I do not own Code: LYOKO or anything affiliated with it. I also do not own One More Night by Phil Collins

Whoo! You know you love me, I finally got around to doing the last and final chapter to my little series of JA songfics. Hope you enjoy! After a LOT of waiting. Heheh, sorry about that...

One more night, one more night

I've been trying ooh so long to let you know

Let you know how I feel

And if I stumble if I fall, just help me back

So I can make you see

They arrived in front of a very fancy Italian restaurant. Aelita almost felt like laughing. Leave it to Jeremie to choose the most common place that dates go to. She could tell he had been researching, actually researching this date. He led her in, and walked right up to the server on duty.

"Belpois, party of two," he said suavely, linking his arm into Aelita's. The two were led to a table, and were served water out of wine glasses. This wasn't her. This wasn't Jeremie. Aelita thought he'd take her somewhere different, somewhere where they didn't have to act unlike their selves.

Jeremienoticed my discomfort. "Are you all right?"

.:Aelita's POV:.

I nodded. "Fine."

We weren't even dressed correctly. I had on a white miniskirt. Jeremie wasn't even wearing a suit. Everyone around us wore long gowns and tuxedos, they were much older and extravagant.

They waiters served us our food, and we ate, not making any conversation. Jeremie was about to call down a waiter to get us some dessert, when he said:

"You know something, Aelita?"

I looked up at him. "What?"

"This isn't me. Let's go somewhere else."

I smiled. He took my hand, and we left through the emergency exit doors. We had eaten and left. How spontaneous! I didn't even know Jeremie had it in him!

Please give me one more night, give me one more night

One more night cos I can't wait forever

Give me just one more night, oh just one more night

Oh one more night cos I can't wait forever

We ran down the sidewalks, through good parts of the neighborhood, and bad, the waiter trying to keep up with us. We ran towards the factory. We slid down the ropes and into the elevator. By the time we had veered our course, the waiter didn't even know.

We reached the computer room, breathless. We stumbled out of the elevator, and we began to laugh.

"That... was... fun!" I sputtered out.

Jeremie laughed. "Yeah, it was."

We took a moment to calm down. "So what's on the next agenda, Mr. Suave.?"

Jeremie laughed. "Well, I was gonna take you dancing, but I suppose we can't really do that, huh?"

I laughed. "We're fugitives running from the law!"

"But I could dance with you here."

I looked at him. "But there's no music."

He had just finished typing music, and Mambo music blasted through it's speakers. "There is now." He came over to me bowed. He held out his hand. "My I have this dance, milady?"

I tried to make another excuse. "But I don't know how..."

He took my hand and pulled me into him. "I'll teach you."

I tried so hard to keep with him, but it was so hard. Every time I looked down, I would step on his feet.

The song ended, and stepped back. "Sorry Jeremie. I may be able to shut down an evil super computer, but I can't dance."

He smiled at me. "Yes you can." he came over to me and held out his hand. "One more try?"

"I don't want to hurt you..."

I've been sitting here so long

Wasting time, just staring at the phone

And I was wondering should I call you

Then I thought maybe you're not alone

He pulled me close again, he face near my cheek. "Don't look at your feet this time."

I bit my lip and nodded. I didn't look at my feet. We danced to the rhythm of the music, letting it pulse through our bones. Jeremie twirled me and spun me, picked me up and let me fly.

And even after that song ended, and many others had come and gone too, we still danced.

Jeremie picked me up, and when I was set down, he pulled me into a kiss. I seriously thought I'd be the one doing all the directing. Not the other way around. It must be a crime, to make someone go so nervous and weak-kneed not-knowing-what-to-say kind of person in just one look, one touch. One kiss...

I was brought back to earth when Jeremie pulled away. He was panting slightly.

"What next?" I breathed.


We came out of the factory, and headed to the ice-cream shop across the road. I ordered cookies and cream, Jeremie ordered mint chocolate chip.

We sat at the tables and ate our ice-cream.

"You are a great dancer."

"Only because you led me."

'No, you have it in your bones, I haven't danced with many, and you are the only one who could keep the rhythm so beautifully."

