Another Day, Another Monster

Chapter One

Lost In The Open Sea

"Hey, Ginny, can you pass me another sandwich?" Gallows asked trying to catch up to his leader, obviously hungry for the fourth time in a row. "Man, this darn horse it too slow!" He tightened the reins and clicked his heels together. "Com'on you lazy horse, get a move on!" He yelled desperately.

"Sure, Gallows, hold on a sec." Virginia sighed searching through her napsack. "Turkey, or ham?" She asked looking back at Gallows, who was still having technical difficulties with his horse.

"Um...surprise me!" Gallows called back, still trying to catch up. When the time came, Virginia slowed down for a moment to give Gallows his fourth sandwich "Thanks Ginny." Gallows said smiling, and unwrapped the sandwich, and sunk his teeth into the soft white bread, and chewing on the fresh grounded meat with some of Catherine's (Clive's wife) special goat cheese.

"Your welcome." Virginia smiled, "as I will tell you again sometime later. Clive chuckled and turned to Gallows who was nearly done with his sandwich and was staring back at him, his mouth full and his expression confused.

It had been months later since they had defeated Beatrice and her wave of sorcery. But it had taken them longer to decide if they were going to stay as a team, and not seperate. Because of the silver headed Punk's stubborness, they had decided to split up. Luckily, it was only a fraction of a second they made that decision. With the help of Gallow's grandmother Halle, and his brother Shane, convinced Jet to stay with the team. NOt to mention the job they had taken the next minute which had a high price if they suceeded with the mission. This was probably why Jet stayed. A whole good team, and a whole lot of money.

"Jet, you haven't eaten anything since we left Humphrey's Peak."Virginia told Jet who was in the back, sulking as usual. A hint of worry spread across Virginia's face. "Are you okay? Do you feel sick? Did you wanna stop and rest or something?" She asked him. Jet looked at Virginia, his eyes a glare, and shook his head.

"I'm fine." Jet snapped and turned his head away."Besides, I don't like turkey or ham." This of course, was a lie, but it was helping him get through this horid conversation of why Jet Enduro wasn't eating. Why the heck should I eat anything in the first place? He thought angrily to himself. It's not like an andriod has to eat to feel better!

"Oh Jet!" Virginia cried. "You should have told me!" I would've asked Catherine to make something you would've liked!" She shook her head and looked at him with those certain blue ocean eyes. "Jet Enduro, you never tell us anything! Why is that?" This made Clive, and Gallows stare at him as well. Jet could only sigh.

"God, you people just have to get on my nerves every single freakin' second!" Jet called out angrily. "And I have the right not to tell you anything on my mind! Why? A certain rule of privacy comes to mind! So just leave me alone!" Virginia looked taken aback, Clive was shocked, and Gallows glared.

"Geez punk." Gallows scoffed at him. "You don't have to get mad just because we're trying to care about you. Wait, I don't care about you, so it doesn't affect me." Gallows continued to eat his last bit of sandwich.

"Thank you Gallows for that wonderful piece of courage you have shown greatly on us." Clive sighed rolling his green eyes back and forth. His eyes travelled to Jet's amethyst eyes. "Jet, what Gallows was 'attempting' to say, and probably didn't say it right, was that Virginia was just being worried that's all. There was no need to get angry."

Gallows starting laughing. "Haha! Yeah, Jet must be on his manhood period or something!" Gallows howled at his own joke and nearly fell off his horse in doing so.

"How dare you say that to Jet Gallows!" Virginia said looking very disppointed as Gallows tried to calm down. "You don't have to make fun of someone who is different from others." Jet tried to hide it, but his face was as red as a tomato.

What the heck is a "manhood period", and do andriods even get those? Clearing his throat, he transfixed his gaze on Gallows, who was still snickering behind his breath. "Gallows, you don't have to cover up my secrets from your own. And if you share it with us we'll understand." Jet said sneering at a dumbfounded Gallows.

"What the-" He paused for a moment and looked at Jet for the longest time as he continued to ponder on what Jet had said. "Understand? I don't have any secrets that would make you guys-OH MY GOD! JET YOU'RE ONE MESSED UP GUY!" Gallows shouted throwing the wrapper at Jet which he easily dodged.

"Gallows, we'll understand." Jet mocked. "It's okay if you have 'different' feelings than regular people!" This made Gallows blush hard.

"Arghhhh! You punk! I am surely not what you think I am!"

Virginia and Clive just watched them bicker back and forth, laughing uncontrollably. "Did Jet call Gallows what I think he just called him?" Virginia giggled.

