beside Pirika. Upon realizing he was covered in eggnog, Ren started yelling.

"MY BEAUTIFUL HAIRDO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, PIRIKA! YOU OF ALL PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW NOT TO MESS WITH MY HAIR!" Ren was giving Pirika a very long discussion why it was not nice to mess with his pointy, genetically inherited hair.

"Order in the court, order in the court!" Anna screamed.

Everyone looked at her and then continued with their noise and merrymaking. This made Anna very pissed.



I had to cut it here, because otakunekogirl's taking longer than forvever to come up with the next chapter. Enjoy the drunken randomness. If Otakunekogirl doesn't do chapter four soon, I'm doing it. - ONA