In their eagerness to get back home, the earthlings only stayed long enough to collect Dende and prepare for their voyage home. Subutar collected the coordinates for earth, but wanted to see if he could find any traces of his family before heading there.

The trip back was uneventful and boring, as the trip there had been. When they finally landed, they visited Videl.

"Hey guys, how did everything go?" She asked.

Gohan grinned. "Come on." He said, grabbing her up. With that, Gohan, Dende, Trunks and Shousaku took off into the air.

"Hey can you teach me how to fly?" Videl asked.

"I suppose I could." Gohan said as they headed off towards Kami's Lookout.

Mr. Popo was watering the plants. It was really all he had to do anymore since Kami died.

"Hey Mr. Popo!" Gohan said, waving.

"Gohan, good to see you. Who's this?" Mr. Popo asked.

"This is Dende. He wants to be the new guardian of earth." Popo smiled, hearing the best news he'd heard in years.

"I don't see anything in him that would make him unworthy of the job." Popo said. With that, everyone hurried inside. The Lookout remained mostly untouched. It was in an out of the way location, apart from most civilization, and for the most part the androids had no reason ever to go near it.

"So those are dragon balls?" Videl asked, staring in wonder at the seven orbs. They pulsated with power, glowing periodically.

"Yup." Gohan said. "How many wishes can they make?"

"These? Two." Dende said. "They can bring any number of people back from the dead, any number of times, but only within one year." Gohan nodded. "But that should be more than enough to bring back the people who've died within the past year."

Gohan nodded. "Let's do it."

The world lit up with unimaginable power, and Bulma broke down crying. Shenron, the eternal dragon, floated high above them in the sky. Gohan laughed in sheer joy and hugged Bulma. Trunks, Shousaku and Videl had never seen the dragon before, and while happy, could not imagine the sheer joy that Gohan and Bulma felt. This was the true sign that everything was going to be okay.

"What is your wish?" Shenron asked.

"Shenron, restore to life everyone who was killed either by the androids or as a result of their destruction." Gohan said.

"It is a simple matter, what is your next wish?"

"Return to their original state all buildings and plant life that were destroyed by the androids, or were destroyed as a result of their rampages." Gohan said.

"It is done." Said the ancient dragon. And with that, Shenron vanished and the balls were scattered.

"Glad to see things are finally turning around." Said Gohan. "Hey Videl, when did you say you lost your family?" He asked. Her eyes lit up with hope for the first time in a long time. Then they returned back to their city.

"DAD!" Cried Videl, seeing her father among the crowd of newly living. The man turned and blinked, before he smiled wide and ran towards his daughter. They embraced, surprised and happy to see each other.

"What happened?" Asked Hercule. "I…I was dead." He said, shaking his head. Videl smiled and hugged him again.

"Everything's going to be fine now." Videl said. Gohan and Bulma couldn't help but agree.

Two Years Later (A/N: For those who have read it, I will be reverting to the naming conventions of my previous story, Gohan's Journey to the Past, in order to avoid confusion)

"Is everything ready for the trip?" Bulma asked. "This new one is a lot bigger than the old one, but don't pack too much."

"I know Bulma." Gohan said. "It's going to be great to see them again." He said, bouncing a small girl on his knee.

"Subutar is going to stay behind with his family and watch the place while we're gone." Bulma said.

"Wait, you're coming too?" Gohan asked.

"Let's see, you, Videl, little Pan, Trunks, and myself." She said with a smile. "Sounds about right to me."

"Sounds good." Gohan said. They all loaded up into the new time machine, and it rose into the air. Shousaku smiled as he watched it vanish.

Vegeta sat on the couch, flipping through channels. His latest training session had just ended. He growled and kept flipping. Absolutely nothing was ever on television. Mindless drivel followed by more mindless drivel. Vegeta contemplated throwing the remote through the television, but that made things more annoying than they had to be. Then he looked outside.

"Bulma, you might want to get out here!" He roared. Soon everyone was gathered at Capsule Corp. for a spontaneous reunion.

"Dad?" Gohan said as Goku and company landed. He put Chichi down, and she grimaced at him in frustration.

"I still don't see why you can't get a license, Goku." She said. "Oh hi, Ichidou, good to see you." She said with a smile, before heading inside.

"Oh, hey Ichidou, long time no see! How did things go?"

"Fine, fine." Gohan said. "Weren't you dead?"

"Well I was dead, then, but some guy showed up and I had to come back to save the world again. You know how it goes." Gohan chuckled.

"Hey Ichidou." Another voice said.

"Hey Gohan." Ichidou said with a grin. "You've grown up." The two men now met eye to eye.

"Yeah." Gohan said, scratching his head. "I'd like you to meet my wife, Videl, and our daughter, Pan."

Ichidou grinned. "That's exactly what happened to me. Meet my wife Videl, and our daughter, Pan." Everyone laughed.

"How's everything?" Gohan asked.

"Fine, but we're a little short in terms of warriors. There's me, Trunks, an alien we met named Subutar, and Shousaku…I mean Android 16."

Gohan nodded. "I'm sure you'll be fine."

The celebration lasted through the night, and to the surprise of everyone, nobody had a hard time dealing with the fact that there were now two Trunks, two Bulmas, two Gohans, two Videls, and two Pans.

Goku talked about the experience with Buu, and Ichidou explained the deal with Kinoko and Chitai. However, eventually they decided to make their way back home.

As Gohan exited the time machine, he saw Subutar standing in the doorway.

"Did the reunion go well?" Gohan nodded. "We have an interesting situation."

"What's that?" Gohan asked.

"Come inside." Subutar said. Gohan shrugged and followed. Once they got inside, Gohan saw three young men and a young woman sitting at a table. Gohan looked to Subutar, who merely shrugged.

"Hey, did you beat the androids?" One of them said.


"We're all pretty good fighters, but those androids were somethin' else. I was wondering if you could maybe teach us how to fight?" Gohan chuckled and shook his head. Apparently, it was time for a new generation to rise up.

A/N: Well there it is, sorry for the hiatus. I didn't mean for things to go down the way they did, but I'm glad I finally finished it. Thank you to everyone who waited for updates, and thank you to everyone who read it for the first time.