FINALLY! CHAPTER 4! I'm feeling too sick to actually say much right now and I should really be sleeping so I shall get on with the disclaimer and the story! -Determined, but drowsy-

Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist or its characters. They are all property of Hiromu Arakawa. I do however own Grandova again and the two nurses.

-Salutes- Hope you enjoy it! -Falls Over-

Chapter 4-

A small stream of light escaped weakly through a gap in cheaply made opaque blinds, showing itself as a reddish circle on a single tile of the many making up the infirmary room floor as it reflected back into the sunrise far in the distance. Snow-covered trees glistened, soaking in any stray fragments of light. For once, nature remained silent as her creatures made the necessary transitions from night to day, nocturnal animals closing eyelids over enlarged pupils and birds within nests of twigs beginning to fidget. A small mouse scurried across the field of white, leaving behind small paw prints from its bustle, the design soon disrupted by a fox following the sent of the rodent.

Indoors away from the coolness of the crisp morning air and the soundless movement of other animals, near where the sun's morning light illuminated the floor, golden optics began to slowly open just enough for lashes to leave their position upon a pale face. Seeing as the room was still quite dark, both eyes blinked a few times before opening completely, black pupils thankful for the lack of bright light, now being allowed to make the necessary adjustment from their large size to smaller as the room became brighter. There was still much time left before they needed to do that.

Edward moved his head, flipping it from its back to its side upon the deflated pillow, by this time the feather filling was flattened and odd feeling. The nurses seemed to be lacking in their skill to complete the job of keeping a patient comfortable; surely the Elric's stubbornness had nothing to do with it. The boy reached his arms above his head and legs as far away from his body as he possibly could, beginning to stretch, feeling very tight from the various positions he found his body turned and twisted into during the night. He never realized he was that flexible, or maybe it was just a fluke, that being the true reason for his aches. With another movement of his figure, Edward twisted his torso, allowing the rest of his body to fully awake and become rejuvenated.

Deeply inhaling and releasing his breath, the alchemist began to look at the bandages upon his body. Over the few days he had spent at Central, the number never decreased, and he was very lucky that they didn't increase from any of the Major's hugs of worry, something that was not always needed, especially when he was crippled to begin with. The bandage wrapped around his left forearm began to unravel, the boy guessed it was due to the lack of replacement and how he hadn't exactly stayed still during the time he was incapacitated.

With a small frown, he sat up and poked at the bandage with a metallic finger, trying to see how many times he was actually wrapped in that particular area. As the boy fidgeted with the cloth, it continued to unwrap until it finally fell off entirely, landing on his lap before him. He hadn't actually seen the wounds before while he was bleeding, vision too blurry to make out anything in the first place even if all of the red thick liquid was not present. Now that he was able to set his eyes on it, able to closely inspect the wound, he understood why he was feeling as bad as he was. It was stitched between the elbow and the wrist on the side his ulna resided. There weren't many stitches, but even so, to be wounded that deeply was not something to be relieved about. The area of skin around the threads was dyed a purplish blue color, a bruise formed where the blood would have otherwise continued to leak from.

Edward ran his automail thumb lightly across the few stitches, wincing slightly at how tender it still was. Crap…I probably shouldn't have taken that whole thing off… The alchemist retrieved the wrapping from his lap and turned his head to gaze at the door when something caught his attention in the corner of his eye. With another small turn of his head, he saw that he wasn't unaccompanied in the usually lonely infirmary and he hadn't been all night. With a sympathetic smile, the boy crawled to the edge of his bed, being especially careful with his vulnerable unwrapped arm, and sat on his heels once he could crawl no further without falling off the cot itself. Mustang stayed here the entire night…maybe he's not such an egotistical bastard after all…

Roy Mustang deeply slept in his position upon the chair in the corner of Edward's room, arms crossed before his chest and head draping backwards over the top of the chair's back. His hair looked a bit messy, probably from the man being unable to find a comfortable position while sitting, and this time his mouth had a small trace of drool dribbling out from it.

The younger alchemist laughed at seeing the sight of his 'mighty' colonel sleeping like another someone he knew but would not mention. The boy moved his rear off his heels and slipped his artificial limb carefully onto the ground, making a loud thud as it hit. He cursed the weight of it and noticed that as he did so the higher ranked officer began to move, mumbling silently. With a small sigh of relief, Edward slipped his other leg off of the bed planting both feet onto the ground. With a small rock back and forth, he managed to shift his weight into his heels and eventually stand.

