Just a little one-shot I came up with! I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I'm thinking about asking Santa Claus for ownership. But knowing the big guy, he won't let me…

Warning: This might make you cry! Unless you hate Kagome, then you'll be joyously happy!


Shy was dying.

As much as Inuyasha wanted to deny it, he knew. The last time he looked into her eyes seemed like forever. His long silver hair covered his golden eyes, not showing the pain he was feeling inside. She was in isolation, so the others wouldn't get as sick as she was. It touched him, she would rather die alone… than get the others sick. Not even Kaede could go in the hut; she laid Kagome's food just inside, but never going in. He couldn't stand it. The only time he realizes that he loved her so deeply… she was leaving him. Dying. Forever.

The little fox kit's normally bright hazel eyes were full of tears and hurt. Shippou was always looking at the ground through his orange hair. He thought of her as a mother, a sister, everything. He loved her like a mother. She took him in, she protected him, and she'd never leave him, would she?

Not again. Please, not AGAIN. Sango was losing her best friend, her soul-sister, like family… again. Kagome helped when she'd lost her brother, and found him possessed. She was always there for her when she needed someone most. She taught her things of the future, of her time, of her home. Sango was in as much isolation as Kagome was. She let her long brown hair flow in the breeze as she watched the sun set. Her brown eyes looking, but not seeing.

Miroku hadn't grouped Sango in ages, he tried to comfort her. After all, she was losing her best friend. He was just as miserable as everyone else was. He didn't love Kagome, but he thought of her as a friend. A friend that if you hit on her, you'd get the crud beat out of you by your other friend. Yeah, that was it. She told him the way to a woman's heart. Even though he hadn't totally won over Sango, it seemed to work. He took her advice and put it to good use. After all, if he hadn't listened to her, he might have a tattoo of Sango's hand on his face. He was going to miss her charming advice, her caring and healing abilities. But what he'd miss the most about her was her method of punishing a certain half demon…

The group sat in silence as they watched the fire. Its flames dancing magnificently in the air. The golden simplicity was breathtaking. Hard to think, a simple bucket of water could destroy something so beautiful. Ironic, no? Inuyasha was fidgeting as he sat, even as much as he tried the hide it, you could see the look of true sorrow. True heartbreak, true suffering, was what he was feeling… deep inside.

Shippou started to whimper, causing some undeniable tension between the friends. A single tear rode down the kitsune's cheek, and Sango cuddled him in her arms… the way Kagome used to; before she fell ill. Miroku noticed Sango's expression of guilt and reached a hand out to her. She accepted the comforting hand on her shoulder, and listened to his words.

"It's okay Sango. Soon she'll feel no more pain…" Those words tugged at Inuyasha's heart. With his acute senses, he heard every word. Every. Single. Solitary. Painful. Word. He pushed back his emotions and stared into the flames, trying to divert his mind. Maybe he'll catch a glimpse of something in the fire… all he saw was her face. Her face filled with death, an empty shell. His eyebrow twitched in annoyance of his own mind. Abruptly, he stood up and walked into the woods with a huff. The others looked up in confusion, and Miroku shook his head.

"This must be hard for him."

Sango looked at Miroku with a curios look. "What do you mean?"

"Remember all the times Kagome's been kidnapped, wounded- emotionally or physically- or in danger or pain whatsoever?"

"Yes. He could help her then… but there's nothing he can do about this. The poor guy… he must be heartbroken."

Miroku felt no need to continue their conversation, Sango knew what he meant, and Shippou had fallen asleep in Sango's embrace. Just like when Kagome held him.


A few hours later Inuyasha stumbles back into camp, his hands balled into fists. He walks over to the hut where Kagome lies. Dying. Alone. He tow, was dying. He was dying inside. Kaede ran over to him, alarmed.

"Don't Inuyasha! If ye go in there, then ye'll get the disease!"

Inuyasha lowered his head, hiding his eyes, and spoke clearly… no emotion whatsoever. "You don't think I know that? I don't care!"

He burst the door of the hut leaving the others dumbfounded and worried. Were they going to lose Inuyasha too?

When he reached Kagome's bedside his jaw dropped open in disbelief. The color in her face was totally drained. Her entire body was pale, and cold with the scent of coming-death. She looked like she was sleeping, but she was just so drained, she could barely open her eyes. When she they did she gasped at the sight of him, but the sudden intake of air caused her to cough. She turned her head away from him and covered her mouth to shield the spray. A dark red color started to ooze out from between her fingers. When she stopped coughing she wiped her hand on her mat and turned over, putting her head on her pillow, and stared at the ceiling. Slowly and painstakingly, she forced out some words. They were so quiet, but so smooth, Inuyasha had to strain to hear the words escaping her grey lips.

