Chapter 5

"Did you talk to him?"

"Yea, I did. And he said to leave it alone."

"Lukas, if someone finds out we're involved…"

"They won't. We're going to have to take care of this ourselves. This isn't important to them because they can just write us off and wipe their hands of us. Well this is our livelihood; we have to shut them up."

"And just how are we going to do that, Cargile? That CSI isn't someone we can scare or neatly take care of."

"Relax, Kanney, this is a dangerous situation here. I mean this is a prison riot. We just have to take care of him and the ring leader and make it look like we were doing our jobs to quell this dangerous situation. Once we do that, the other girls will keep quiet."

"Well that's easier said than done."

"Come on. I have an idea. We won't come out of this clean, but we'll at least stay out of jail."

"Warden, I can't find either Cargile or Kanney."

"Thank you, Douglas. Hold on here for a second. Well Detective Vega, it looks like we have an unofficial confirmation of your suspicions." She turned back to officer Douglas. "Craig, take this key and check Cargile's locker. If you find anything suspicious call me on my cell." He nodded and quickly left the office.

In the meantime, Sam picked up his cell phone and called Catherine. "Catherine, how's that warrant coming?"

"We're just waiting for the paper to arrive."

"You may want to hurry. Cargile and another officer, Kanney, are MIA right now. The warden is having Cargile's locker checked, but I think we're about to go look for them." He was glad to see that the warden was listening and nodded in confirmation to his statement.

"We're on our way. Keep Nicky safe, Sam. He doesn't need this."

"I know, and we will. I'll let you know as soon as we know more."

"See you in a few."

Both clicked off, and Sam turned back to the warden and one of the other officers with her. "What do you want to do? Technically this could fall under either jurisdiction, depending on how you look at it."

"We'll work together as its one case, as we have so far. Lets get going. If I were Cargile, I would either try to get the heck out of Dodge, or make it look like a miscommunication of something we might plan to get the situation resolved."

"Good thinking. They'll probably try to pull some form of smoke screen to cover their actions."

"Follow me, Vega. We'll pick up Dimosi and someone else along the way." At Vega's questioning look she continued. "Dimosi is currently stationed closest to the weapons lockup. That's the only place we keep the gas canisters."

The two of them quickly left the office and ran down the hall to the stair to the lower floor. Sam couldn't help but say a prayer that they would get to Cargile and his partner in time to stop this before it escalated.

Catherine almost bumped into Grissom as he was coming out of Ecklie's office. She saw her deepest wish for the moment, in his hands. "Please tell me that's the warrant."

"It is, and thanks to everyone involved its almost a blanket warrant for his home, locker, and car. The judge even gave us instructions to call as soon as we have anything to support an arrest warrant, and he'll have it ready to go."

"Oh, that's great news."

"Why don't you look all that happy with the news?" Neither supervisor had noticed the rest of the team join them in the hall. "This is good, right? This will get Nick his get out of jail free card, right?"

"Yes, Greg, it should. But I just heard from Sam, and it look like Lukas Cargile and an officer Kanney have gone missing. We need to get them back up now."

Ecklie joined the conversation at this point coming around his desk to join the CSIs. "I just got off the phone with the Sheriff to let him know that we have the warrant. He has authorized the use of the helicopter to get a few extra officers there, and he is putting in a call to get some other backup from closer to the facility. You may want to contact the Warden to let her know."

"Thanks, Conrad, I'll call Vega and either have him pass it on, or have him put her on the phone if she's with him." She turned to the younger CSIs. "I want you three to take some officers with you to serve this warrant to his home, and look around to see what you can find."

It was obvious that this did not make Warrick happy. "Do you really need three CSIs at this scene? I can help you all out."

Grissom spoke up to answer the question, as well as show support for Catherine's decision. "We need you all there to get this done right, and to cover each other should this guy have just done a runner to his house. We don't need anyone else getting hurt because of this guy."

Warrick just nodded his agreement, but the last sentence rang some warning bells for Sara. "What do you mean anyone else? Has Nick been hurt?"