Golden eyes returned to the sleeping man's form after making sure he had enough support to shift more weight on his unwounded metallic leg. Somehow he was in a much better mood this morning than he had been over his visit, even with the superior military officer at his side. The side of his lip curled up in a small smile. "So you're still trying to avoid work by sleeping…I should have guessed as much…" A small blush began to tint his cheeks a rosy color, remembering how he was finally comforted after the horror of his dreams. "I guess I'm the one that kept you up…huh? But you bastard…you were probably just using me for an excuse to leave your work unfinished. Hawkeye won't be very pleased…" And I know that you don't like being at her gunpoint…or do you…? The alchemist felt a small tickle on his face so he looked towards his nose and saw a blonde strand of hair that had fallen upon it. After removing it by gently blowing air from his mouth upwards, he tucked it behind an ear, only to have it once again fall into his face.

Damn it…stupid hair…this is the reason why I tie it back… The boy growled in frustration as he began to fiddle with the unruly locks of his own hair. His automail fingers became entangled within a few of the strands, the locks becoming trapped in the hinges of his fingers. What the hell? It was only one piece of hair!

"Fullmetal…what are you doing?" Roy, by this time very much awake, stared at the younger boy before him, right brow quirked slightly. "I didn't know you enjoyed to style your hair…" It didn't take much effort to come across more sarcastic remarks with the sight before his eyes. Edward stood at the side of his bed, leaning against it on his left automail leg. Both arms bent at a forty-five degree angle, his left hand grabbing onto his right and the strands of hair attached to it. The colonel smirked as he continued, "I was wondering why it had stayed down for so long. It's different seeing you like this without that braid of yours."

"Shut-up!" Edward hissed angrily as he gave his hand one last pull, surprisingly releasing it from his web of hair, only sacrificing a few strands in the process. He placed both hands behind him and pulled his rear back onto the bed, sitting on the edge of it, eyes remained focused on the Flame Alchemist. "I don't think I should take this from someone who drools in his sleep."

Once again, Mustang appeared completely unfazed by the comment, something that never failed to make the younger boy's blood boil. "But I had to stay up all night and tuck you in. It's understandable since I was tired enough." It couldn't have been as much as you do…

"I never told you to stay in here!" The blonde shouted in his defense. "I never told you to stay here! You only wanted to avoid your paperwork anyway! That's always the real reason why you take time to do unnecessary things!" His brows remained inclined, but his eyes twitched slightly. The blush would not be able to surface this time; he would not allow it. That's the real reason why he stayed here last night…that's right… Damn it! Why am I getting this upset! He gritted his teeth together and clenched the side of the mattress in his hands.

"It's best if you don't strain yourself Fullmetal. You collapsed yesterday and had a fever last night as well. I can tell that you still feel unwell…" Roy lifted himself from the chair, instantly feeling the tightness of his muscles. On the exhale of a deep breath, he reached his hands behind his back and allowed a tight stretch, the end resulting in tingling muscles. "You do want to find your brother Alphonse, don't you? The longer it takes for your body to heal, the longer you will be stuck in headquarters. Unless that was your plan all along."

Edward fumed, ready for retaliation. "Like hell it is! I-"

"Um…excuse me?" A high feminine voice squeaked from the other side of the entrance to Edward's room. "I'm coming in now…Mr. Elric." The handle on the door jiggled a few times, obviously the person on the other side was a bit nervous as she fidgeted with it, and the door slowly swung open little by little. "I ah…I came to check up on you…" Only once the door was open halfway could the figure of a young woman be seen. Her rosy cheeks, a sure sign of her embarrassment, were framed by chin-length brunette locks that seemed to bounce with any quick nervous movements she made. Her appearance alone for some reason brought upon the image of a frightened animal in Edward's mind.

"Oh, Colonel Mustang, I didn't realize that you were here." As she spoke she held her clipboard to her chest, hazel eyes glittering as her lips tugged into a small side smile. "I'm sorry, but I need to see Mr. Elric alone for a moment…so…um…if you…"

"Understood," Roy replied, not allowing the girl to finish. "I have to work to attend to as it is." He stood and began to walk towards the door, stopping before the young nurse and smiling. "Don't let him give you too hard of a time." Restraining himself from saying any comments about the blonde being a child, he did try to hold back when others were around that may find it inappropriate, he looked to the Fullmetal Alchemist one last time and then left the room.

