Disclaimer: How many of you here watch Inu-Yasha? Please say all of you, 'cause other this will be confusing. Now that we've got that cleared up, how many of you remember those funny credit things? You know, the things that "Give Credit" to the people who actually helped with the creation of Inu-Yasha? And it tell you based off the manga by Rumiko Takahashi (Turns out the YGO creator actually has the same last name)? Believe it or not, I'm not in the credits. Because I didn't create Inu-Yasha, and even more shockingly, don't own it. If I did, Sesshomaru would be in it so much more, because clearly he's the best character…

"It's amazing how thick headed they were," Tensaiga said.

"It was painful to watch," Tetsaiga agreed.

"But the important thing to keep in mind is that they got over it."

"Look how long that took! And toward the end I was seriously worried for them."

"Let's not talk about it," Tensaiga shuddered. "I don't like to think about it…"


What you have to understand, it that this all took place a long, long time ago. I was really much younger back then, and so were they…not that by human standards they were actually young then, but still. This was like three hundred years ago.

And now that they're both reaching the end of their life, they've asked that I write down their story for them, since I'm the only one still alive from back then; well, except those damn ex-swords. But they refused to do it.

I admit, even though they're going to be dictating it to me, I don't really want to. I mean, inside both of their heads back then…what a mess…what a horrible place to be…I'm shuddering just thinking about it.

But they're my friends, and I have a will of Jell-O, so I have to go over to their castle and sit down for god knows how long and listen to them explain things from their points of view.

Now, since you, I assume, will be reading what I write, you have to understand that it will be muddled at places. I don't even think they understood some of the things that happened (I know I didn't) and some of what I'm going to put down is just what we all hypothesized back then. And they are going to take turns telling the story, so watch for those change of point of view from chapter to chapter.

And most importantly, it is not for the faint of heart.

Why am I doing this again?

Damn Inuyasha and Sesshomaru…

Oh, I'm Shippo by the way. See you there.

So, this is the prologue to Nothing Emphasized. Yes, it was Shippo narrating. Don't worry though if you don't like Shippo, we won't hear him narrating again. Unless he does the epilogue, but that is not something we need worry about now. Next chapter will have Inuyasha narrating. I might even post it up today if I work up the motivation. I've still got like an hour and half…huh. If not, it'll be up either tomorrow of next Wednesday. And I'd like to thank everyone who reviewed chapter 2 of Emphasis on Almost. And anyone who feels even slightly inclined to think the word review is HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to do so! Remo

Uzamaki Liliana: Hey, thanks, I like being on author alerts…makes me feel important…so this is the prologue…be patient, the story will start…but I love prologues to stories…is a fault. Don't give up on me yet!

Blahsblah2001: I love Sesshomaru –drools- what he's thinking, what he's saying…when he's just standing there…coughs anyway….oh, by the way, incest isn't rape. It's not like rape unless that how the author writes it (shudders). Incest is simply a relationship (generally leaning toward the sexual side) between two people who are related by blood.

Hikari-Aoi-blushes slightly- sorry 'bout that. But I kinda wanted to have it so people wanted to read this story enough to get them passed the prologue…

InuSessyYaoiGirlThanks! –grins- well, if Sessy was smart about romance too, poor Inu wouldn't stand a chance..omg, I HATE KIKYO. I can stand Kagome, but YAY KIKYO IS DEAD DEAD DEAD! Muahahahahahahha! coughs but I hope you didn't mind reading the prologue…next chapter: Inuyasha kills Kagome…not really…but still, he does run away from her. So it's a start…

Thanks for all your reviews! Sorry this is so short, but its posted, so we should all look on the bright side…