True Feelings

A/N: OK, so yeah it's been quite a while since I updated this fiction, so I am going to have to work on this one huh? I have been on hiatus because I'm getting ready for school again, and well, I really didn't have a lot of time to update; but I digress, here is a new chapter.

Disclaimer: No, once again I do not own them, Rumiko Takahashi does.

Kikyo was pacing her room thinking of ways to have Inuyasha become hers. 'Why can't he see that I am better than that bitch Kagome? Inuyasha, you will be mine, that is a guarantee.' Kikyo smiled deviously as she started furiously writing down ideas.

Kagome and Inuyasha were walking home from school enjoying the scenery around them, in silence. That was all they needed from each other right now. Inuyasha was the first to break the silence.

"Kagome?…umm…" Inuyasha hesitated as he tried to find the right words to say. He looked over at the beauty walking beside him. He found it hard not to be her friend. She was sweet, caring, kind and she liked him for who he was. Inuyasha was having inner-emotion struggles with himself when he noticed they had stopped walking.

Kagome looked over at the pondering hanyou. She giggled when she saw how hard he was thinking about something.

"Are you okay Inuyasha?" Kagome said as she giggled.

'God how he loved her laugh, her smile, everything about her' Inuyasha said to himself as a blush crept up to his face. He quickly diverted his head so she wouldn't see it, but it was too late, he was caught.

"Y…Yes… everything is f…fine" Inuyasha managed to stammer out as he looked at the angel he met only a few months ago.

"Are you sure?" Kagome asked as she reached her hand out and put it on Inuyasha's arm. He didn't flinch or move at all, he just stared at the wonderful woman standing now in front of him.

"Kagome, there is something that I need to tell you and I don't know how you are going to react to it, but please, hear me out before you say anything ok?" Inuyasha said with a shaky voice. Kagome nodded and he was hesitant before he started explaining this ever growing feeling he had within himself to this wonderful woman in front of him.

'How do I tell her? Man, this is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Okay Inuyasha, just relax and tell her. Yeah, easier said than done right?' Inuyasha was arguing with himself again and Kagome could see it.

'Is he okay? I wonder what he's going to tell me. I can't seem to get this boy out of my head, and the fact that we hang out almost everyday, doesn't help, well, not that I am complaining or anything. Kagome giggled and Inuyasha saw this and cocked his head to the side.

Kagome going wide eyed realized that she laughed out loud, she quickly put a hand over her mouth and turned her head away with a blush growing more and more on her face.

'Why can't I stop thinking about him? Why is it, whenever I try and focus on schoolwork, my mind drifts over to that boy with a gorgeous body and those adorable ears?' Kagome, realizing what she was thinking about went wide-eyed again.

"Alright look Kagome, what I say to you, it will be between us for now okay?" Kagome nodded and told him to continue.

"K…Kagome, I really really like you, and I love having you as my friend, but I can't ignore the butterflies in my stomach whenever I see you anymore. Every time I see you, I can't help but get weak in the knees, my breath catches in my throat. I think I am starting to fall in love with you Kagome." Inuyasha said with a monstrous blush on his face, but he didn't turn away this time. He looked Kagome dead on in the eyes waiting for a reaction.

Kagome registered what he was saying to her, went wide-eyed (yes again haha), smiled a wonderfully large smile and threw her arms around Inuyasha's neck. That was the only answer he needed. He didn't need a response right away, just holding her there was enough for him. They stayed that way for a while, until Kagome broke the contact, which Inuyasha did not like at all.

"We should probably get home shouldn't we?" Kagome stated with a rather large blush on her face.

"Yeah…let's go home" Inuyasha smiled to her and grabbed her hand in his. Kagome held his hand back with no hesitation. It felt right to her.

Kagome and Inuyasha walked back hand in hand towards their houses with the setting sun as their light.

A/N: Okay, so I know this is a little little little update, but I wanted to put it in so you guys know that I am still alive. Anyway, please read and review…thanks a bunch!!!