"You flirt."

"And some of them had been taking lessons for more than five years."

I smiled. "They should really consider taking up a new hobby."

"Yes, they should."

We finished our ice cream, and walked along the river to the school. "I guess you're taking me home now?"


Please give me one more night, give me just one more night

Oh one more night, cos I can't wait forever

Please give me one more night, ooh just one more night

Oh one more night, cos I can't wait forever

Give me one more night, give me just one more night

Ooh one more night, cos I can't wait forever

I sighed. "This date was lovely."

"I enjoyed it," said Jeremie.

I another blast of spontaneity, I jumped up on the ledge separating the sidewalk and the river. I twirled a bit, enjoying the rush of adrenaline pumping through my body.

"Aelita!" yelled Jeremie. I turned round, and lost my balance.

"Aiyee!" I yelled, grabbing onto Jeremie. He fell in with me.

The cold of the water hit us, and I felt even more alive. I could hear Jeremie laughing form a bit away.

"Aelita, see where you've landed us?"

"Be glad it wasn't into the hard ground!"

He swam over to me, and put his arms around me. "I am glad."

"This date must be the strangest I've ever heard of."

"Makes it all the better," said Jeremie kissing me again.

We swam to the bank of the school. We walked into the corridor sopping wet with huge smiles on our faces. We came into the dining hall, it was where everyone hung out at the end of the day.

From all the look we got, I realized that we must not have been a more stranger sight, all wet. Ulrich and Yumi and Odd and Naomi looked our way and smiled.

They laughed, actually laughed. "Something tells me you guys didn't have dinner and go dancing," said Yumi.

"We did," I said, looking at Jeremie. "Just... a little differently."

Like a river to the sea

I will always be with you

And if you sail away

I will follow you

.:Sissi's POV:.

I couldn't believe it. Now the nerd and that loser were going out! What did Jeremie do to deserve that? I must have done much more good than him! And he gets such a pretty girl! I admit, she's the only person in this school who could rival me.

But I have to admit, also, that they look extremely happy together. They deserve each other. You'd think a nerd like Jeremie might get a girlfriend in college, but not much earlier than that!

They looked different than every body else on after their first date. They weren't awkward or nervous around each other, they looked like they knew each other, knew each other so well, they could bind together to make one person. And that, was very rare, when you could do that after on date, the first one.

Herb came up behind me. "I can't believe Jeremie got such a pretty girl..." he murmured.

I looked at him, and realized that he was jealous of Jeremie. I took his hand, "Herb, it was Jeremie's time. Now it's yours." I kissed him, and actually, it felt better than I thought it would. It felt better than when Ulrich kissed me.

.:Next Week:.

Everyone tried to figure out why Jeremie and Aelita came into school sopping wet, they wanted all the details. But they wouldn't give them. They just smiled, and dubbed the date as "wonderful."

Give me one more night, give me just one more night

Oh one more night, cos I can't wait forever

I know there'll never be a time you'll ever feel the same

And I know it's only words

But if you change your mind you know that I'll be here

And maybe we both can learn

Finally, they stopped asking, and Jeremie and Aelita were left their piece again.

"Hey everyone! Let's eat out at that Italian restaurant!" said Ulrich as they came near. They were all triple dating, they had just seen a movie, and they were all not dressed for it. It didn't seem to phaze the others, but Jeremie and Aelita began laughing.

"That wouldn't be a god idea for Aelita and I," said Jeremie. They were getting a little too close to the restaurant for comfort now.

Jeremie grabbed Aelita's hand and they ran right in front of the restaurant, and then jumped into the river, this time on purpose.

All they needed was that one night, because they couldn't wait forever, and it was all they needed to be set free.

Give me just one more night, give me just one more night

Ooh one more night, cos I can't wait forever

Give me just one more night, give me just one more night

Ooh one more night, cos I can't wait forever

The end.

It's all over now. You like? I don't even know why I put the Herb/Sissy thing in there, but I haven't really seen much of that... If any. Well, thank you for waiting so patiently! And I HAD to keep it with Phil. :)