Simple things…
Simple things make me wonder…
Each time I pass you by, do you wave back? No you don't…
When I'm smiling to you, laughing with you, trying to make you feel like you belong, do you react? No, you don't…
And when I ask you why you always act so cold, do you bless me with an answer? No, still not… still nothing more than a shrug.
Aren't we supposed to be friends, aren't you supposed to care, aren't you supposed to just… I don't know… acknowledge me?
Of course not, you're an Aburame, you just don't do this kind of things… you're just not supposed to care.
Hinata says we can't change you… is she right?
Of course not…
I may be stupid, but I'm not blind and I see the way you always look out for us, the way you keep looking over you shoulder to check on us while we're on a mission. The way you sometimes smile that secretive smile of yours, securely hidden behind your coat. No matter how hard you try, how well you've been trained, you can't hide those kinds of things from me. I can see it in the set of your jaw, hear it in the catch of your breath, in the sighs you let out… I can smell it.
You smell like rain and tears, Shino. You smell like loneliness and hidden pains.
I may be the arrogant bastard everyone portrays me as, but I care deeply about you. Maybe a too little bit too much for my own good, but still…
You can't hide from me…
Love is a simple thing, Shino… the only simple thing that can make us the overly complicated fools we are…