Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Hellsingcharaters by Kohta Hirano.


Integra's 38th Birthday (Alternate Story)

Integra was sitting in the backseat of her car as Mouse drove. The windows were half way down as she enjoyed one of her cigars. The night was a peaceful one, not to hot and not to cold. But the clouds overhead threatened rain. And though the crescent moon seemed to be smiling; she didn't feel that way al all.

Today was her 38th birthday. People were supposed to spend their birthdays with friends and family. Integra sighted heavily as she exhaled; smoke from her cigar left her lips making a smoky white snake that hung in the air. However, she, Integral Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, had no friends, only enemies; and no family. Even Walter was dead now…correction, undead.

Integra looked to the front seat where she saw a teenager, with short black hair and red eyes sitting in the spot that should have been Walter's. In fact, it had been Walter's spot for so long, that she never imaged anyone else ever sitting there. The girl's name was Kalle, but she preferred being called Mouse. When asked why, she explained that it was a nickname that her mother had given her. Mouse's mother had been human, a war maiden of Norse descent. But her father was not. Her father was Alucard. Integra found it strange that he was her father. Integra had never known him to love anyone. And yet, he had sired a child. Integra wondered if it was consensual or forced. She had never known Alucard to do anything out of compassion for someone else, but he had given her Mouse. The day he brought Mouse to Integra, he introduced her to her new daytime guardian.

"She is a dhampire. She will protect you and see to everything you need."

And as that Walter was now a vampire, he could not longer protect her during the day. And so it was that Mouse took over Walter's position. As a butler, her service was to be commended; but she was not Walter and Integra missed that "father figure". God, how Integra missed him. Walter was more to her than just a butler. He was a protector, a confidant, and a mentor. He became her surrogate father after her real father died and he was her teacher. It was with his help and guidance that she had learned to do this job so well. He had seen to her training, kept her schedules straight, and fed her good and healthy food. It was he who would listen to her kindly and patiently when she ranted, complained, cried, and crowed about the events in her life. He was everything to her. It tore her heart in two when she thought about what Millennium had done to him. She should have shot him. She should have put him out of his misery and put his soul to rest. But she couldn't…she just couldn't.

The new Walter, Dark Walter, as they had started calling him, was silent and brooding. He would sit for hours on end without moving a muscle or saying a word. In fact, if he spoke two words to you, he was being talkative. Walter had been moved to the basement, with her other vampires. Now she had four. Now Walter was a part of their family and not hers. And that thought made her very sad. Integra forced back the tears and cleared her throat to swallow the lump forming in it. She had already shed her tears for Walter, more than she had ever shed for anyone else; and she would not start again.

"Master." called Mouse, from the front seat. "We're here."

Integra exhaled again as she looked out of the window. There in all its radiant glory for the festive evening stood Buckingham Palace. Integra groaned as she remembered why she was here.

The day had been a dark and cloudy day, the day Integra went to see the Queen. She already knew why she had been summoned. All that was left was to endure the barrage of insults that her so-called peers threw at her every time she visited the Queen's Court. Integra stood before a semi-circled table. In the center, sat the Queen; on either side of the Queen, sat the members of the Cabinet. Lord Island, Lord Kent, Lord Wallace, and Lord Scarlett were the most vocal of their opinions of her. The others merely sat in attendance and enjoyed the fact that they held a position that she did not.

"Has anyone ever considered the fact that she may be barren?" asked Lord Island. "It would be a shame and a waste of time, to force the poor young girl into marriage and she still be unable to produce an heir."

Integra just looked at Lord Island. I don't believe he just said that. Was that his sick and twisted way of trying to help her out? Integra's face may have been placid, but her insides were raging. They had questioned her abilities before. Could she handle the job? Could she shoulder the responsibility? Could she kill if she had too? But this…this was new. This was uncalled for. If looks could kill, Lord Island would have been pummeled with daggers. Integra smiled wickedly at that thought. However, her attention returned when the Queen spoke.

"Lord Island, your "concern" for her situation is "admirable". started the Queen.

Integra noticed that the Queen chose her words, diplomatically. Personally, Integra was inclined to tell the old fart to go and fuck himself. However, she just sighed heavily, and let the Queen continue.

"However, I assure you that the physician, who gave her the physical, has deemed her to be quiet healthy and quiet capable of bearing children. The only issue that remains is finding her a suitable husband. One that will not only give her an heir, but be mentally and physically strong enough to run her Organization, while she is on maternity leave." finished The Queen.

