Hey. I am so sorry it took me so long to update. My friend is going threw a lot right now and he really needed me and still does. He was so depressed and I finally got him out of it, when the person who made him depressed in the first place came back and made it worse, so now I'm back at step 1. Well I am so sorry it took me so long to update and I will update again as soon as I can.

Thanks to everyone who reviewed.

Chapter 7: What I want

Kagome's Dream

"InuYasha…what?" Kagome said shocked at what she saw before her.

Kagome had spent the night at InuYasha's house. He took her out to dinner and a club only to later go to InuYasha's were they had decided to finalytake their relationship to the next level.

She had woken up to no one in bed with her, so she got into the pj's she had kept at InuYasha's incase she had one of her unexpected yet frequent sleep-over at his house. (The never did anything it was just nice to spend time with each other and they loved waking up in each others arms.)

She walked down the stairs looking for InuYasha and what she saw almost killed her.

There right in front of her was InuYasha and Kikyo, Kagome's now x-best friend, in a full out make out session. After everything that they did the last night he was standing their kissing Kikyo!

InuYasha hearing Kagome's voice immediately broke the kiss realizing what he had done.

"Kagome wait, I didn't mean to, it was just…" InuYasha started but Kagome soon interrupted.

"Just what InuYasha" Kagome yelled "Just a mistake. Well to bad because I'm not buying it. We're done!"

InuYasha stood there in shock as he watched her run out of the door.

"What have I done?" he said as he cradled his head in his hands forgetting all about the girl he was just kissing.

End dream

Kagome awoke around 5:00 in the morning to someone hammering on her apartment door.

It was now Saturday, 2 days since she ran into InuYasha at the park, she hadn't seen or heard from him and she wanted to keep it that way for as long as she could.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." She said as she walked sleepily to the door. "You know people are trying to sleep in here" she said and then opened the door to see a very pissed off hanyou.

"Oh its you, you know you probably woke my kid up with all that racket." Kagome said not to pleased at being woken up at 5 in the morning.

"How could you not tell me?" InuYasha Yelled

"Will you shut up you are going to wake her up and you will not have to deal with her for the rest of the day." Kagome hissed.

After taking a few deep breaths he calmly said, "How could you keep something like this from me?"

"Easy, I just didn't tell you," she said in a 'duh' kind of voice.

InuYasha was about to yell again when he heard a voice come from inside the apartment.

"Mommy" the voice said "I can't sleep I had a bad dream." Kagome had now moved away from the door to her daughter and InuYasha could see the little holding a stuffed dog with one hand and rubbing her eye with the other.

"Come in if you want" Kagome said to InuYasha as she picked up the little girl and walked to the living room.

InuYasha followed then into the living room and sat the chair near the couch the girls were currently in. Kaori was cuddling up against Kagome and soon fell asleep.

InuYasha stared at the girl in Kagome's arms taking in what she looked like. Her black hair with silver and pale blue streaks a little messy from sleep, her pink lips, button nose, her blue eyes that could no longer be seen because she was fast asleep, but the thing that caught his eye was two black triangle shaped dog-ears on top of her head.

"How often does she have nightmares?" He whispered curiously wanting to know everything about his newfound daughter.

"Almost every night" She replied simply not taking her eyes of her sleeping daughter.

"What's her name?" he whispered trying very hard to be quiet.

Kagome looked strait into his eyes before answering "Kaori"

"Kaori" he whispered to himself thinking how much that name seemed to fit. "She's so beautiful."

"Ya she is isn't she" Kagome said smiling and rubbing her daughters ears quickly.

"Why didn't you ever tell me I was a father?"

Kagome looked up at him with anger and some other emotion in her eyes that he couldn't place before whispering harshly "Because you cheated on me, how was I to know that you would never do it again?"

"Don't you think she deserves a father?"

Kagome sat there thinking of what to say next when she remembered what her mother said to her after they got back from the park


"Kagome what's wrong" Kagome's mother said after they put Kaori back to bed.

"We ran into InuYasha at the park today," Kagome said sadly "he knows"

"He was bound to find out sometime," her mother said giving her a hug.

"Oh mom I don't know what to do, now that he knows he is going to want to be a part of her life but I don't think I am ready for that." Kagome said starting to cry again.

"Honey you're a mom now, it stopped being what you wanted the day she was born" Kagome's mom said rubbing her back. "Now all that matters is what is best for Kaori."

Your right mom and she does need a father figure in her life." Kagome sighed, "The only question is, is he the right choice? Is he is going to be there for her? For us?"


"I need to think, this is just all to much for me to handle" Kagome said standing up with her daughter still in her arms.

"I understand" InuYasha said and then started walking to the door before stopping. "I'll be back tomorrow I want an answer by then. Just remember I will be a part of her life, no matter what it takes." and with that her left.

The rest of the day seemed like it lasted forever yet not long enough. She had A LOT to think about.

Kagome had to drag herself out of bed that morning. Oh how she was dreading the decision that she was going to have to make today.

It was 9:00 and Kagome walked into the kitchen to make breakfast when she noticed that there was a message on the answering machine.

