AU - you'll get it as it goes along, which means I have no idea what will happen yet other than it being Naley cause I'm making it up as I go. So if you wanna see something happen just let me know! I figure they went to high school together and things didn't end on the greatest terms. So what happens when they see each other again over 5 years later…
Disclaimer: Don't own a thing!
N for those of you who read Old Habits Die Hard, I haven't abandoned it yet, just trying to figure out where I want the next chapter to go.

Second Time Around
Chapter 1
March 2008
I squinted my eyes as the sun pierced them when I stepped out of the airport.
"Home Sweet Home." I sighed as I walked to the curb to get a taxi. I really didn't want to be here right now. I wanted to be back in New York in my apartment, but I had to come back for my sister's wedding. I still can't believe Taylor got someone to marry her. The guy must be insane. I still haven't met him yet, but my mom absolutely loves him. She talked for almost an hour about how great Ryan was when she called me last week. I don't think I have ever been so thankful for speakerphones my entire life. I was able to go on-line and book my flight, pay my bills, read and reply to my e-mails and shop all while she rambled on. Hmm, she must be who I get my rambling from.

"2nd Street and Cherry Lane" She told the driver as she got into the backseat after loading her suitcase into the back.
The cab pulled away from the curb and headed toward her childhood home as the sun was setting behind them. She reached into her bag and pulled out her laptop.
Guess I mine as well get some work done until I get there.

Haley James was one of the magazine editors for one of New York's most popular magazine, Chic. After graduating from Tree Hill High in the class of 2002 she went of to Columbia and received her Bachelor's degree in Journalism. After graduating, Haley and her two roommates, Melissa and Jessica, got jobs. Melissa got a job at an advertising firm, Jessica got a job at Hope, the newest fashion designer coming out of New York, and Haley got a job at the New York Times. And while these all sound like great jobs, they hated them. Melissa was stuck in the filing room, Jessica was running around picking up Starbucks and Lunches for everyone, and Haley had become a pro at copying and collating. One night while they were having a Girls Night they got the idea to start their own magazine after watching How to Lose a Guy in 10 days. After a year of collecting money and making decisions they launched their first issue. It was a hit. It became the new Cosmo. It had been nearly a year since that issue, and their success just kept growing.

Just as Haley had finished editing the story the cab pulled up in front of her childhood home. It had been nearly 6 years since she had been back. She closed her laptop, put it back away and got out of the cab. After the driver pulled out her suitcase from the trunck Haley handed him money for the fair.

I took a deep breath before I walked up the red brick path to the front door. "Here goes nothing." I grabbed the handle of my suitcase and pulled it up to the front porch. I stared at the door for a moment, afraid to ring the doorbell. Afraid of the memories that might come flooding back when the door was opened I walked in. I closed my eyes as I raised my hand and pushed the door bell.