I do not own anything: as in: callipo icecreams, white out, diaries, anne frank, yu-gi-oh, NOTHING! YOU HEAR ME?

Seto Kaiba's Diary.

Dear diary:

It sound a bit weird saying "dear diary" I mean, its not as if this diary is actually going to read itself is it? its not going to randomly open up on this page and say: oh hey look! He wrote this for me!

In fact I am considering rubbing out that "dear diary" part.

Mokuba just told me that the whole point of having a diary is that you don't rub anything out because you write down what you feel.

You know what? He could take over from Tea with all this feeling emotional stuff. I am a CEO and I have no time to waste.

In fact now I feel like throwing out this stupid diary.

I DID throw out the diary. But how am I writing in it I hear you ask "oh wise and wonderful diary" well its plainly because Mokuba saw me throw it away and did those annoying puppy eyes and the "but big brother" thing.

So I am left with this.

AHA! Another brilliant plan is unfolding! I could just NOT WRITE in it! Brilliant!

Once again my CEO mind has conjured up a brilliant plan. HA! Beat that Mokuba!

((Exactly 5 minutes later))

apparently Mokuba had thought about that one too. And now from 7-8 pm every night I must write in this confounded thing.

I shall not give this THING a name! I am not like Anne frank! Who named her diary…. Well I know she named it something. And I am not going to tell you what diary.

Now I feel even stupider than before. I am actually talking to my diary like it is an actual THING! Well it is a thing but not a person thing. Well actually-

Stuff that. I'm going to have a callipo ice cream.

((enter a noncommittal sigh right here))

not only has Mokuba eaten all the ice creams but he has also stolen all the white out.

I know! I'll go down to the store! And I'll get some white out!

I'll be back diary! (though I'm sure you wont know that I'm leaving. Oh heck with that I'll just take you anyway.)


dear diary,

there I go again with that dear diary thing! Well it could be worse.

Reminder to self: cut Mokuba's allowances in half. No wait, cancel them completely.

"big brother! You cant do that!" cried Mokuba.

((yes I am writing down what he says as it has relevance with what I am thinking.))

it seems that I had thought aloud though…. How else would he know that I am cutting his allowances?

Oh right, he's reading over my shoulder….


Actually he isn't reading over my shoulder, HANG ON! He's playing a game! WHAT? I am going to investigate.

And I'm back. My brother was apparently playing a game, in which he was Yugi and he was battling me…… what is up with that? I shall go find the creators and sue them! Sue them for using me without my permission!

Any way, as I was about to explain before this catastrophe aroused, I went down to the store as you know and well what can I say!

Mokuba called up all the convenience stores in domino and told them not to sell me anything! That little brat!

And you know what is worse!

I am actually enjoying writing in this diary.

I am sure I just have a head cold and I should be better in the morn.


so how was it? should I continue? Or not? You decide, you're the reader and reviwer.

