Chapter 4

Happy belated valentines day

Disclaimer: i own da plot, not da characters.

A/N: HI! Plz read n review on da way out! Luvs!

When Clay awoke the next morning in his chair, Kimiko was gone. He looked over at his clock which was now on the floor from last night's encounter. It said 12:05 P.M. 'Darnett, I slept in again.' he thought. 'Sure hope Kimi's okay.' he got up and walked to the kitchen. No one was there except for Kimiko.

As soon as he saw her, he quickly darted outside, trying to avoid her. She stood on the back porch and watched him train in her pajamas, sipping a cup of warm tea. 'He's never trained this hard. He must be worried about something.' Kimiko thought. 'I wonder why I was in Clay's room this morning.' she took another sip of her tea.

Master Fung stood beside her.

"Kimiko, I must tell you something about Clay, and why you were in his room."

"Oh, no! I didn't sleep with him, did I?" Kimiko asked, her eyes frantically darted to meet Master Fung.

"No, no, no. Nothing of the sort happened like that." Kimiko sighed in relief.

"The necklace he gave you was the shen-gon-wu that he won against Jack. He gave it to you to make you like him."

"Awww, that's sweet."

"But, his plan backfired and you tried to kill him with a knife." Kimiko's face went blank and she dropped her glass of tea.

"I tried to kill Clay?"

"Yes. But, in order for that not to happen, Clay had to hit you, and that is what he is so worried about."

Kimiko looked back at Clay and saw him charge at a tree. He ran straight into it and the whole thing fell over. Omi and Raimundo laughed as Dojo fussed at Clay for bulldozing the tree.

Kimiko didn't know what else to say as he rushed past them, not saying anything to either of them. She watched him walk away and heard a door slam.

"Kimiko, I think you should go talk to him later." Master Fung cleaned up the mess of glass and tea.

"But how am I supposed to talk to him when he's like this?"

"Do what your soul tells you to do." Master Fung bowed and walked away. Kimiko stood there, watching Omi run towards Raimundo. Raimundo dodged Omi's attack and laughs heartily. She turned around and went to her room. She thought about Clay.

'I tried to kill him? He likes me? This is all just so confusing. I don't know what I could do to cheer him up, he probably never wants to talk to me again.' she drifted off into a long nap.

Clay balled up his fists, then threw his hat up against the wall. The fact that he hit her and that she tried to kill him was just too much for him to bear. He began to break and throw anything he could get his hands on then yelled. 'I never should've used that shen-gon-wu on her. I knew she wouldn't like me either way.' he tried to calm himself by playing with his childhood action figures.

Kimiko was awaken by a loud yell and quickly got to her feet. 'Clay.' she left her room and quietly tiptoed to Clay's room. Everyone else was sleep, or at least should've been. She didn't even knock on Clay's door, she just opened it slowly.

"Who's there!" Clay asked in a harsh tone.

"It's me, Kimiko." he quickly threw himself on top of his action figures as she walked in and closed the door.

"What do you have there?"

"Nothing." he lied.

"C'mon, let me see." he gingerly got up, knowing that he couldn't have one of the action figures stabbing him in the stomach with it's plastic sword.

"Don't laugh, okay?"

"Fine." he stood up and sat on his bed, looking down at the floor.

"I didn't know you like action figures." she sat beside him.

"It's a lot of things you don't know about me." he said glumly.

"Like what?" she asked.

"Kimi, I hurt you and I'm sorry, but-"

"I know. Master Fung told me what happened."

He played with his fingers.

"So, you're not mad?"

"No, but-"

"So, you are mad?"

"No, I'm not mad. I forgive you, as long as you forgive me."

"I forgive you. It wasn't your fault anyway. I only did it so you would like me-"

"Like you? All you had to do was ask."

she tilted her head to the side and watched him blush.

"Well, I just don't know how to. I mean, back where I live, there weren't many girls around that would put up with me."

Kimiko looked down, then back up at him.

"Do you want what I was about to give you before you brainwashed me?"

"No, I'm through with valentines day. Besides, you're kinda annoying when you like me."

She looked at him bewildered, but shrugged it off.

"Am I annoying now?" she asked, blushing.


She scooted a little closer to him and clasped her hand with his. He looked up at her, then back down at the floor.

'She probably feels sorry for me. She's only doing this out of pity.' she watched him as he didn't look back at her.

"You don't want to talk anymore?" she asked

Clay shrugged.

Kimiko leaned over to kiss him gently on the cheek. Then she looked at him again. He looked into her eyes.

"You still think I'm annoying when I like you?"

"I dunno. You've only liked me once." she shifted her weight so that she was leaning against him.

"I like you now." he jumped at the sudden contact.

"Don't be scared Clay, this is new for me too."

"No it's not, I know you've gone out with Raimundo."

"No I haven't. Why'd you think that?"

"Because you were sitting on his lap a few days ago."

"That was an accident. Lets talk about me and you." Clay's heart began to race.

"What exactly do you want to talk about?"

"I don't care. Anything you want to."

Clay looked from her to the floor, blushing wildly.

"But I don't want to talk." he held her a little closer.

"Then what do you want to do?" she asked quietly as she looked up at him. He cupped his hand under her chin and gently kissed her on the lips. She kissed back and noticed that after the second kiss, his tongue slid in a couple of times. His kisses were so passionate. He stopped to look into her eyes.



"What are we doing? We were supposed to be in bed three hours ago."

"No one will know." she kissed him again.

"Will you stay in here with me tonight?"

"Where would I sleep?"

"In my bed. With me."

Kimiko didn't say anything.

"We don't have to do anything. I'm not like other guys, I just want to sleep, just to know what it's like to be with your girl all night, by your side."

"I don't know. We could get into so much trouble."

"I have a lock on my door, and besides, you didn't mind sleepin here last night." he smiled at her.

"Well, I WAS unconscience." she said with a smirk.

"What do you think you do when you're asleep? You're unconscience! Duh!" they both laughed and laid back on his bed.

"Yeah, I'll stay in here, but just tonight, and just to keep you company." she assured him.


"Yeah, lil lady?"

"Happy belated valentines day."

"Happy belated valentines day to you too Kimi."

He kissed her on the lips and they both got under the covers. He wrapped his arms around her and they drifted off into a nice, peaceful sleep.

A/N: yay! Plz review dis chapter! I must have feed-back! This is the end jus so u all kno.