Pressing the play button she sat on stool and listened to the very annoying computer voice go "you have one new voice message. Message one."

"Kagome" said an all to familiar voice on the answering machine, "It's InuYasha, and I just called to tell you that I will pick you and Kaori up at 6:00 tonight."

Kagome closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She had to calm her nerves and think about what she was going to do.

It was 5:50 and Kagome was finishing Kaori's bath. Kaori, being a 3-year-old child, decided that it would be fun to dump flower all over the kitchen floor and get it all over herself in the process.

Kagome was washing the soap off Kaori when she heard the doorbell ringing"Who is it?" Kagome yelled from the bathroom hoping that whoever was at the door could hear her.

"It's InuYasha, is everything ok in there?" Kagome heard.

"Ya everything is fine, come on in." Kagome yelled then heard the front door open.

"Where are you?" InuYasha said looking around the apartment.

"Down the hall" Kagome said rinsing the conditioner out of Kaori's hair.

"You're giving her a bath now? Didn't you get my message?" InuYasha said leaning against the doorframe to the bathroom.

"Yes I got your message, what do you think I wanted Kaori to get herself covered in flower?" Kagome said

"Oh so I'm guessing that mess in the kitchen was due to Kaori," said InuYasha watching Kagome rinse Kaori's hair.

"The one and only. Right my little trouble maker." Kagome said tapping Kaori's nose.

"Yep" Kaori said very proudly.

"Well your all done so lets get you dressed and then we are going to go out for dinner." Said Kagome wrapping a towel around her daughter and pulled her out of the bathtub.

After Kaori was finally dressed in dark blue jeans, a dark blue shirt and a light blue vest over it they were finally ready to go.

Dinner was amazing and after the finished d InuYasha decided to take them to the park since it was not to dark out. Kagome and InuYasha were currently sitting on the bench watching Kaori play on the slides in front of them.

"You still owe mw a dare you know" InuYasha said with a smirk on his face.

"What?" Kagome asked confused.

"I never got to ask my dare at Sango's party because you had to leave, why did you have to leave?" InuYasha remembered that night he had over heard Kagome telling Sango that she had to leave due to someone named Kaori 'KAORI!' it all of a sudden clicked into place. "Was something wrong with Kaori!" he asked in a sudden panic, 'why hadn't I realized it before?'

"Yes, but calm down she was sick with the flu but I took her to the doctor and as you can see she's ok now" kagome said surprised at how worried he was acting, 'maybe he really is what's best for Kaori.' She thought to herself.

"Feh, I knew that" InuYasha said trying to revive what was left of his tuff guy act. While turning his attention back to Kaori. "We need to talk" InuYasha finally said looking away from Kaori to look into Kagome's eye's, but was disappointed when she wouldn't look at him.

"I know" was all she said, still staring at Kaori.

"I want to be a part of her life, your life." InuYasha said wanting to get her to look at him, but she continued to stare forward.

"Why, so you can take over part of your fathers business now that you have a heir. What, do you just want to use her like you used me? Don't think that I forgot that your father wants you to have a heir before you can take over your part of the business."

"No… I mean well yes that is part of it…NO that's not why." InuYasha said trying to get her to understand.

"Then what would the reason be?" Kagome asked still refusing to look away from her daughter.

"Exactly what you're looking at now. I want to be a part of her life, I want to be her father, I want to be your…" he started but was interrupted by Kagome.

"InuYasha, It stopped being what you wanted the day she was born whether you knew it or not. Now it's what Kaori wants and what is best for her." Kagome said semi-quoting her mother.

"Don't you think that she wants a father?"

"I KNOW she wants a father," She yelled, then her voice quieted down to a whisper, "I just don't know what to do. I let you into my life before and you cheated on me with my best friend. How am I supposed to know you won't do it again and hurt Kaori in the process?"

"Kagome I wouldn't do that again, I made a mistake but I would never think of hurting our daughter."

That's when Kagome couldn't hold back the tears any longer. She had tried and tried but that last comment was just too much. Her crying quickly caught Kaori's attention. Seeing that her mom was upset Kaori turned to InuYasha and started punching his chest as hard as her little body could. She kept screaming, "What did you do to my mommy. What DID YOU DO!" over and over again.

There, InuYasha was sitting on the bench, his daughter in his arms pounding on his chest, with the mother of his child trying to calm her down.

"Kaori Its ok, look I'm fine" Kagome said finally getting her daughter to calm down.

Kaori flung herself into her mother's arms and cried her heart out, until she finally fell asleep.

"Why don't you guys spend the night over my house. That way Kaori can get some rest and you and I can talk in private." InuYasha offered looking at his watch realizing it was only 7:30.

"Ok that would be nice." Said Kagome standing up with Kaori in her arms.

I am soooooooo sorry it took me so long to update! Like I said my friend is going through A LOT right now. I will update as soon as I can. thanks and i hope you liked chapter 7! oh and just to let you know i am changing the title of this story from Kagome's smile to My little secret. The story isn't exactly turning out how i thought it would so i decided it needed a new title to match.

Chapter 8: My new Daddy.

Please review!