"Mentally?" questioned Lord Kent.

"Yes, Lord Kent. Believe me you need to have your wits about you to live there." clarified The Queen.

"Your Majesty, I assure you the caliber of men that we have chosen this year will be more than able to handle anything in her Organization. Even her pet vampire." stated Lord Hipwood.

Integra growled. No one calls Alucard a pet, no one but her. No one else had a right to call him that, but her. I will not allow anyone near him.

"We've had to find a new batch of men. As that Sir Hellsing drove three of the last set mad. I can say happily however, that Sir Travis Wayne will be released from the asylum tomorrow. On the other hand, his stint in the asylum has made him ineligible this year. However, I can also say without a doubt that the men chosen this year are of the highest caliber. Leaders not only in their respected communities, but in their respective fields as well." said Lord Hipwood.

"That's what you said three years ago." thought Integra. "And I didn't drive them mad, if only they hadn't pissed Alucard off."

Integra remembered her 35th Birthday, though she had tried often to forget it. She was now free from prison, but not yet restored to public grace. The Queen had insisted that her birthday be held at Hellsing Manor, so that the potential candidates could see exactly what they were getting themselves into. Integra had told Alucard to behave. She had told him to stay out of sight. He had obeyed her and yet, somehow, he still managed to scare each and every one of them from ever coming near her again. Lord Stanley still cringed and ran every time, he saw her. The Queen had learned the error of her ways, and that's why this year Integra's birthday was being held here at Buckingham Palace tomorrow night.

"Sir Hellsing." called The Queen, snapping Integra out of her thoughts.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"You have had four years to think about this. Have you chosen a candidate of your own?"

Integra wanted to ask her how the hell she thought she had the time for dating. First, she was attacked by the Valentine Brothers. Then, there was Zorin, who had completely destroyed what was left of her Head Quarters. After that came the war with not only Millennium, but the Vatican as well, with that crazy Bastard Maxwell killing everyone else that Millennium had missed. And what did she get for all her troubles? A trial for treason and two years imprisonment. Who the hell would she have gone out with? There were a lot of things Integra wanted to say, but all she said was…

"No, your Majesty. I have not." answered Integra.

"Sir Hellsing, we apologize for having to do this to you." began the Queen.

"Then don't." begged Integra, to herself.

"However, you will soon be 40 years old. You will choose a husband from the candidates presented to you at your birthday tomorrow night. We will allow a six month courtship and then the two of you will be married on the 13th of November." stated The Queen.

Integra clenched her fists. She was about to lose her freedom forever.

"As you wish, Your majesty." said Integra, steady and strong.

She was determined not to let them see her cry. They would never see how she truly felt. How much she hated them. How much she wanted to run away and let them die at the hands of their own creations. Oh, yes. She knew. Someone on the Round Table had betrayed England the last time. She was also pretty damn sure one of them was doing it this time.

"We are truly sorry Sir Hellsing, but time waits for no man. It did not wait for your father." reminded the Queen.

Integra was clenching her fists so hard now that her knuckles were white and her hands were beginning to bleed. She remembered her father had been taken, by illness, from her too soon. She was only 13, still a child.

"And it will not wait for you." declared the Queen.

Death and betrayal had ripped her from her life, torn it to shreds, and handed back the tattered pieces. Here's you life now kid, good luck. BOOM, BOOM, BOOM. The royal staff struck the floor three times making it official. Integra listened to the loud thunderous sound it made as it hit the marble floor each time. Each time it struck the floor, if felt like a stake being driven straight into her heart. Integra just stood there as they all filed out, congratulating themselves on how smoothly things were running according to their plans. Their plans, my life.

Integra's face was still placid. She had learned long ago to keep the wall between them strong and sturdy. All anyone ever saw on the outside was a strong, confidant and independent woman. However, on the inside, she was lost, and very much alone in the darkness. Integra waited until everyone was gone. Then she sat down and sighed very heavily. Up until now, it had always been assumed she get married when she was ready. Up until now, she had successful put them off, but not anymore. This time she was out of time. This time, it was an Official … Presidential …Order.

Integra put out her almost finished cigar and squared her shoulders, as Mouse opened the door for her.

"Just another battle to be faced and fought." she thought. "Only this time, I have to choose a victor."