Disclaimer: I do NOT, repeat, do NOT own the Thunderbirds. But I can pretend, can't I?

Alan Tracy walked sulkily to the waiting bus outside Wharton Academy. Don't get him wrong, Alan loved his family, but there was something about having your dad and four older brothers chaperoning a field trip that was just wrong. No matter how wrong it was though, that's what was happening.

On a spur- of- the- moment decision (or temporary fit of insanity, as Alan thought) Jeff Tracy had decided that since Thunderbird 5 was still undergoing repairs and Lady Penelope and Parker were at the island, he should leave them in charge of International Rescue and for the first time since he created the organization, he would have a nice outing with his five sons. So, here he was, walking a path of utter humiliation to the bus with said father and older brothers that would take Alan and his athletics class to the great outdoors for a three day camping/hiking trip.

"Hey Tracy! Isn't that your family?" A boy ran up to Alan as they made their way to the bus where his family was standing. Alan blushed crimson; to avoid the teasing he knew he would get, he had conveniently forgotten to tell his classmates who their adult chaperones were to be.

"Yeah, that's them all right." Alan noted with a sense of dread that Gordon and Virgil were grinning and waving at him madly. He groaned inwardly. I'm never going to hear the end of this!

His classmates filed onto the bus as Jeff ticked off their names on the clipboard he held. Despite being a normally rowdy and out-of-control bunch, the kids maintained some level of control around Jeff Tracy, the billionaire ex-astronaut who also happened to have been in the military. They weren't sure quite what to expect of him and the four men that seemed just as imposing standing next to him.

"Hey squirt! You better get ready for some of dad's 'survival training' this weekend. He's been going on about this 'perfect opportunity to share his knowledge of deep woods survival with the next generation' since he volunteered for this trip." Gordon clasped Alan on the back as he smiled with the evilest grin Alan had ever seen, before following him onto the bus. Being one of the last to arrive, Alan had the pleasure of sitting at the front of the bus with his family.

"Hey, where's Benny?" the boy that had noticed Alan's family, Bret, asked the bus driver.

"Sick today, m'fraid. I'll be driving for ya's this trip." The middle aged man smiled kindly at them before closing the doors and starting up the engine. Taking his seat with Bret he watched as Gordon, Virgil, and John sat in the seat in front of him, while Scott and his dad took the one adjacent to theirs.

Three days with his family, who wouldn't hesitate in the slightest to tell his friends embarrassing stories, or to just plain embarrass him by being there. Alan sighed and sat back in the leather seat of the bus, leaning his head against the cool glass of the window. He could see dark storm clouds in the distance, promising rain.

"Sit tight fellas, we got about a three hour drive ahead of us!" The bus driver looked in his rearview mirror at his passengers quickly before pulling out of the parking lot and onto the road.

Oh joy. Alan thought as he sighed and closed his eyes, hoping he could get some sleep before the long hike they had when they arrived. It was early in the morning, and Alan really wasn't a morning person. Letting the gentle murmur of his classmates behind him and the rush of the bus on the pavement lull him to sleep, Alan began to drift off.


John turned around in his seat to look at his baby brother. He was probably the one that John spent the least amount of time with, as he was constantly up on Thunderbird 5. He smiled when he noticed that Alan had his eyes closed, head lolling against the window. It would be nice for the whole family to spend some time together, even if it was with twenty other kids from Alan's class. The best thing about this little trip though, was the fact that his dad was happy. It was rare that he had all of his sons together, and for the next three days he didn't have to worry about them risking their lives in a rescue.

"John." He felt Gordon poke him in his side as he turned to look at the second youngest Tracy. Gordon gestured with his head to Alan, sleeping just behind them.

"What?" John asked. He watched with amusement as Gordon slowly started to move up so that he was hanging off the back of their seat, trying to get within reaching distance of Alan. By now he had attracted Virgil's attention, who watched with the same amusement as John did.

"Gordon, what are you doing?" Scott too had apparently noticed Gordon's odd choice of seating, which in turn called their father's attention.

Shushing his brothers, Gordon stuck his finger in his mouth and quickly shoved it in Alan's ear.

"GORDON!" Alan yelled when he was awoken by something cold and wet being forced into his ear. He smacked Gordon upside the head, which was still within reach due to the fact that he was laughing too hard to pull himself back down onto his seat.

