Disclaimer: I don't own digimon. I also don't own the "off to see the wizard' song from Wizard of oz.
Friendship or Love
Chapter 12: Matt's hike up the mountain
Matt lazily stretched. The sun had just risen and he had just woken up. Matt grinned and thought back to their conversation when they had taken watch a few hours ago.
"How is your band?" Sora said. They had just sat down on the log.
"It's good. You want to come by and watch us?" Matt asked.
"Sure. I'd love to." Sora smiled.
Matt loved Sora's smile. It was innocent yet it was playful. He loved everything about her. From her long cerise locks to her delicate lips.
"You've got a bit of ash right there." Sora reached over and touched Matt's cheek. He couldn't believe how soft her touch was. It made him crave her more.
"And you, have something right there." Matt leaned over and placed a chaste kiss on her lips. Sora had back away. Shocked.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." Matt looked down. Then Sora did something that really surprised Matt. She leaned over and lifted his chin up with her finger.
"No I'm sorry." And then she gently kissed him. Their kiss grew passionate. They hadn't watched over the camp very well.
Matt could still remember how her silky hair had tickled his neck.
"I love you, Matt." Sora said in between kisses.
"I do too."
He sighed. Today was going to be hard. The climb up the mountain was very steep. Matt looked down at Sora's sleeping form. She looked so peaceful. She stirred and suddenly sat up.
"Hey." He greeted. She smiled faintly.
"Good morning." She got out of her sleeping bag and walked over to Matt. Her petite frame approached him. Matt had such the urge to protect her from the world. She was so beautiful. Sora was quite short. Only reaching his neck. Sora stood on her toes and reached up to kiss Matt on the cheek, but at the last minute he turned his head and she ended up kissing his lips. She smiled and pulled away.
"You're so cheeky." Sora said.
"You love it." Matt replied. By now most of the digidestined and digimon had woken up. None of them noticed the two digidestined locked in a sweet kiss.
They all ate a quick breakfast.
"Are you scared?" Matt asked Sora, referring to their quest.
"Nope. I have my gorgeous Blondie to protect me." She said chirpily. He smirked and placed a gentle, loving kiss on the top of her head. She sighed happily.
Matt held his old harmonica to his lips and played a sweet tune that drifted to Tai.
"Stupid Matt." Tai grumbled as he led the digidestined up the steep mountain. "This is so déjà vu." He muttered to Agumon.
"What's déjà vu?" Agumon curiously coked his head as best as he could.
"It means something that happened in the past that is happening again in the present."
"Someone passed you by with a present?" Agumon confusedly asked. Tai laughed.
"Never mind."
Matt watched Sora daintily walk by the tiny plants, careful not to step on them.
"You're such a girl." He teased.
"What else do you think I am?" She pouted.
"My girlfriend." He pulled her close, startling Biyomon who had been walking close to Sora.
"Since when am I your girlfriend?" She teasingly demanded.
"Since now." He gently flicked her forehead. Sora pouted and Matt tried not to laugh.
"When do you guys get together?" Mimi piped up.
"Last night."
"This morning." They answered in unison. Mimi giggled.
"I see." They walked in comfortable silence. Why is it when we're on quests, we're always uphill?" Palmon asked.
"I don't mind." Biyomon chirped. It was a long walk up and they hadn't even reached half way. Gabumon plopped his feet up and down rhythmically.
The tedious walk up the mountain bored Matt. He longed to be at home playing his guitar. Being with Sora made up for it at least.
"What are you thinking about?" Sora asked.
"How lucky I am to be with you." Matt replied cheerfully. Sora raised an eyebrow.
"You're always with me." She joked. Matt rolled his eyes and poked Sora's ribs. She squealed.
"Hey! Stop it." She giggled. Which provoked Matt into tickling her all over.
"You guys are too much." Mimi said. She took out a small mirror and checked her appearance.
"It's too hot." Joe said. He wiped a layer of sweat from his forehead.
"Well think about me." Gomamon said indignantly, pointing at his poor flippers. Joe sighed.
"Hop on." Gomamon gleefully jumped onto Joe's back.
"We're off to see the wizard. The wonderful wizard of Poz." Gomamon sang.
"Poz?" Sora asked.
"It just came to me." Gomamon replied.
"I thought it was Oz." Joe said.
"Well...who cares it's a great song!" Gomamon cried.
The part of the mountain they were at was sandy so every time Gabumon walked, he kicked a bit of sand onto Matt's shoe.
"Hey! Can you stop kicking sand on my shoe?"
"Sure." Gabumon kicked the sand to the side of Matt.
"Are we there yet?" Mimi whined.
"Almost." Izzy said. They trudged up the muddy path.
"Don't you need water to have mud?" Gomamon asked.
"Yeah. Why?"
"Oh nothing." The rest of the walk up the mountain uneventful and Matt was glad when Tai finally yelled, "We're here!"
"Flat ground!" Veemon rushed forward and landed with a big Plop onto the ground. Matt raised an eyebrow at Sora. She giggled.
"Come on let's go and set up camp."
"Only if I can sleep next to you." Matt smirked.
"Pervert." They walked together to the site that Tai proclaimed, clean.
Author's note: Thanks again. The reasons this chapter is a little longer than the others is 1. I love sorato and 2. I might not update for a while, depending on how many assignments I get.