The Living Hell

The Living Hell

Chapter 8

A/N: Yay here's chapter 8! Sorry it took so long… it's been done for awhile, just been busy and I uploaded my first gravitation music video to youtube! I also purchased a Kumagoro online a week ago and got it a few days ago… he's so loveable and cute! The link for the music video will be at the end of the chapter, so read on then check out my video!

"I kissed a boy"

"Hey are you going to eat that?"

Shuichi lost his train of thought and looked into Hiro's eyes. A moment of silence passed.


Shuichi shook his head and smiled, "Yes Hiro I didn't order it for nothing." And took a big bite.

"You just don't seem like your relaxing and having a good time like you should be." Hiro said, trying to his friend to talk about it. "Well you see Hiro…" Shuichi began, "I'm just confused… after everything that happened I just don't know." Shuichi hung his head low.

"Well what you are confused about?"

Shuichi looked up at his friend, "EVERYTHING!"

Hiro smiled, "I figured you would say that but really think about it… what are you mostly confused about?"

Shuichi sat there thinking… but couldn't pin point anything, "Is it that Tatsuha kissed you? Are you mad because that was your first kiss?" Hiro asked

Shuichi took a deep breath and was ready to tell him, "Hiro Tatsuha wasn't my first."

Hiro sat there dumbfounded, "It was Yuki… he kissed me in the elevator when we first arrived."

"Oh he did, did he?" Hiro asked taking a sip of his drink.

"Yeah and it makes me mad, he does that and now he acts like it was not a big deal and is so mean to me!" Shuichi grunted and crossed his arms.

"Well was it that big of a deal? Sure sounds like it was for you… and ask yourself why." Hiro said, leaning on the table, staring his friend down.

"Its because….I…"

Shuichi couldn't find the words… all he could find was the blonde novelist face in his mind. What was happening?

"It's because it was my first kiss Hiro and something like that I can't take back, that's what's bugging me okay?" Shuichi looked up at his friend, both met eye contact and sat in silence for a moment.

Hiro closed his eyes and leaned back into his seat, "If you say so Shuichi but you know you can come talk to me when your ready to really tell me."

Shuichi's eyes widened in shock, "What's that suppose to me?"

Hiro frowned, "I'm not stupid Shuichi."


Yuki took a drag of his cigarette. Standing out on the resort beach, he just stared into the horizon of the ocean. He was so out of it that he didn't notice Tohma walking up to him.

"On the beach Eiri?" Tohma asked

"Seguchi." Was all Eiri said, taking another drag.

"Well Eiri you certainly aren't in your beach attire, is there a reason your out here all by yourself?" Tohma smiled but also showed some concern.

Yuki didn't bother to answer, he just ignored his brother in law's presence and continued to look out into the ocean, that seemed to be more important to him that Tohma.

After a few moments passed of silence Tohma took the hint and turned to walk away, "It's that Shindo kid."

Tohma turned around, staring at the back of Eiri stunned, "Mr. Shindo?"


Tohma just continued to look at Eiri, the look of worry filled his eyes, "Is something wrong?"

Eiri smoked the last of his cigarette then put it out in the beach sand. Taking a long inhale and exhale he finally turned around to face Tohma, "No." Yuki started walking up in Tohma's direction and made his was past him.

"Then why bring him up?" Tohma asked.

He couldn't see Yuki's face and had no idea that he stood there with a shock look on his face. Yuki pondered for a moment and his facial expression returned to that normal black stare, "I don't know." Yuki said and continued to walk back to the resort.

Tohma just watched him walk back till he was inside, then turned his gaze to the ocean. That was one of the most civil conversations they've had this whole trip. No yelling or arguing. Tohma knew that Yuki wanted to say more but didn't know how. Something was starting to change in him.

Tohma smiled and closed his eyes, "Shindo what have you done."


Hiro walked back into the room, the look of unsatisfied accomplishment stamped on his face. He sighed loudly then noticed another presence in the room.

"So Mr. Shindo is still in a slump huh?"

Hiro found the light switch and turned on the lights, "K?"

K was currently polishing his gun and checking for aim accuracy, "Mr. Shindo came on this trip to relax and get inspired but neither of the two seem to be taking place."

Hiro just stood there and listened.

"So tell me," K put the gun down on the table and stood up, looking Hiro in the eyes, "What's wrong with Shuichi?"

Hiro scratched the back of his head, "Well that's something you really should ask Shuichi himself."

K smiled, "Yes but I know he confides in you, as his bandmate and friend you could tell your manager so I can make sure that he's happy and your new album takes off without complications?"

Hiro let his hand down and looked at K.

"It's in the best interest of Mr. Shindo."


"Can I get a Malibu Relaxer?" Shuichi asked the bartender.

"Coming right up." Said the bartender as he began to mix the drink.

"I'll have what he's having."

Shuichi jumped a little to see that Tatsuha just casually came over and sat next to him, "Chilling at the bar by yourself, something must be on your mind." Tatsuha said, looking at the stressed out rock star.

"Yeah, I have a lot on my mind." Shuichi said, watching the bartender make his drink.

"Well is it that kiss I gave you? Sorry for that you're just so damn cute!" Tatsuha smiled and Shuichi gave a fake smile but turned his head and rolled his eyes, "Well its that… and just some other stuff like my band and…" Shuichi became distant, and now stared at his newly made drink.

"And what?" Tatsuha asked, receiving his drink and taking a sip to find it totally delectable, "Wow you sure do have a good taste in fruity drinks!"

Shuichi just stirred his drink, staring at the drink and ice twirling in the glass.

"Is it my brother Eiri?" Tatsuha asked, sipping his drink.

Shuichi's eyes widened in shock and he felt his body stiffen. Tatsuha smiled and closed his eyes, "I figured, I'm the nice guy but you fall for the grumpy mean guy."

Shuichi looked at Tatsuha shocked, "WHAT? NO!" he yelled, causing a few people to glance at him for a second before going back to their conversations.

Shuichi looked around, silently apologizing then looking back at Tatsuha. "Boy, girl…."

Tatsuha paused what he was saying for a moment, as if pondering what to say next. He looked over at Shuichi, "I don't see a difference."

Shuichi flailed his arms around, "THERES A HUGE DIFFERENCE!"

"No, not really… not when it comes to love."

Shuichi stopped.

"Love can be from a boy or a girl but love is love and kissing is…. Well kissing… there shouldn't be any difference."

Shuichi looked confused, "There shouldn't?" he said softly

Tatsuha smiled, "No… because there isn't."


Eiri fingers typed furiously on the keyboard, quick to type all his thoughts onto the word document. Eiri felt calm but his heart was beating so fast.

"You're so cute when you're mad." Shuichi reached up and touched Yuki's soft pale face, "I should kiss you." Shuichi grinned.

A slight pink blush appeared on Yuki's face.

Yuki snapped out of his thoughts and looked down at his laptop, his hands have stopped working. He closed his laptop quickly and just sat there, his heart still racing.

He closed his eyes tightly and laid back on his bed.

Time passed and he felt his heart beat slow down and placed a hand on his forehead before opening his eyes. Yuki glanced up, looking at the ceiling which slowly making his rotations.

He saw flashes of pink, violet and that idiotic laughter in his head.

He closed his eyes and replayed all their arguments in his head. He smirked, no one really had the guts to yell and argue back at Yuki. That kid was full of life… and fire.

It's weird he wasn't yelling or crying about the kiss that he gave Yuki the other night… or did he really not remember?

Yuki eyes suddenly opening when he felt another presence in the room.

He sat up and saw it was Shindo.




for some reason it wont let me post the link here... so just go to youtube slash adorablezuzu