During the conversation, Edward felt completely disgusted, reading much further into the actions than words. Does he pick up a girl's attention wherever he goes? Now I know why Havoc seems upset with him at times…that's…disgusting. I mean…it's Mustang! He shuddered, but wasn't at his peak of insecurity yet. It wasn't until he saw the look that Mustang shot him upon his great exit. It wasn't a typical look that he usually saw from the older man, but rather something else. It looked almost as if…he enjoyed sleeping on an uncomfortable chair in a position that made him stiff in the morning just because he was able to be with the younger alchemist. No…I'm over thinking this…that bastard…he just started something with this girl here…it's disgusting!

"Ah…um…Mr. Elric?" The nurse leaned over the boy, looking into his face. "Are you…alright? You look…funny. I, I mean! No! You don't look well! That's not what I mean either! You just…you look…troubled." She frantically looked at Edward before gazing at her clipboard, pretending to look through medical files.

Edward rolled his eyes. How did I end up with this dunce? "Yeah…I'm fine. I know what you mean. Now can you get the hell away from me?"

"Ah?" The nurse looked back into Edward's eyes to see that she was only an inch or so away from his face. Blushing vibrantly, she quickly jumped backwards. "I-I-I-I'm sorry Mr. Elric! I didn't mean anything! I just! I!"

The alchemist looked away, an annoyed expression upon his face. "Yeah, whatever you say." He vaguely thought about Alphonse and how the younger boy would see nothing but kindness in the nurse's actions, just like that time with Psiren, even though she was a criminal. "So…what do you need then? Do you need me to take more medicine?"

"Um…actually…we need…" She cleared her throat, looking much more nervous than she previously was when she first entered the infirmary room.

Edward irritably stared at her, arms crossed and back slouched. "Yeeees?" The boy tried to speak calmly though he felt as if at that given moment he was about to explode. For some reason just looking at the women fidgeting before him really got on his nerves.

"Your…height…" The nurse swallowed, as she watched the young alchemist twitch. "We need your height…for our records…your…weight too…" Truth be told, Edward was well known around headquarters for his sudden outbursts when height or the word small and its many synonyms were mentioned. The young nurse did not pass off the rumors as nothing, being the timid creature that she was, and feared what may happen to her ever since she was assigned his room. Seeing the boy twitch before her only made her spirit drop much quicker.

"I know what you're going to do!" The blonde shouted, sitting straight on his bed, eyes burning. "I know what you're really planning! You're going to take my height and then CALL ME SHORT! I'M NOT SMALLER THAN A LITTLE SPECK OF DUST!"

"I…I…never said that…"


The nurse's lip quivered as she took the shouts, too afraid to comment back.

Roy reached his office, looking gloomily at the mountain of paperwork he left behind the night before. It looks as if Lieutenant Hawkeye wasn't here yet…she must still be out on that mission… He yawned, leaning against the doorframe sleepily. That's the last time I fall asleep on a chair… Nothing beneficial came out of it…except for… He shook his head. I shouldn't be thinking that way…especially about a lower ranked…not to mention younger…officer… After rubbing his eyes, the Flame Alchemist entered the dark room and immediately opened the blinds, the purpose of his actions were to allow himself to stay awake rather than to be able to see his work. Despite his efforts, the man couldn't help beginning to nod off at his desk, head dropping slowly onto his chest.

"Colonel Mustang!"

Roy opened his eyes, blinking a few times. He didn't quite recognize the voice, but knew that it came from outside his closed office door.

"Colonel Mustang?" The sound of knocking filled the room, taking away any chance of the Colonel falling asleep again.

Mustang corrected his posture in his chair, deciding to respond, "Yes? You may come in." He removed one of the manila files from its pile and opened it, gazing at the contents as the door creaked open.

"I'm sorry to disturb you…I know…you're a very busy man…"

"Oh, that's fine," Roy waved a hand as he continued to look through the file, looking as if he changed his entire mood about his work, even if it was only an act.

"Thank you Colonel Mustang." Grandova smiled, this being the first time that he had actually spoken to the well-known Flame Alchemist alone face to face. "But I have a message for you. From the higher ups…"

Mustang looked up from his paperwork and stared demandingly at the second lieutenant. "And what would that be?"

