Okay, here I am with the 12th and final chapter, the epilogue. I'm still not sure if this will lead to a sequel or not, but oh well… I hope you like it!


The Birdie Man


Komali collapsed o his bed, shining gold medal around his neck. He smiled; he had finally managed to come in first place in the Bird Man Races. His dad had been right there among the crowd, cheering the loudest as Komali flew across the finish line.

He looked beside him, noticing that there was a letter on his pillow. Komali sat up, and opened the letter. It was from Arill.

Dear Komali,

Hi! This is Arill! How are things over at Dragon Roost? It's pretty boring here, ever since you left nothing ever seems to happen! Link tells me that I should stop saying that, but it's true! The most exciting thing that ever happens here is when Mido gets stuck in a tree (Ivan's teaching him to climb trees)!

Quill tells me that you entered yourself in a race! Did you win? Quill thinks that you're not going to win, he says that your wings are too small, and he thinks that he could beat you in a race, but I don't think so! I hope you came in first!

Well, everyone misses you lots! When do you think you'll be able to come and visit? I know that you're probably really busy, with becoming chieftain and all, but maybe your dad will let you come over for awhile!

Well, Grandma's calling me, I have to go!

I miss you lots!


PS- Tell Valoo that I say hi!

Komali reread the letter 4 times. He really missed Arill… But his busy schedule kept him from having any free time to visit. He looked over at the picture on his shelf, the one that Lenzo had given him as a present. It was a picture of him and Arill, one he had taken during Link's birthday party. He'd had his arm around Arill, who was giving a peace sign to the camera. Komali smiled, remembering the small gift Arill had given him just before he had left Windfall.

Touching his cheek, he longed to see her again…

"Komali! The feast is about to begin!" The Chieftain's voice rang through his room.

"Coming dad!" Komali folded up the letter, then ran out to go join the other Rito's in the feast honoring the winners of the race.

On his way out, he knocked a piece of paper off his shelf. It landed on the ground and fell open.

It was Komali's essay he had written over two years ago.

I am a Rito. I have a beak, and wings and I can fly! I used to live on Dragon Roost Island, but my dad me come to Windfall for school. I am the only person living on Windfall who can fly, so I guess that makes me unique. I don't mind, because I'm proud to be a Rito!

Most people don't know much about us, and to some people, we're nothing more then a myth, like the Hero of Legend! Because not many people understand our way of living, they criticize us. They make fun of our beaks, insult our tribe, and I even had a few people throwing rocks at me! The only reason people did that was because I was different.

I guess that when I first came to Windfall, I wasn't very happy with who I was, because I felt so out of place, but now I'm prouder then ever to be a Rito! People have finally accepted us, they see past the beaks and feathers, and see that we have feelings and thoughts of our own! I guess it just took a little effort, but now I can feel proud of who I am.

I'm going to miss this place when I leave, once you get past the insults, the people who live here are really nice! I promise that I'll come back one day to visit!

Those words would always ring true.

As Komali sat beside his father at the table, he knew that he would one day return to Windfall, no matter how much effort it took.

But for now, it was time to celebrate.
