"Get away from her!" Raimundo said fiercely.

"Raimundo?" Asked Kimiko, "What's going on?"

"Raimundo," Began Yuuji.

"Shut up and get away from her," said Raimundo.

"Raimundo … is this about us?" Asked Kimiko, totally confused.

"He's a spy," Said Raimundo.

There was a moment's silence.

"You're crazy," said Yuuji.

"Crazy …" Laughed Raimundo, "Then why was this on you desk?"

Yuuji looked at the envelope in Raimundo's hand.

"Well, I get a lot of mail …" Began Yuuji, completely clueless as to what was going on.

"Except this was something you were sending to the surface!" shouted Raimundo, "To Chase Young, to be precise!"

Kimiko walked past Yuuji and took the envelope. As she looked at the contents, her left eye widened as her eyebrows rose.

"Kim! I've never seen that envelope before!" Said Yuuji.

"You're a liar!" shouted Raimundo, "It was on your desk!"

"I can't keep track of what's on my desk!" Said Yuuji, "hold on! What the hell were you doing in my office?"

"That's not the point! Don't change the subject!" Said Raimundo.

"Yuuji …" Began Kimiko.

"You can't seriously believe him!" Said Yuuji.

"Of course she does!" Said Raimundo.

"No she doesn't," Said Yuuji, "You're just trying to get rid of me."

"No I'm not!" Said Raimundo.

"Oh please, it's pathetic!" said Yuuji, "You slept together once!"

"You told him?" Said Raimundo.

"He already knew!" Said Kimiko.

"That's not the point!" Said Raimundo.

"I'm not a spy!" Shouted Yuuji.

"Then why are you being so defensive?" Asked Raimundo.

"Because you're accusing me of being a spy when I'm not one!" Said Yuuji.

"Yes you are!" Said Raimundo, "You've been making calls to him, passing on information! You were going to send him this! Everything he would need to get through to us!"

"I'm not a spy!" Said Yuuji.

"You are a spy!" Said Raimundo.

"Yuuji's a spy?" Asked Omi, walking in.

"I'm not a spy!" Said Yuuji.

"Liar!" shouted Raimundo.

"I'm not lying!" Said Yuuji, "Kimiko!"

"Don't you even talk to her!" Said Raimundo.

"Why not?" Asked Yuuji.

"Because you're a spy!" Said Raimundo.

"I'm not a spy!" Said Yuuji.

"Yes you are!" Said Raimundo, "You are the spy!"

"No he's not," Said a voice from the doorway.

They looked around; Tammy was standing in the doorway, she was looking at the floor, her red hair covering her face, a shadow cast across her eyes.

"Tam?" Asked Raimundo, "What do you mean?"

"I mean he's not the spy," said Tammy.

"Then who is?" Asked Raimundo.

Tammy looked up and smiled.


There was silence.

"Oh crap." Said Raimundo.

As Clay began walking up the steps towards the door of Kimiko's house, the door burst open and Tammy came flying out.

"Hey Tam …" He began, but she pushed past him.

As she ran up the street, Raimundo, Kimiko, Yuuji and Omi came running out.

"Stop her!" Shouted Kimiko.

Clay didn't need telling twice and ran along behind them.

"Tammy! Stop!" Shouted Raimundo.

They chased after her until the headquarters, where she jumped into the first cart and it shot off towards the surface.

"We'll never catch her!" Shouted Yuuji.

"Yes we will!" Said Raimundo, "WUDAI STAR WIND!"

A blast of air lifted them and they flew up towards the cart. The cart reached the surface first and Tammy was already running up the steps to the surface. As they landed Raimundo ran, full speed with the others behind him.

By the time they made it to the surface, Tammy was nowhere to be seen, but before them stood an entire army. Chase Young's army …

"Oh shit!"

END BOOK ONE: TO BE CONTINUED …(Look below for sneak preveiw!)
(A/N) I've decided to split this up into a number of fics because I can't fit it all into one. Sorry this chapter isn't very long, but I just had to stop it there for maximum effect and to make the ultimate cliffhanger.

Look out for book two. Tell me what you think.

Lots of luv, Becky.


"Ritsuko!" Said Kimiko, "Get everyone back inside!"

"No," Said the girl, "We're going to fight for once!"

"Ritsuko Toriyama!" snapped Kimiko, "Get everyone back into their houses now!"

"You're going to need more than just you five!" Said Ritsuko.

"We've got more," said Yuuji, nodding at the sky.