
Disclaimer: don't own 'em, wish I did, ect ect

A/N: Ah, here's the ending that I know you all have been dying to read! Thank you for all your reviews and be sure to read the additional: 'Reviewers vote' section where I'll let YOU, the reviewers, choose the next fic I write, from three different ideas I have! Enjoy the Epilogue! (Ps, once again, may be inaccurate info about certain things, I'm shooting from the hip here, cut me some slack)


Epilogue—"…she was going home…"

Jadie sat in the lounge to the orphanage. She didn't even know that orphanages had lounges, but this one did. They told her (the strange people) that someone (stranger) had wanted to adopt her even though she hadn't finished going through therapy, what they (the strange people) told her was her 'rehabilitation to normal life.' (Still Broken.)

Jadie was scared. She stared down at her new sneakers that were an abrasive shade of pink and thought (the nice man would have smiled). She was afraid of the someone who adopted her (stranger) and all she wanted was to see Don (the nice man) again. She knew that he (Don) would keep her safe (from scary things, and bad dreams). She stared at the floor as she heard the door (front door, stranger) open, and she tried to fight back the tears (Don would want her to be strong, she would be ok now). She heard the soft sound of approaching footsteps and she heard them stop near her (not looking, scared). Jadie sat, unmoving waiting for the person (stranger) to speak but the silence grew longer and Jadie thought more and more about what she wanted (don't want to go, want to be safe.)

Suddenly a familiar voice made Jadie's heart jump.

"Hey kiddo, why the sad face?"

Jadie, startled (what?) looked up and straight into the caring eyes of Don Eppes. Jadie felt herself smile (a real smile) and she leaped to her feet and grabbed Don around the waist in a fierce little hug (no stranger).

Don chuckled and smoothed her hair back.

"That's a nice grip you got there, careful of the side though—it's still a little tender." Jadie nodded (remembered) and she looked up at him with an intent gaze on her face.

" 'm not ever letting go." She announced and was rewarded as Don's face lit up in a huge grin.

"Is that so?" Don asked matter-of-factly.

"Yes." Jadie answered in a little, yet stubborn voice.

"Well, ok then." Don reached over with one hand and picked up Jadie's bag, and then began to start to drag the small child around his waist towards the door. Jadie giggled, a sweet sound, and wrapped both her skinny little legs around Don's right leg and held on.

"You aren't making this easy are you?" Don muttered in mock frustration. She knew he wasn't really annoyed and she giggled louder. "How about you never let go of my hand? That'll be easier." Jadie pretended to think it over.

"Ok!" She detached herself from Don's leg and latched onto his hand.

"That's better" Don said with a smile.

Don led her out of the building, and finally Jadie truly knew what it was to be happy—to be loved—something she hadn't experienced before. She smiled, and knew that things would be good from now on, maybe not perfect, things were never perfect, but things would be good.

She was going home.


A/N: Ta-Da! Am I good, or am I good? I hope you all enjoyed this fic!