Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters included in this fan fiction.

Author's Notes: This fic is rated R because of violence, language, attempted suicide, and abuse.

Summary: Inuyasha is a young teenage boy who is abused by his father. He doesn't know what to do until a new girl comes to school. Can she help him and open his heart? Inu/Kag R for abuse

Genre: Romance/Drama

Rating: R for violence, language, attempted suicide, and abuse


Author: Emilee1

Chapter 1: Life Hurts

It was a dark, gloomy autumn day. A chilling wind was blowing through the dull colored leaves. Dark clouds covered the sky like a sheet. A few claps of thunder were heard, but there was no rain falling.

Inuyasha, a fifteen year old boy, was walking slowly down one of the city streets. He was occupying himself by kicking a rock. Finally he kicked it at a trash can, making a loud thud when it hit.

He was a tall boy, about 5'8". His hair was black and it flowed down to the middle of his back. His eyes were dark brown. He was wearing blue jeans, a black belt, and a plain white T-shirt, nothing too fancy.

As he was walking home, he turned down an alleyway which seemed to be a shortcut. Then, it began to rain. Damnit… It was pouring down. Inuyasha ran as fast as he could through the streets. Finally, he came to an old, beat up looking house. The outside was a dark brown. The porch was caving in, and most of the windows were broken.

He ran inside and shook the water out of his hair. He walked into the living room, and he stopped abruptly. There was a man sitting in the chair. His demeanor was very angry, but at the same time unattentive. He stood up and had to catch himself on the chair.

"You've been drinking again haven't you?" Inuyasha asked taking a step backward with every step the man took towards him.

"So, a drink every now and then doesn't hurt," he said jokingly.

Inuyasha gulped and tripped on a loose board in the floor. He shuffled his feet trying to move backwards.

"Where have you been anyway? I am your father I have a right to know!" He took the beer bottle and broke it on the table. He walked closer and closer to Inuyasha, bottle in hand ready to strike him with it.

"P-please, I s-tayed after school studying," he stuttered finally getting to his feet. "Please stay back!"

His dad smirked and pulled his arm back. Lightning was striking and thunder was rolling outside. No one would be able to hear him cry for help.

"This is what you get for being late!" he swung the bottle across his face. Inuyasha cried out in agony. A gash was made and blood began to spill from his left cheek.

His father started to swing again, this time across his arms. He yelled out again and fell onto the floor. Holding onto his arms he cried, "Please stop! I won't be late again!"

"I don't think you have learned your lesson yet," he replied smirking. Inuyasha closed his eyes and barred his teeth.

His father lifted his arm back and stabbed Inuyasha in his arm. He screamed in pain while the rain began to pour harder.

"Now you have learned not to be late again. Go and clean yourself up."

Inuyasha lifted himself off the floor and began to walk to the bathroom.

"Oh, Inuyasha!" he called.

He turned around; his eyes were filled with hatred. "What?"

"If you tell anyone, I will… kill you," his father replied holding the glass bottle up to his eye level.

Inuyasha just turned back around and walked to the bathroom. He took several wash rags and ran cool water over his cuts. One of his eyes twitched from the stinging. Then he reached into the medicine cabinet and took out the bottle of alcohol.

He gulped at the sight of it. It hurts like hell, but it helps for the cuts to clear up. He opened it and poured the liquid onto his cuts. Barring his teeth, he grabbed the cool wash rag and put it on his arms. He then took another rag, and put it on his face.

Once he was finished, he walked into a small, dark bedroom. He sat down on the bed and put his hands over his face. Why can't this just go away?