Disclaimer: InuYasha, Kagome and anyone else you saw in the manga or anime does not belong to me. Yukio does. If I saw so much as a shiny penny for this story, you think I'd be writing fanfiction still? Okay, I would… Damn other authors and their more interesting universes…

Genre: Angst, Romance
Rating: M
Codes: Kag/OC, Inu/Kag
Feedback: Keeps my muse talking and the stories coming! Do tell. But if you have a flame, use it for something more productive, like setting your clothes on fire.

The Boyfriend
Chapter 1

Kagome stalked back to the well, furious beyond words. She couldn't even muster a 'sit, boy' before she left. InuYasha had gone too far this time, throwing all her schoolbooks in the river. She was just thankful that they had been in plastic bags because it was the rainy season and she didn't want them getting ruined. Two of the bags had leaked, having been underwater longest, and she feared she would have to pay the school for the damages. It just figured that both were her language books.

InuYasha had grown tired of her studying and, without warning, had grabbed all of her books in his hands and tossed them as hard as he could. Only the math book she was studying from hadn't been thrown, although she almost flung it at his head as she chased her other books. She had just left, not saying another word. How could he not realize how important an education was to her? Hadn't she told him, over and over, that she needed to study? Didn't he understand how heavy those stupid books were and how she hated carrying them around? Did he care?

No, she decided. He didn't care. And she wasn't going to put up with it. She needed to replace the English book, because there was no way she was going to pass the class if she didn't. The Japanese book wasn't too bad; she could probably just lay it out to dry. She crawled out of the well into her own time; just as angry as when she left. A moment of guilt for not saying anything to her friends passed when she again thought of InuYasha's careless disregard for her life. All that he cared about was Naraku and the sacred jewel. Sure, she cared about finding them, but there were other things that were just as important in her life. Like making sure she would have one after they completed the jewel quest.

Kagome decided she wasn't going back until InuYasha forced her to. First things first, she checked the time as she walked in the front door, taking off he shoes.

"Kagome!" Souta exclaimed as she walked in. He stopped, bouncing his backpack into a better position on his shoulders. "Well, if you're going to school, you better hurry," he said, then slipped his feet into his shoes. Kagome yelped and ran up to her bedroom, tossing everything that wasn't school-related out of her bag and changing into a clean uniform. She ran downstairs as fast as she could, tripping at the bottom and falling flat on her face.

"Kagome!" her mother exclaimed, covering her mouth in surprise. "Be careful! Don't run on the stairs," she admonished, helping her daughter to her feet.

"Sorry, Mama, just got home, gotta run!" With that, Kagome shoved her shoes back on and ran as quickly as she could, dashing past Souta. She had to find out what her grandfather had been telling people this time before class started. She had once made the mistake of barely making it to class on time once and had shrieked in outrage when she heard what her grandpa had said about her last absence (tests for a female problem) and had spent quite a bit of time on her knees in the hall for it. She knew he couldn't come up with much worse, but she still wanted to be prepared. Sometimes, she got the idea that he was punishing her for time traveling. After all, she knew how he felt about her hanging out with a hanyo.

She saw Ayumi and Eri up ahead and hurried over to them. "Hi! Where's Yuka?" she asked.

"Kagome!" they called, waving as she walked up. "Yuka hasn't been to class the past two days," Eri said.

"She has strep throat," Ayumi finished.

"How terrible," Kagome said, frowning.

"Not as bad as being laid up with leukemia again," Ayumi said with a sympathetic smile. Kagome breathed a sigh of relief. Apparently, her last talk with her grandfather about reusing conditions that recurred had penetrated his thick skull.

"I hope she's better soon," Kagome said, dismissing her friend's concerns. She felt terrible that Yuka was really sick, but her friends were more worried about her fake illness. She figured Yuka was probably worried about her, too, even with strep throat.

"Yes, she'll be sorry she missed you," Eri said. "Oh, look, there's that new boy."

"New boy?" Kagome asked, looking to where Eri had pointed.

"Yes, his name is Yukio," Ayumi said.

"You know him by his first name?" Kagome asked, surprised.

"Everyone does," Eri said. "He's very strange. But you'll see. He's in 3-A."

"Our class?" Kagome exclaimed. "But we have finals next week! Why is he even going so late in the year? Class is almost over."

"I don't know," Eri said.

"He transferred from Kyoto. No one's really sure why," Ayumi added.

"How strange," Kagome said. All she could see of him was the back of his head. He had black hair, pulled back into a ponytail and wore the usual school uniform for boys. He didn't have a backpack on, though, which was strange. Then he turned and she caught her breath. She had seen her fair share of beautiful boys, but he surprised her. His bangs fell in his face, the ends dyed blood red. She couldn't see the color of his eyes, but for a moment, she thought they looked gold, like InuYasha's. He looked bored as he glanced around the courtyard, but his eyes widened when he saw her. He smiled lazily and she blushed and looked away, a chill shooting up her spine. 'He looked at me like a cat looks at a mouse,' she thought. She quickly hurried to the morning meeting, trying to forget the boy with the predator eyes.

To be continued…

A/N: Yeah, I tried, once again, to wait until a story was finished to start posting, but I didn't realize this was becoming a chapter fic until it was ready and begging to be divided. Let me know what you think!