Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: the Last Airbender.

Hey, I'm not the poetry genius in my family, that'd be my sister, but I'll take a shot at this poetry collection here. This will just be what I write when I get brain freezes, so don't expect an update every day or week or whatever. This one, Reincarnation, is through Aang's POV, and how he's thinking about his friendship with Katara and Sokka. Enjoy.

Written: 11-14-05

Time: 7th period

Words: about 273

POV: Aang, thinking about his friendship with Katara and Sokka

By: o-dragon


Being the Avatar isn't all blue skies and flowers.

There's saving the world from the Fire Nation's wrath,

There's helping people who don't want to listen,

Then there's Katara and Sokka.

As soon as I'm reincarnated again

I'll forget I ever knew them.

I'll never be able to see them again,

Even in the Spirit World.

So what's the point of having friends then?

What's the point of even knowing them?

Here's the point:

They've helped me through thick and thin

They've kept me company and comfort when I need it the most.

I smiled to myself as I thought about this, and looked out at the sea,

So big, so blue, so never ending it sometimes seems.

Sokka can be stupid at times,

But he gives us laughter and funny times,

And he loosens the tension when the time is right.

Then Katara can get angry, and lose her temper,

But she comforts me when I need it most.

She's like an older sister to me,

And maybe even a little more than that…

"Morning Aang," Katara yawned and stretched while slowly getting up.

"Morning Katara," I replied, looking over my shoulder at her.

"Sokka! Wake up, it's morning." She nudged her brother.

He woke up saying sleepily, "Food will EAT US!"

We all laughed, even him when he realized what he'd said, and I turned back to face the ocean.

It doesn't matter where time will take us.

What's more important is right now,

And our friendship.

Taking one day at a time.

We'll worry about that other stuff when the time is right,

But for now,

We'll help each other out through this journey,

Friends 'til the end.

Hope you liked it...Review! hahaha