"Well…" Grandova began, scratching his head. "They just said that they needed to talk to you about something. I think that it may have to do with Mr. Elric and what may have happened to him… But… I'm really not sure…" He scratched his head thoughtfully. "You know… that was a close call back there for the kid and you seem to be the one he reports everything to. That's the only reason why I…"

"Understood," Roy interrupted, closing the folder upon his desk and rising from his seat. His tone didn't waver, showing strength and confidence in the matter, though somehow he had an uneasy feeling inside. "Thank you for reporting to me Lieutenant."

"Nonsense! It is my job after all!" Grandova saluted, shifting his weight to his right foot, leaning slightly to his side. "Oh, and don't worry. They seemed to be in a good mood so you have nothing to worry about."

Doesn't he realize that the military has experts at deception? "Yes, thank you Lieutenant. You may return to your work now." After speaking, Roy didn't take a moment's hesitation to exit the office, leaving a very confused Grandova behind.

"Wait…did he not remember or know who I was…" Grandova disappointingly mumbled to himself, lowering his hand, allowing it to hang at his side.

"Why is height important! It's not like it matters!" The Elric shouted at the young nurse and the other that had just recently joined them as a sort of a back up for the first.

"If that's the case, then why are you becoming so worked up Mr. Elric? In a way it's nice to know that you're speedily recovering by the amount of shouting you can do," the second nurse shouted right back, aqua eyes glaring angrily at the boy. She was older than the first by more than a few years made evident by the amount of wrinkles upon her face. Her personality greatly contrasted that of the brunette nurse as well. Instead of cowering before a child of all things she stood her ground, returning his intimidating glare with an intense one of her own. "If you do not do this then you won't be able to check out of headquarters. But then again, that's your choice." She slyly looked at the other nurse, smiling ever so slightly at her new approach to the situation at hand. "Wendy?"

The brunette watched the scene in awe, observing the way that Edward seemed to grow silent. Wow… how did Hilga do that? She blinked a few times before smiling broadly.

"What are you so damn happy about!" Edward shouted towards Wendy, noticing the quick disappearing act of her smile. He stubbornly crossed his arms as he slipped both legs off the bed. "You better not look or tell anyone about this. And make it quick…" He closed his eyes and sighed. Hilga did have a point. If height didn't matter, then why did he become so worked up over it? He did know he was a man of great stature, or at least that was the rumor that he enjoyed most to spread around. "Well come on," The alchemist looked at the two nurses who were silently celebrating. "You're the ones who wanted this so badly." And the sooner that I get this over with the sooner I can go and find Al… I hope he's alright.

Hilga nodded, giving a small wink to her inexperienced accomplice. "Yes, but of course. Now if you would just come this way then." She placed her hand gently on the boy's metallic shoulder, only to have it quickly swatted away with one of flesh belonging to Edward, a look on his face clearly stating, 'Don't touch me, I'm not a child.' The older nurse rolled her eyes, and began to direct him to the scale with words instead. "Alright Mr. Elric. Have it your way. Come this way."

Once at the scale, the blonde stared at it, noticing how menacing its metal and numbers appeared. What are theymocking me! After a moment of staring angrily at the contraption, the boy stepped upon it, back facing the numbers. He crossed his arms, looking out into the distance between the two nurses. Avoiding eye contact seemed like the most appropriate action to take at the moment.

"Ah…Hilga… taking his weight may be difficult. Look, his arm and leg are metal…" Wendy nervously stated, looking at Ed's right arm, and hand.

And she just noticed that…? The Fullmetal Alchemist looked at the young nurse in disbelief, allowing the sleeve of his gown to slip over his arm, hiding the automail.

"Yes, I know, but we'll figure that out later. Right now we just need the current weight and height of him." Nurse Hilga ran a hand though her gray hair. She took the other and began to move the weights behind Edward's head. "Ok, there's his weight with the automail. Write it down on your clipboard. And as for his height…" She paused a moment while ogling at the measurement. For most people she would normally have to lift the bar quite a ways for it to rest just above the head, but as for this boy… she had to lower it slightly.

"What!" Edward snapped in response to the stares.

"You're height… you're only…"

"But sir…are you sure that is wise? Not to question your authority, but he is still healing…" Mustang questioned with growing concern in his voice.