Before the other two could chime in Catherine spoke up to belay their current fears. "No, I just talked to Sam, and he says that Nick is fine for the time being. He even says that Nick is working the case from his side of things." This brought a small smile to their faces. "But with that said, it looks like Cargile is going to make some sort of move sometime soon. And any way this goes, Nick will be in the middle of it." She watched her team with pride as the younger CSIs did not require additional information at this time, but simply turned and quickly make their way down the hall to get what they needed to serve this warrant. The two supervisors turned to each other and then to Ecklie.

"Are you coming Conrad?" Grissom asked this question as nicely as he could. If he thought about it he may have been surprised to notice that recently the office atmosphere had warmed a bit including the air between the bug expert and the Assistant Director.

"Yes. It will be the three of us plus two officers who will meet us at the helicopter."

Three determined CSIs walked down the hall to do what they had to do to get their man Nick out of his current captivity.

"Nick. Are you awake?"

"I am now. What is it Erin?"

"Jen wants to talk to you about something. But I think she's worried about something."

"Okay. Lead on."

It seemed kind of silly, but he was still happy to have this woman as an escort. He felt like a new piece of meat at the market. As they approached Jen pulled him slightly away from the others. "Nick, I'm a little worried. Kelly over there just said that she spotted Cargile down the corridor a little bit ago going down the hall to where they keep the weapons lock up. What is your take on what this could mean?"

Why Nick was thinking of truly helping these women he wasn't completely sure of. Most would not assist their captors in such a manor, but with what they were asking, and how well most of them were treating him, he felt like he should help at least a little bit. "Well right off the top of my head I would say it could be one of two reasons. One, the warden may have thought its been long enough and that her officers should at least be ready. The other option is that Cargile may have gotten nervous and is looking to take out the players who could prove to be the biggest worry to him."

"That would be me, and one or two of the other girls, right?"

"Yes, and me. I am a big threat to him right now, even if he doesn't know that I've been talking to anyone."

"Why is that? We wouldn't let anyone know that we've talked to you."

"Well, he won't want take that chance, I mean I am an officer of the court, and if you have passed any information on to me, then I am a witness that he wouldn't be able scare off or quickly discredit."

"Sorry about that, but we didn't know what else to do."

"Well you can only deal with the present right now."

"What would you recommend for the present? I think its option two and that jerk is up to something."

"Do you know if they keep any gas canisters in that lock up?"

"Yes they do."

"Well then I would suggest that you quietly tell at least some of these women to get some sort of cloth and wet it so that if they do set off gas canisters, the effect on them won't be as bad."

"Okay, and I'll have the girls up front know to have something with them. You may want to go back to the cell should something happen. Erin, take him back please. Thanks, Nick. You didn't have to help like this, it is appreciated."

"Hey, don't worry about it. You all have more to worry about than what I do and don't do." With that said he quickly turned to start walking back down the cell block. Unfortunately they didn't get there before he heard some commotion from behind them.

"Its just down this corridor." The warden was interrupted by someone coming over her radio.

"Warden, this is Domosi. Have you authorized any movement?"

"No. If the people in the block haven't made a move against you, make no act of aggression. Is everything still quiet there?" She had a bad feeling which was confirmed a moment later.

"The ladies are quiet enough, though they seem to be gearing up for something. But I just saw Cargile head towards the lockers."

"Domosi, if he starts to make a move you have my permission to detain him in any way you see fit. I want no one making any move on their own, we can resolve this peacefully." She didn't want to say anything over the radio that might let Cargile know that they suspected him. They could not afford to make him any more nervous than he already may be. "Keep me posted."

"Yes ma'am."

"I think we have our answer as for Cargile's guilt on this matter."

"Unfortunately, I think you're right. But that makes this more dangerous for us and especially for your CSI with the women in the block. He becomes Cargile's biggest threat, aside from the witnesses in the block. Lets pick up the pace, shall we?" Almost simultaneously the two took off at a run, with the other officers taking off after them.

