Blah blah blah, technicalities and crap.

Fujishima Kosuke owns AMG and its characters. I own Xerangref and Daisen, Kruss, Kyuss and Shantar (previous statements about using all of them stand).

A/N: 2nd part fiction continuing off Happiness' End. I really seriously am not 100 percent sure on how to continue on, but I have a couple of ideas.

Destiny's Beginning


Keiichi sat up with a start. The last thing he could remember was trying to comfort Belldandy and keep strong for her sake, but he knew it wasn't working.

As he looked around, Keiichi discovered that he seemed to be floating. After a spell of fright and trying to find a floor, he gave up. The area he seemed to be contained in was glowing a soft white. It reminded him of the proverbial 'light at the end of the tunnel' scenario.

Keiichi looked around again, but still found no possible way out.

"Where am I?"

Keiichi looked around in shock as a voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

"A fair question, my son."

After seeing no one with him, he seemed to frown, "Where are you? Who are you?"

"All will be revealed in time. In the meantime, I wish to describe your current situation to you."


"Yes, situation. As you are well aware of by now…you have passed."

Keiichi sighed and nodded.

"Under normal circumstances, you would have been judged and placed in one of two areas based on your personality and life." Keiichi nodded again. "However, that will not take place."

"Huh? Why not? Am I already in trouble?"

"No, son, you aren't in any trouble at all…in fact, this was all pre-ordained. Pre-destined. It's your destiny."

Keiichi had a blank look on his face. The voice seemed to chuckle slightly.

"It would be best to explain the main reason why you are here then." A slight pause followed before the voice spoke again, "You see, even in the heavens, there are still prophecies and pre-determined situations that allow us to prepare for certain events and people."

Keiichi nodded. At least he knew where he was now. Being given a name to his surroundings didn't really comfort him though.

"And now that you are here, one of the most heralded prophecies may come to pass as truth."

"May? Why may?"

"It is your decision. We cannot force this upon you." Keiichi nodded again. "But as for the prophecy itself… it was written that:

'Should man ever have the overabounding love and companionship of the gods, he will rise to join them in the heavens. Slain by demon sources, the man will face his choice of destiny. Should he choose to follow his destiny, he will transcend to become the God of Eternity. His coming will signal the downfall of the demons and shift in power to the heavens. His power will be great and well known; using the power of love and friendship passed to him from his heavenly friends. All of this will make the God of Destiny.'

So, my son…you have a choice."

"What will happen if I refuse? And why hasn't that prophecy been fulfilled in the past? I thought other mortals had been in love with goddesses."

"It is true that those instances have happened, but none of the level that has been displayed by you. You have the love of three goddesses, and the affection of many more. This, I believe, is what the prophecy speaks of."

Keiichi seemed a bit surprised when the voice had mentioned three goddesses, but it settled to him that those goddesses must've been the three sisters. His thoughts were soon interrupted as the voice continued.

"As for what will happen…you will pass on into the heavens, but not as one of us. You will be placed to rest in desirable surroundings for eternity. You will also be forbidden to have outside access with anyone other than those that are with you. Do you understand your choices?"

Keiichi nodded, "If that's the way it'll be…I'll do it."

If at all possible, it seemed as though the room smiled at him. "Very well, prepare yourself."

Keiichi was about to ask why when a pillar of light appeared around him. At first, the light was warm and gentle as it surrounded Keiichi. He seemed to relax as it moved about him. Suddenly, he felt small prickling pains run throughout his arms. Soon, the sensation moved up into his chest and neck as well. Then to his midsection. Then to his legs. Soon, Keiichi could feel small shooting and poking pains coursing throughout his body.

A sudden burning heat and freezing cold sensation washed over next. It was after that point that Keiichi passed out from the stress on his body. And he was lucky he did, or the true pain of coming to power would've made him suffer deeply.


Keiichi awoke in what looked like an office area. He noticed that he was sitting in a rather large and comfortable chair before turning to look around at everything.

Even though he had never seen the place before, a nagging voice kept telling him he was in a specific and important place.

Kami-sama's office.

Keiichi barely had time to react before a voice behind him made him jump.

"Are you ready?"

Keiichi turned to look at a figure that was obscured by his robes and the dull white light surrounding him. Keiichi couldn't even move, as he was scared out of his wits at what was happening.

"Do you require assistance?"

All Keiichi could do was nod mutely.

Suddenly, his body was out of his control. He started to panic, but realized he could still see and experience what was going on around him.

"Yes, that is correct. You still have full use of all faculties open to you aside from your body. That is all I shall control."

The man disappeared outside a set of doors. Soon, Keiichi could hear his commanding and regal voice echoing throughout the area outside of the doors. After a few minutes of explanation and description of prophecies, Keiichi could feel his body begin to fade.

When he regained his bearings and vision, Keiichi noticed he was in a large hall surrounded by hundreds, maybe thousands of gods and goddesses.

Keiichi stepped forward a few times, not of his own accord, and stopped before everyone. The hooded cloak he was wearing obscured his face to those around him. He reached up and moved the hood off of his head and looked around the audience gathered before him.

Several people seemed extremely shocked, and some amazed. But they didn't matter. He continued looking for the only one who did.

Soon, his eyes found a familiar figure. Daisen. He looked around Daisen's position and could see everyone whom he had shared residence with at the temple. Including her.

He swore he saw her lips move in a question that looked like his name.

He simply smiled and tried to nod slightly, "Belldandy."

A/N: And thus, it begins.