"I believe that the boy is capable of continuing with this mission. His condition proves that he was most likely a victim of the recently escaped brigand." King Bradley stood from his seat and walked to a nearby window, looking out it into the horizon and the still rising sun. "You would agree that despite his age he is a capable candidate for the job. Do you not Mustang?"

The Flame Alchemist frowned, finding it safe to do so as the leader of the military had his back to him. Something didn't seem right. Surely the Fuhrer was told about how severe his injuries were. The boy couldn't even function properly for the last few days. Was it really wise to send the same boy, pride and all, on a dangerous mission in the bitter cold with as many wounds he had? "Yes…" Mustang began slowly, growing more suspicious by the moment. "Fullmetal is more capable than many of the officers."

The Fuhrer turned around, now facing Mustang. "There is no reason to worry. I wasn't planning on sending Fullmetal alone. He is usually accompanied by his younger brother. Even if he were here at the moment I would still recommend having another experienced soldier come with him." The man approached Mustang, a smile on his face. "How would you like to accompany him Colonel? It would give you a break from your paperwork."

"I would be honored sir," Roy answered boldly. If I go then I can assure his safety and get to the bottom of what is really going on. Why was Ed wounded so badly… and where and how is Alphonse… It seemed like a better plan than arguing Mustang finally decided. He knew that Edward was in no condition to leave the infirmary just yet, but he also knew that no matter what he said King Bradley's word was law.

"Very good then. Mustang, you and Fullmetal will leave tonight. Assure that he is aware of what your mission is. I understand he will want to search for his younger brother first, but that is not our top priority here. We need to first apprehend the criminal. And if this person was the one who attacked the boys, then you may be able to hit two birds with one stone." Bradley held his hands behind his back as he watched the Colonel. "And Mustang, I expect some information."

"Understood," Mustang responded, rising from the chair he had found residence in.

"Good, you are dismissed."

The Flame Alchemist left the room, closing the door behind him. He outwardly sighed. This is another one of those commands that I don't agree with… it's best not to push yourself when you're unwell. Already Fullmetal has proven so. Lazily, Mustang placed his right hand in his pocket and began to walk down the hallway. The last thing that I want to do is put him in harm's way again… I couldn't bear to lose someone important a second time…. especially when it happens in service. I made a vow that Fullmetal would be fine while under my jurisdiction, but if this criminal was able to do him this much harm the first time around, then I'm not really sure even with both of us we'll be much of a match. I'll just need to hope for his cooperation and that his stubbornness will lift a little… He shook his head. That's impossible…

Mustang halted as he heard a loud crash and a familiar shout in the distance. Was that… Edward? The shout came again, followed by many more crashes and feminine shrieks. Growing angry and sure that he knew the cause of the noise, the Flame Alchemist continued forward at a quicker pace. Sure enough his prediction was correct. He was greeted by a fuming blonde, a cowering nurse, a shouting nurse, and something bent on the ground. Was that… a damaged scale? "Hey shrimp, why are you so loud?"

Edward twitched as he heard the word, turning around angrily. "I AM NOT A SHRIMP!"

It was very difficult to hold back his laughter, but the Colonel managed with a large smirk. Becoming more serious he continued, "Fullmetal, I need to speak with you. The infirmary room will do."

"Why the hell should I-" Edward began, but stopped when he noticed how serious Mustang looked. "Sure, whatever. Just get me away from these nurses."

The Colonel hid his amusement and annoyance as he apologized to the nurses and led the irate Edward to the infirmary room. Once they reached it, he closed the door and took a seat in the familiar chair that had also doubled as a bed. "I recently spoke with the Fuhrer. But first… do you feel any improvement?"

"Yeah, yeah," Edward waved his hand as if telling Mustang to get on with the point. "And those nurses finally changed the bandages so I'm good to go with those. Why?"

Roy watched the boy intently, coming to the conclusion that for once the alchemist was telling the truth about his well-being. The man folded his hands in his lap and leaned back lazily in the uncomfortable chair, feeling a pain in his back from the hard metal backing. "You may leave headquarters tonight, but for a different reason than what you may think. The Fuhrer has ordered for you to be placed on a recent case. You have heard about the escaped prisoner."

Edward nodded his head and crossed his arms. "Yeah. I heard of him. I don't know much about him though."