The noise from down the hall reached their ears, but what caught them off guard was the door to the stairwell that opened suddenly behind them. Vega noticed that he wasn't the only one who turned with their weapon drawn, only to put it down a moment later as recognition dawned on him. Behind the officers in the doorway he could see and hear Catherine and Grissom asking why they stopped.

"Put down your weapons." He told the officers with him. "I believe backup has arrived. Follow us, we think that something may be ready to happen at any moment." Everyone fell in step with each other, keeping their weapons at the ready as they all moved down the hall at top speed.

"Cargile! What are you doing?"

"Shut up, or help us, Domosi. We're getting this situation taken care of now. We shouldn't' have been so easy on them anyway."

"We do not have authorization to do anything without provocation."

Cargile just walked up to his fellow officer and got in his face to say "What, are you going to stop me?"

"Don't make me do that, Luke."

"All right." And with that he quickly brought his service weapon up and knocked Domosi out.

"Did you have to do that?"

"Shut up and lets get going, Kanney." The two men reached the gate to Cell block A. They had put their masks on, and so proceeded up to the bars of the gate and set one of the canisters off. As the women backed off from the gate, they threw the other two canisters in the block.

Nick's heart sunk into his stomach as he pushed Erin down the hall to the open cell that they had been occupying. "Erin, grab some cloths, two if you can find them, and douse them with water. Now!" He was glad to see that she just followed his directions without asking questions. He turned back to look down the cell block to see two officers in masks throw something through the gate. The smoke was quickly expelled from the canisters and spread throughout the space. The smell and effects had even started to reach him. Nick quickly looked around to see the women quickly reaching for t-shirts or pillows to wet them down and hold them over their faces and they ducked under the beds.


"Thanks, you'd better get down, too." Cough. "It looks like someone is trying to get through the gate." Erin pushed his hand up to bring the wet t-shirt that she had just given him, up to his face. He simply nodded and got into the cell with her. Once inside he tried to stay low and next to the bars to try to keep an eye on what was going on. It was getting difficult because his eyes were really starting to water. He tried to tune his ears to hear what he could.

"Jen, where are you? Get out here, we need to get this situation taken care of and your hostage set free."

"Cargile, you're not here to do any of that, and we all know that don't we."

The officers used the voice to find her. As one of them lifted his gun to take aim on the woman, Nick couldn't just sit still and watch it happen. "Don't shoot, she has no weapon." He yelled, only to find the officer, who he assumed to be Cargile, turn around to where his voice came from. Just after Nick had pushed Erin to the floor, a shot rang out and hit the wall behind the two occupants of the cell.

Jen must have tried to help them, because Nick heard another shot, and then more voices down the hall. His prayers were answered as he recognized a few of those voices. It sounded like chaos. "Police! Put the weapon down!" "Give it up, Cargile." "Weapons down." "Get the fan on to clear this smoke!"

Nick brought his face out of the wet t-shirt when Erin tapped his leg. They both watched with thanksgiving, as one of the officers in front of them immediately placed his gun on the floor, and got down to his knees. Thankfully, he was quickly followed by his partner.

When the noise reached a tolerable level, he heard Catherine calling his name from down the hall. "Nick! Nick are you alright? Answer me!"

"I'm okay." Cough. "But I'd check on Jen across the way from me. I heard…" Cough "…a shot a moment ago."

"I'm alive." Cough

"Are you injured, Jen?" Cough

"Not too badly." Cough

Catherine just shook her head at her co-workers. 'Leave it to Nick to make connections even in this situation. And to be worried about others over himself.' "We're coming. The air in here should improve soon."

"Get someone from the infirmary in here now!" Called out the warden.

Catherine, Grissom and Vega made their way down the hall to find Nick sitting on the floor wiping his eyes. He looked up at his friends and gave them a small smile. "Does this mean I can go home now?"

"Yes, Nick, its time to go." Sam was just happy to see the CSI unharmed as far as he could see. He turned to see smiling concerned faces on the other CSIs.