"Y-you shouldn't be here…"

Inuyasha's look turned from surprise to remorseful and sympathetic. His voice was quiet and comforting to Kagome's ears. She hadn't heard another voice in ages. "I had to, Kagome. I couldn't take it anymore."

'You have to leave." She spoke with more emotion than before. She tried to sit up and Inuyasha reached down and helped her up, setting her back against the wall. "I don't want you to end up like me…" She smiled at him and tried to let out a small laugh. Although she failed miserably, Inuyasha knew she was only trying to avert his attention from her state of body and mind. It wasn't working. Kagome leaned her head on the wall next to her, being in the corner, and let out a deep sigh. "I know everyone's worried about me."

Inuyasha took his place directly beside her and reached for her hand but flinched when he touched it.

Her hand's are like ice! "Yeah, Shippou hasn't stopped crying…"

I know what you're doing." She spoke almost intimidating, as he turned her hear towards him.


"You came in here to make sure I was still alive, but the truth is… Inuyasha… I'm dying."

"Don't say that Kagome! If you give up then… then… don't!" He pleaded her.

"You can't deny it. I am dying Inuyasha… and I accept it."

"Accept it?"

"Yes. I know I'm dying, and I know I'll be free when I do. I won't feel pain anymore. I'll be truly happy."


Kagome smiled warmly at the hanyou beside her, reassuring him. Inuyasha had never looked into the eyes of someone in her predicament. He'd looked into the eyes of a living woman, strange as it seems, a dead woman, but never had he looked into the eyes of a dying woman. Full with pain, and anxiousness. Her eyes were so full of different emotions, they were the most beautiful than he had ever seen them.

"Inuyasha-" Her soft voice broke through his trance. "I'm not going to make it until morning… Can you ask them… If they want to say anything to me?"

Inuyasha nodded at the request and walked outside, Tears started to welt up in Kagome's eyes.

I'm going to miss you so much, Inuyasha… Will you miss me as much?

Inuyasha returned after a few moments and told her everything.

"Sango wants you to know that she'll miss you… Miroku says he'll miss your advice, and use it when he needs it. Shippou just… started crying and screamed that he was going to miss you so much." It was clear in his voice that he was fighting back his own tears as well.

Kagome looked down at her blanket-covered legs and sighed. When Inuyasha set back down beside her she whispered:

"Is there anything you wanted to tell me? Cause if not now, it'll be too late."

"Kagome, I-" He grabbed her icy hand before continuing, causing Kagome to look into the sorrowful golden depths of his eyes. She felt so sorry for him at that instant, like she knew what he was going to say. "I… I love you. I've always loved you."

Kagome leaned in on his chest into his warm embrace, and mumbled into his haroi: "I love you too. No matter what happens, even if I die... I'll still love you. It's like the expression-" She leaned out slightly, just enough to see into his eyes. "'Our love was touched by wonder, and if God so chooses, I shall love you better after death.'"

Inuyasha leaned in, as her lips pressed against his, he was suddenly so joyously happy. Like nothing was wrong at all. But slowly, he realized the coldness of her lips and the recollections of his surroundings melted around him. When Kagome pulled away his happiness was replaced with deep loneliness. Kagome saw the feeling in his eyes and grazed his cheek with her soft hand. When she drew back her hand she slowly laid down on the mat, Inuyasha looking down at her. She could hear him mumble the words:

"No Kagome… Don't die on me."

She reached out to him, and he grasped her hand in his, not caring how it felt. Inuyasha thought she had never been more beautiful than just before she died. She slowly said the words,

"I'll always be with you."

Her hand suddenly fell limp in his, and her dark eyes closed, never to open again.


Oh, I though it was so cute when I wrote it! Really sad though. I though. Kagome died right in his arms, every girl's dream. I'm quoting a magazine on this one.

I might put in an extra chapter… but if it goes the way I plan, it might end up being a whole story. I thing I'm gonna hold off on this until I finish Bruised Heart. We'll see!


When I'm gone

Just carry on

Common rejoice

Every time you hear the sound of my voice

Cause you know I'm looking down at you smilin'

Common baby don't feel my pain

Just smile back

-Marshal Mathers