Next to Alan, Bret began to laugh. Turning, Alan glared at his supposed friend, which, oddly, only made him laugh harder.

"It must be nice to have brothers." Bret said once he had calmed down a little. He was an only child and watched with envy as Alan playfully fought with his four siblings.

Alan smiled at him, breaking off refereeing the arm wrestling between Virgil and John.

"It is, it really is."

Jeff smiled at his sons' antics. He was used to them by now, and knew that he only had to intervene when there was a danger of serious bodily harm. It was nice to have them together again, especially to have John home. Yes, he thought, a nice, quiet, family vacation. Of a sort.


Mikal checked his rearview mirror once again, grinning at the sight of the many teenagers sitting obliviously behind him. He turned the bus onto a semi-concealed road and continued down it, every once in a while glancing at the soon-to-be recruits that had so willingly gotten onto a bus that would take them to their new home.

"Mikal here, respond please." He spoke into the radio, checking to make sure the adults that had accompanied the teenagers on this trip weren't listening in.

"Base here, go ahead Mikal. What's your position?" The voice crackled over the radio waves.

"Just turned onto X11, we'll be there shortly. Get ready to greet our guests." Mikal said with a feral grin. A busload of new recruits, not bad for a day's work. He checked his watch. 15 minutes to game time, and then all the gloves would be off.


Jeff Tracy looked out the window with a frown. They were heading towards what appeared to be a large complex of some kind. Definitely not where they were supposed to be going. Glancing quickly at his eldest he noticed him surveying their surroundings as well. This couldn't be good.

"Hey, where are we? Think you took a wrong turn!" Scott called up to the bus driver. Mikal smiled at him in the mirror. Before anyone could react, the bus had pulled to a stop and Jeff was looking down the barrel of a nice, shiny pistol, courtesy of the bus driver, Mikal.

"What the hell?" Gordon made as if to jump out of his seat, but was stopped by the sudden appearance of several more men walking onto the bus, all dressed in head-to-toe black with military issue combat boots.

"Boys and Girls, take a seat, sit back, relax, and nobody gets hurt." Mikal said with a cheery smile, gun still trained on Jeff. The men that had boarded the bus each trained a gun on Scott, Virgil, John and Gordon. While they kept the adults occupied, Scott watched as more men boarded, each carrying what appeared to be a hypodermic in their hands, filled with a blood-red solution. Scott lost sight of them as they moved to the back of the bus.

Moments later, John and his brothers watched anxiously as the men returned to the front of the bus, each carrying an unconscious child and an empty needle. They worked methodically; four would board, inject a child each, and carry them off the bus while five more made sure the adults did nothing.

"Listen, what the hell do you think you're doing? These are just kids!" Scott cried angrily as he watched yet another child be carried off the bus.

"They're our new recruits. Now, I suggest you sit tight and shut up, or someone's not gonna live to see training day." Mikal sneered at him.

Utterly confused, Scott still caught the threat. Sitting back slightly in his seat he turned to look at his brothers. They looked just as pissed as he did, and just as helpless. Turning a little more Scott noticed that the bus had practically been emptied; All that remained where Alan, Bret, the two across from them and the four behind them.

Four more men came and left with four more children. Jeff's jaw clenched when the next round of men came on the bus, heading for Alan and Bret. He nearly lost it when he saw Alan glare at the man angrily, yet not move away from the needle as it was inserted in his neck and emptied. Alan knew his family would pay if he fought.

Scott watched on helplessly as Alan fought to keep his eyes open, before surrendering to the darkness within moments. His youngest brother was carried off with the last group of kids and the five men that remained motioned for the rest of the Tracy's to stand up.

"Head off the bus now, nice and slowly. Don't worry about the kiddies; you'll get front row seats to their training. How does it feel to know that you'll witness the birth of the next generation of soldiers?" Mikal said with a sadistic laugh as he shoved them off the bus and through the open gate to the complex.

No one said a word as they were led across an open area and into a large building. Through the blank walled hallways and into a plain, large square room with floor to ceiling windows in one wall that faced out onto the training grounds they had walked past, only one thing kept running through each of the five men's minds.

Alan. Oh God, they took Alan.

A/N: I know this chapter might be a little confusing, hopefully not too bad, anyways, things will start to make sense reeeaaaally quick, but if no one's interested in this chapter, there's really no point in me uploading the next one soooo REVIEW. :D I'm done now…click the purple button, you know you want to…