Mustang nodded. Well, he's cooperating now… "And now I am going to ask you again. Do you remember what happened to you before you were retrieved and brought to headquarters?" His voice held a sense of seriousness that the boy didn't recognize as being possible coming from the egotistical Colonel. "I need to know."

"I already told you," The blonde responded quietly, gazing into Mustang's eyes. "I don't remember anything from before I was out. All I know is I was with Al one minute and then he was gone. I tried to find him… but only then was it…"

"I see…" Roy looked away from Edward, a sinking feeling in his stomach. How is Fullmetal good on this mission if he can't remember anything… "Somehow the Fuhrer believes that your injuries and the recent escape of the prisoner are related. And because of that he has ordered you to take care of this. Chances are Alphonse may be in his custody. But you will not be going alone."

The young alchemist perked up at the mention of his younger brother. "Really? They're making this too easy. If they are linked together then that means Al just has to be there with whoever did this. And once I beat the shit out of him…" He made a fist with his automail hand, eyes glimmering. "Wait a minute… who's the sorry officer that they're sending with me? They better not slow me down…"

Mustang stood and closed his eyes. "We leave night. Make sure you're ready. I would suggest getting any medication you need from those nurses that you scared half to death."

"W-wait! What do you mean we? You mean you and me! Alone!" Edward stared at Mustang, mouth slightly agape.

"I mean it exactly how it sounds. King Bradley made the arrangements and it is our duty to follow his orders." He reopened his eyes and watched the boy, a small smile on his face. "You did want to leave Headquarters, didn't you Fullmetal? Now is your chance. You're lucky." Roy walked up to the boy, wrapping an arm around his shoulders as he looked down at him. "I'm not disappointed in this. And you can be sure that you won't be harmed." He frowned for a moment, realizing the promise that he couldn't quite easily keep. "…You'll be protected."

Edward blushed at Mustang's touch and bit his lip. Damn it… why him out of all people… and why now…? What's going on? He took a deep breath. "Sure… you say that now…" the teenager hesitantly removed Mustang's arm and looked away. "Then… I'll see you tonight…"

What? No retaliation? "When you put it that way Fullmetal it almost sounds like a date." Mustang teased, though somehow he felt as if it was not entirely sarcasm.

The Fullmetal Alchemist's face became much redder as he pushed the Colonel away. "Shut-up! And get out of here! I don't need to see your face until tonight!" After successfully removing Mustang from the room and slamming the door shut behind him, Edward trudged to the bed and dropped himself upon it. All alone with Mustang… in the past I would have tried to get out of it with any excuse… but now I… It doesn't make sense… I just… want to… He gazed at the door where he could still seeing Mustang's shadow being cast onto the opaque window. His embrace last night… I never felt anything like it before… I just… He shook his head and began to prepare himself for the evening. Mustang may have said that they were leaving at night, but he knew otherwise. It was most likely to be much earlier than that. What should I be expecting…?

Colonel Mustang gave one glance at the door before proceeding to his office. Hawkeye would be angry if I didn't at least finish one piece of paperwork… Though he tried to focus his mind on his work, he couldn't help but think about Edward again, that hug and that kiss. He…really doesn't look like a brat when he blushes… actually the opposite. I think… no… I know that I have actually... despite everything against us… A small smile formed on his face as he entered the bright office. And judging by his blush he also feels something… at least I think so. Maybe… I should bring it up tonight when there's no one around that can overhear… He sat upon his chair and carelessly pulled out one of the older manila folders from the bottom of a stack, flipping through its contents. But this mission still has me feeling uneasy…

End of Chapter 4

I am soooo sorry that this took so long to complete! First all my files were deleted, then my computer died so I couldn't get on it at all. I worked on it at school, saving it on the school computer but then I switched schools so I lost it. Finding my computer still broken I snuck on my sister's and typed it, but then she deleted all my files because she hates anime and manga. I finally got my other computer, but then caught an illness and still have bronchitis making me feel just horrible. Soooo… yeah. I think everything was just trying to prevent me from writing this. But it is continuing! I promise! I love RoyEd and I love writing this fic. The chapters may just take a little longer to write... although I do have a Toshiba laptop now so I'm happy and I'll be able to bring it everywhere with me. Tee hee. Anyway, thanks for putting up with me and my lameness and for all the reviews. It really makes me happy. Chapter 5 shall come your way soon! Hopefully. But it is coming!

Please Read and Review