
Disclaimer: All hail Dumas and his descendants.
PAX young blades and the Disney version of 3 musketeers gave inspiration to this tale. There is no money in it for me, just enjoyment
– Something I hope to share


-(Chapter X Beginnings and Endings)-

Siroc woke to the first flush of dawn… Aramis still knelt beside him, eyes closed in prayer. The dark Chosen stood several steps away, meditating he supposed, in his own way -- with arms crossed upon his chest.

The young inventor arched his back and stretched. He couldn't at first bring himself to believe anything had changed. Perhaps he dreamed the feeling of calm – the vision of light.

"D…Did it work?" he asked.

"I should think so." Aramis smiled. "The real test will be next time Mazarin has the urge to summon you. I was on a regular schedule so I could make my excuses and not simply have to disappear. I imagine you do not have that luxury."

Siroc shook his head 'no' and shivered recalling the sharp pain and overwhelming sense of fear that sent him scuttling mindlessly back to his master's side. Even now he could hardly imagine being able to resist that call. Aramis seemed almost able to read his thoughts.

"Try not to be alone when the call comes. You will likely still feel the pull, possibly severely. Habit is difficult to change but you will no longer be compelled to obey. When I was set free I saw the lies for what they were and was able to choose my own path. It will likely be the same for you."

Chosen nodded in agreement "Our situation was illustrated very clearly by the writer called Plato in an allegory called "The cave…Are you familiar with it?" He asked.

"I'm surprised you are." Emris shot back but Chosen ignored him as the question had clearly been directed at Siroc.

The young man nodded absently …Classical literature wasn't one of the most popular courses among the Musketeer but since he'd tested out of basic reading and writing Captain Duval signed him up for it. Still it was difficult to recall the specifics and how they related to his particular situation. He made a mental note to re-read that section of Plato's Republic when time allowed.

Chosen looked satisfied with his nod so he continued. "I suppose for us it's more truth than allegory. We were called into being in darkness…all we knew was shadow. Now we have come into in the light it's natural to see things differently. Learn from the mistakes that got Plato's prisoner killed. Firstly you need never go back…if you choose to do so – Do not expect to be well received.

Remember the chains that once bound you. Do not go alone …take stout companions raised in the light. Go prepared…Go armed, and take many torches to illumine the way. Those of the dark fear the light. You are free. Choose to live free from this day on." Chosen explained.

The blunt warrior's knowledge and eloquence took Emris by surprise yet again. Still the effect was somewhat spoiled by Chosen's concluding remark. "And if they try to take you back by force…then, feel free to beat the living tar out of them."

Siroc's mind struggled to grasp what Cavalier said; he sensed it was vital. Still there was something that weighed heavily on his heart. "How can I be free when I still don't know what …my past…? In my mind everything before the red mist is still lost in darkness." Siroc frowned in confusion.

"You thought this would change?" Chosen shook his head sadly. My master realized the value in the Tabla-Rasa approach. It is far easier to begin with a malleable mind than deal with intransigent subject with all manor of bad habits (like Remiss here.) It would have been well documented in his research. For me and mine… our lives began… as yours did when we were called into being from the abyss… you call the red haze. For me and mine there is nothing before we woke to life.

My lady knew the boy taken from Berry and brought to the citadel. She has told me about him…Ford de la Roche…at some length. I am his flesh, but I am not he. His story has no more meaning to me than any history I have read in a book.

I must be content when she says that he would have been proud of the man I've become… a better man… she seems to think, than he could have become on his own. I have no opinion on the matter... I have learned to accept that it is not my fault he is no more.

"But… who…Am I?" The boy bit his lip uncertainly…and shivered. He crossed his arms and noticing his chest was bear.

"I was under the impression you were Siroc." Aramis said softly.

"An inventor, or so you said" Chosen said seeing where the other was taking this and understanding the need.

"I musketeer cadet of some promise… else Duval wouldn't have sent you here." The would be priest nodded

"A stout friend and blade-brother to the poet Ramón and second-generation scoundrel, D'Artagnan." The dark Cavalier nodded.

"Other answers will come… perhaps you may discover someone who remembers the child you were… but do let the possibility become obsession." Aramis warned,

"You DO know who you are. Should you ever loose sight of the fact we will gladly remind you. For you ARE part of our family now." Chosen smiled.

… Irregular though it is." Emris added.

It wasn't what Siroc had anticipated … but it was enough He decided finally and smiled. "So are you my uncles now? He asked.