Clive joined her laughter. "Apparently so."

"I guess our trip to Aunt Shalle and Uncle Telsa will take longer." Virginia said smiling towards Clive. He couldn't help but nod in agreement.

"Dang you punk!" Gallows cried throwing sand at Jet. "I am not!"

Jet was becoming amused with his anger and was dying to keep this very great insult going. "Are too."












"I AM NOT YOU SON OF A-" He was cut off by a series of gunshots.

Looking up ahead, the Maxwell team saw a pack of riders closing in on them.

"Are they dangerous?" Virginia asked ready to pull out her pistols.

"I don't know." Clive admitted. "But we should be cautious." He suddenly pulled out his Gungnir HAG35.

Gallows and Jet finally realized that some people were coming towards them. They forgot all about their amusing arguement and pulled out their arms. "Who are they?" Gallows managed to say.

"We don't know." Virginia answered, but they don't look friendly."

Jet averted his eyes to the main person in the middle. It appeared to be a man, and he to had his arms out. Clutching his Airget-Lamh B/V2 he rode up by Virginia. Not knowing why he was doing this, he just thought he was getting in his battle order form. But he realized that he was supposed to be by Gallows. Shaking his head, he turned to Virginia, who had her natural determined look, holding her Rapier Ex, and Banrorain 93R. Feeling his heart growing warm, he looked away, for the sake of his heart's coldness. But he couldn't help himself. He blue eyes captured his hollow violet eyes, and her lips full and perfect, and her face of beauty looked as if angels carved her facial shape.

"Here they come!" Clive yelled which took Jet outta his gaze on Virginia. Getting ready for their battle, they waited for the leader to confront them.

But as they neared their pinpointed enemies, they finally saw the looks on their faces.

"RUN! RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! THE TWISTER IS COMING!" The leader hauled to a stop and looked at Virginia in terror.

"What's wrong?" Virginia asked quickly.

"No time! No time!" He cried. Two ladies and three men came up by him and nodded their heads in agreement.

"Please tell us." Virginia pleaded.

"The twister! It's coming! Run!" One of the ladies shouted.

"Hmph," Jet scoffed. "I don't see anything. This caused all of them to glare daggers at him.

"What the heck is the twister?" Virginia asked ignoring Jet's remark.

"A foul creature that swallows up a whole land everything in it!" The man cried.

The whole team gasped. "When did this happen?" Clive asked adjusting his glasses.

"I don't know!" The man answered. "But run!" Without warning, they all heard a gigantic roar.

"Goodbye!" The man cried and galloped away into the far desert. As Virginia and Jet looked closely, they saw what appeared to be a huge worm coming right at them!

"I think that's our q to get the HECK OUTTA HERE!" Gallows yelled over its roars. They all nodded and followed the desert south, with the worm right on their tail.

Suddenly, Virginia felt sand rushing into her face. "A sand storm!" She heard Clive cry out. Virginia couldn't see anything. The sand particals were getting all over her and her team.

"Here it comes!"Jet yelled and starting shooting at it. Gallows got his Coyote M1 7F and started to shoot at it. As well as Clive. Suddenly, Jet heard water rippling, but he couldn't see anything but the worm in the back of him. The worm let out a roar of pain, and started to swipe some kind of goo at them.

"I can't see anything!" Virginia screamed and covered her burning eyes. "JET!"

Hearing his name, he turned to Virginia who was riding along side him, and she was screaming in pain. In worry Jet rode as close as he could by her and reached around her waist and lifted her off the horse. When Virginia felt she was being lifted off her horse, she clung to whoever the person was and didn't let go. Jet clung to her tightly, which made his face go red. But he didn't care. All he wanted to know was that Virginia was safe. When Virginia was sucessfully on Jet's horse, he relaxed a bit.

Clive and Gallows continued to shoot at it, but it appeared too strong. "It's too big!" Clive finally yelled. "We cannot fight it!"

"That's not a problem." Jet said.

"What does that mean?" Gallows said keeping his horse by Jet's.

"Because that's more a problem." Jet said pointing to a cliff.

"Holy Crap!" Gallows shrieked. "Clive!" They were near the cliff...

"Hang on." Jet said clinging to Virginia.


They fell off the cliff, hearing Virginia's screams the whole time.

A/N- Lol, if you're trying to predict what's gonna happen next, you'll not know what hit you. This is going to be soooo silly! Haha. hope u like. leave comments please!