Warning: This story contains spoilers. If you don't want the movie to be spoiled, then don't read. Watch Advent Children, it's an awesome movie!

Author's note: Back again with yet another story. I've given this one much thought and the ideas have overloaded so depending on the response I get, it will turn into a multi chapter story, otherwise it'll remain as a one-shot. Like always, it would be awesome to hear what you thought at the end.

Abstract Silver


Sheer anger, strong and consuming, ripped through him. The world that surrounded him became nothing but a blur. His mind concentrated but only on one thing. His mother. Their reunion. Everything was irrelevant and he wanted nothing of it.

Sunlight poured over his leather clad body, causing strands of silver hair to glow almost mystically. His eyes on the other hand, were dark, despite their color, and drowned in hatred. Cat-like slits consumed in jade were narrowed at the distant fighter which stood before him. He wanted to kill this man, the man who was preventing him from reuniting with his mother, the one that promised such blissful things in the end. He had to eliminate this bother. His brother.

They stood several feet from another, the space only keeping them apart for now. Pieces of dirt from the abandoned building slipped from underneath his boots, crumbling down into the remains of other buildings, such as this one. He maintained his balance, determined to end the life of Cloud Strife with a merciless death. That determination pressed him forwards, hounded at him to hurry and be through with it. He put up no fight.

From his place, facing the opposing force, Cloud readied himself for what was about to ensue. He gripped the handle of his five piece sword, getting a real feel for the thing. A small breeze, barely noticeable, rustled his blond spikes, chilling him. His mind was set and he felt no regrets about doing this. The people of Midgar needed some state of peace and the children needed anything but being subjected to violence. The younger man was going down.

Kadaj glared at Cloud through narrowed eyes that were covered mostly by his silvery locks. His body pulsed; his muscles balled up. He applied pressure to his feet and used that to jump up, high above Cloud. Souba was clutched firmly in his available hand, the one not grasping tightly onto the black container that his beloved mother was kept inside.

Wind pushing his hair back, away from his face, Kadaj raised the double bladed sword above his head. The blades glistened dangerously in bright rays of sunlight and showered Cloud's eyes with a blinding reflection that was created out of it. Kadaj then brought his slender body downwards, Souba pointed to the blond man.

Cloud reached flawlessly back to grab an attachment of his five piece sword, so quick that his movements could not be determined by the naked human eye. He was fully prepared for Kadaj's attack, placing the attachment onto his sword within a split second. Spinning it enough times to gather power, Cloud watched as Kadaj neared. If a weapon such as his that posed close to no threat to him would cause his death, then the master of it was dearly mistaken. He narrowed his eyes as well, more out of concentration than hatred, and he took his first swing at Kadaj.

Pain crippled him when Souba clashed against Cloud's sword. It burned him, sending the silver haired youth flying backwards. The tails of his leather coat, ends that were not strapped to his legs with silver buckles, flapped loudly as he helplessly fell. Nothing mattered to him, except the welfare of his mother. She would not be harmed in his fall; what kind of reunion was a funeral?

He saw the edge of the ruined building near, and acting upon his last resort, lest his choose an unlikely death, grabbed tightly onto the thick slab of concrete that stuck out of the building. It took little effort to hang on with one hand alone, he was gifted with unique powers after all. The grasp on the box however, was stronger than the one on the building.

Something shifted, quick and nearly soundless. Kadaj let an unwanted, but muffled gasp escape through his pale lips when he looked up with his jade eyes and set them upon Cloud. He felt at loss. The choice between life and death almost too complicated to bear. But he had mother with him and everything was going to be okay. They would have their reunion.

Cloud's sword was lowered. Kadaj stared at the sharp point, glancing up at the blond who showed no signs of taking it away. His mind raced with obscure ideas, too much for him to care about. This was a tight situation indeed and no solution could be brought forth. That left him with one option.

Kadaj tossed the black container with its yellow 'seal' tape wrapped around the sides, into the air. It was meant as a distraction and a further step into completing their reunion. Cloud ignored it and watched as Kadaj placed both his hands on top of the ledge he was standing on and shot forwards. Reflexes working sufficiently, Cloud quickly grabbed a hold of Kadaj's leather clad one and pulled him back.

The reunion would not be happening any time soon. Cloud cared not of how badly the younger man wanted to reunite with his mother, but no good could possibly come from it. There was a chance, a long shot, at changing Kadaj's mind for the better. He was going to try starting now.

Jenova's neck, surrounded by a green liquid, plummeted towards the ground miles below. It was better this way. No more pain, lies or treachery, as awful as they were, could be born from the devilish creature. Jenova. Nothing but flattened flesh and a hell of a mess to clean up. She was nothing more.

His body slammed roughly into the building, shedding more dirt and cement flakes that clung to his leather outfit. He helplessly and painfully watched, agony taking over any emotions he had obtained, as his beloved mother slipped from her entrapment and out into the outside world. Kadaj's cat-like eyes widened drastically as she became nothing more than a small dot, forever moving away from him. Their reunion had been canceled.

Cloud held on tightly while the younger man squirmed uselessly in his grasp. He wasn't going to let go, no matter how many times Kadaj begged. The blond tossed his sword to the side, now forgotten, and pulled on Kadaj, hoisting him up.

His nails, even hidden by the leather gloves, dug into the palms of his hands. Cloud paid no attention, set on bringing Kadaj further away from Jenova. He had no doubts that the crazy youth would jump after her just as long as he got that reunion, thus tightening his grip. Protests were blurted violently out of Kadaj's mouth while he thrashed back and forth. Strong as he may be, Cloud easily lifted him and the silver haired boy soon found himself laying on the concrete slab that Cloud had been standing on while his sword was threateningly pointed towards him.

"Why?" Kadaj used his arm, the one which a materia had been embedded in, to lift his heaving body up. Panting heavily from everything that occurred, he met Cloud's mako induced eyes.

"Jenova is nothing but a monster."

Kadaj took a swing at the blond, forgetting that Souba now lay somewhere quite possibly near his mother. He fell flat on his face, just in front of Cloud's boots. He let out something that resembled a growl and shot out his arms, towards the blond's legs.

"Mother is-"

"Gone," Cloud cut him off, voice in a tone of boredom. He grabbed a hold of Kadaj's arm and lifted him. He really saw no need to fight anymore.

A silence, one that could not be compared with anything else, grew massively between them. Kadaj seemed to grow angry about everything and began to fidget, eyes glowing darkly again. Cloud saw his reasons as good ones, but feared that the unbound rebel might do something unaccounted for. With no choice left, Cloud wrapped his hand around Kadaj's wrist, circling it entirely, and pulled on him lightly.

Jumping equally as high as Kadaj had been moments ago, Cloud took off with the silver haired youth held tightly in his grasp. For as long as he could watch over the rebel, Cloud needed to keep in under control and in sight. However, somethings needed to be done without him being around and Cloud knew what response he would get for keeping Kadaj alive.

Life was indeed complicated.