I guess you ARE the first of a new generation…you may call us what you will. I trust you will not begrudge me if I hope we won't be getting any more scions through Mazarin." Emris smiled. "The family of Richelieu's experiments is entirely too extensive after all.

"How 'extensive' actually." Siroc wondered aloud.

"Protector was the first to call me brother…She is my keeper and my friend. Master's heir, According to the Kings writ we are first and foremost in her care.

You've met my four Black Guard: Archer, Forester, Lance and Sable. There are three more; Shoal, Torrent and Rivere but they were given into Gift's keeping. Gift was created to be my chief Rival to goad me and keep me sharp…but we have come to an accord I name him brother so my guard is not divided.

Our little brother Gryphon the Master gave then lost but we have found him where he rides. His place established among the gypsies and there he dwells.

Cousins we have many… imperfect castoffs of the Master's plan scattered abroad. Amber, Tan, Violet, Jade, Rust, Red and lastly the nameless ones in white…" Chosen finished reciting what he recognized as his family tree.

Siroc understood little but tried to recall each cryptic phrase in case he should have need of them later. A family of whatever composition was a valuable thing.

"What of him?" the inventor asked nodding to Aramis.

I suppose I might-as-well accept Remiss may be a brother too." …Chosen began with a tired sigh -- then grinned playfully, -- a disconcerting sight. "But only by half."

"As If I'd want to be called your brother?" Remiss snorted but the thought made him smile.

"Don't go thinking I extend such relations to Athos ether he thinks my taking Lady as my own makes me his brother-in-law and that is bad enough… that lout Porthos claims the same…on virtue of his sister, Sweet-Marie, having mated our Gryphon. He's far too loud to be any relation of ours...If there is one thing all the Master shaped share is our reserved nature."

"Ah, I think you just enjoy being more than a little uncanny. You wear inscrutability like a cloak" Emris chuckled.

"Perhaps." The dark one smiled crookedly. "At Least I don't play at being normal"

"Who's playing?" Emris scoffed "I AM normal."

Chosen gave him a look that said quite eloquently 'sure you are.'


The sun rose and it promised to be a beautiful day. The three walked together to the Mansion de le Fére where breakfast was bring served in the communal dining hall to any who wished to partake. Ramón was complaining about having nothing better than tea to drink and D'Artagnan was for once not trying to stop someone from telling a story about his father. Count Athos was regaling the assembled throng with a story that cast the man who many called legend in a less-then-stellar light.

"D'Artagnan rode into town on a yellow horse… It was the most sorry…swayed back excuse for…a beast of burden I ever did see – he was the most arrogant…self-important…Gascon any of us had ever imagined. Before the day was half over he'd offended and managed to challenge all three of us to duels.


And so he is down on one knee looking into her eyes and he says "As morning hues of sun swept fire caress your poisoned face … I swear if he hadn't given it up right then and kissed her she would have smacked him." Aramis laughed.


"Ah yes, that was a most spectacular hangover" Captain Porthos smiled. "Ears ringing mostly the next day … At least till the cannon fire started – nothing will sober a man quite like cannon fire… and you can quote me on that.


"Every sell sword, bounty hunter and guard between Calaisand the capital hot on our heals… and HE wants to drive the carriage!" Athos threw his hands up in a gesture of disbelief.


"And we were pinned down behind a low hill…

And so I gave him that look" Athos said and mock glared at the crowd " Then I took a deep breath and said…"

Everyone at the in the room joined in gleefully repeating what was to the proud people of Berry a patent phrase: "Go now or I'll shoot you myself!"

"And the legend ran off like a scared rabbit" The Count finished exuberantly.

Siroc, along with the rest… though he was one of the few who had never heard this particular version of the story before…His mood had been steadily improving since he woke this morning. He'd enjoyed the playful rivalry between Chosen and Emris, and now this.

The wall surrounding his heart was breached. He drank in the exuberant joy of the assembled crowd like a man famished… it welled up within him and he had no choice but let it out in genuine … whole-hearted… soul cleansing laughter.



Note: well that's it… hope you enjoyed it. Thanks so much for the comments… If you're only finding this story now after I've completed it please feel free to comment anyway. I appreciate plot bunnies and if something catches my fancy I'm apt to run with it. It has been fun.

I'm now working on a tale taking place sometime after this one I call it 'crisis point' As I don't get many reviews at this site I'll likely only post it at the unofficial young blades If site you want it here too SAY SO. Thanks.