Nick looked around his friends to see a nurse arrive to tend to Jen, and several officers take the now unmasked Cargile and Kanney into custody. He turned back to his friends and smiled. This situation wasn't as bad as it could have been, but he was certainly glad that it was over. But there were some things he had to do before he left, and so turned to Erin. "Thank you for your help in here. I appreciate it. If they'll let me, I'll put in a good word for you at your next parole hearing and with the Warden."

"Wow. Thanks, I'd be forever grateful. But please don't forget your notes here." She handed him the notes he had taken while talking to some of the inmates. "But I think that things are already going to get better." With that she left the cell for that of her own.

The other CSIs watched him look around the cell and get a confused expression on his face. Grissom spoke up. "I have your kit, Nick. Lets get you out of here and checked out with the EMTs that are waiting outside."

Nick just nodded and followed. Leaving the chaos of cell block A behind him.

The next day the team had gathered in the break room a few minutes before the start of shift. They were just waiting on the guest of honor with big grins on their faces, two pizza boxes and a wrapped gift in front of them. All heads turned when the door opened.

"What is this?"

"It's a jail break party, and you are the guest of honor, Nicky." Said Greg with glee.

"Okay, I wouldn't say not to free food." He looked at the wrapped box, and then back at the others gathered around the table. Greg had a huge grin on his face. Sarah, Catherine and Warrick just looked back at him expectantly, looking like cats that ate the cannary. Even Grissom looked entertained by whatever they had cooked up. This should be good. "What's with the gift? Its not my birthday."

"Its for you anyway, Nicky. Why don't you come here and sit down at the head of the table."

Nick rolled his eyes and followed Catherine's directions. As soon as his butt hit the chair, the colorful gift was pushed into his hands. 'Yes, they have a gag cooked up for me.' He had an idea to just draw it out a little bit. "Thank you. I'll open this when I get home. We have some cases, don't we Grissom?"

"Not yet. You have time to open that and have some food."

"Oh, quit stalling, man, and open the gift." Warrick smiled at him as he indicated the box in Nick's hands.

Nick gave up on drawing this out and started unwrapping the box. When he opened the lid to the box he pulled out the contents and placed them on the table with a look of disbelief at first, and then the expression turned to a mischievous smile. "An ankle bracelet with GPS and an emergency alert necklace." As his friends started to giggle and look at him expectantly; he sent them into fits of all out laughter when he just simply shrugged his shoulders and proceeded to put the items on. It was getting hard to hide his own smile.

"What are you laughing at? With my luck lately, this is a good idea." A few laughs turned into slightly self conscious giggles, until Nick let loose with one of his famous all out smiles showing his good humor. The laughter in the room then reached new heights. "Besides, somehow my family found out about this. And this is certainly better than some of the suggestions I've gotten from them. Two of my sisters are sending me a GPS watch, which is cool. But my brother Mike, the surgeon, wants to implant a sub dermal GPS locator. Not too excited about that."

He gave a pause to let them react to that before he went on. "Seriously, thou, I really appreciate what you all did for me." Which was followed by a few statements of something like 'Of course we would, we're family.' "But its someone else's turn next time. I'm done being the victim CSI." Catherine gave him a hug, and Warrick gave him a big pat on the back.

After a few moments the tension was broken. "Can we eat now?"

Catherine laughed at her youngest team member and put her hand on Nick's shoulder in support as she answered Greg. "Of course. Dig in everybody."

Nickobserved his surrogate family and smiled. There are a lot of things to worry about in life, but at the moment, for just a few minutes of happiness and peace, they could be put to the side. This was one of those moments. Cases could wait for at least a few minutes. He then smiled as he reached across the table for a piece of pizza.

A/N - A big "Thank you!" goes out to all of you who kept reading and actually posted reviews and kept me going. I hope that you also liked how I ended the story. In case I don't get a chance later - I hope that each of you have a very happy and healthy holiday season!