I have decided to do a final proofread and update this story. If you don't like something I did, tell me what I did. I still won't update the remainder of the story until I get more reviews on this one, so please read and review.

Rika's Return:
The Clone Wars
by Madd the Sane

Copyright Notice: I do not own the copyright to Digimon or any of the Digimon mentioned in this story. Digimon is copyright © Toei Animation, Co. Ltd. and related affiliates.

On My Way Home

"Rika Nonaka,"

A red-head with hair going a little beyond the nape of her neck, dressed in her graduation robes, stood up to cheers and applause as she accepted her college diploma, trying not to think too much about her own high school graduation and what followed thereafter, even if it was in another country…

"Jeri Katou,"

A 5-feet 5-inch brunette got up to take her Diploma. The same red-haired woman, but with her longer hair done up in her classic spiky ponytail, dressed in different graduation robes, stood up to cheer her friend. A few more of her friends got up to cheer their friend on as she took the diploma offered to her.

"Kenta Kitagawa,"

The redhead reluctantly got to her feet and clapped halfheartedly for him. He isn't too bad by himself. However, with Kazu… She shuddered at the thought.

"Takato Matsuki,"

Many people, including his girlfriend Jeri, got up and cheered him as he got his diploma. He stood almost 6-feet 2-inches, showing that he inherited most of his father's height. The redhead began to think about her own path.

I've come a long way. A very long way. I can't believe that I'm graduating! After this, my mom won't be able to force me into any embarrassing photo shoots…

"Rika Nonaka,"

The redhead stood up to cheers and applause as she accepted her high school diploma, thinking about all the hard work that she went through to get to this day. She had done her best work getting this. And I deserve it, she thought.

She sat down and waited for her remaining friend to get his diploma. She knew what she was going to do when one particular friend's name was going to be read.

"Kazu Shioda,"

She didn't even get up for him, wondering herself how he graduated. Probably got his father or some other rich relative to pay the school to get him through. Wonder how far he'll go in college, she thought darkly.

"Henry Wong,"

She, herself, stood up to cheer her friend. It had been hard to persuade her mother to put her in the same high school as Takato and Henry, and she thinks her grandma helped her with her mom's decision, but she still isn't sure.

Now, what am I going to do for the rest of my life? she wondered…

After going back to her apartment, she decided to write an e-mail to her friends. She had returned her graduation robes after the ceremony and had on her midnight blue shirt with dark blue Jeans. Unlike her high school graduation, she knew exactly what she wanted: to go home. She had bought the ticket a month ago, after making sure that her credits were OK.

Now I just got to tell everyone… no, wait! I'll just tell grandma that I'm coming over, she thought, and surprise everyone else by saying I'll be staying here for a while. She didn't like the "surprise" birthday party that they did when she turned 14, but that may have been because she didn't really participate, retreating into herself and thinking about her dad when Susie and Kazu asked her to sing. Of course, it didn't help that stupid Parasimon tried to kill Renamon and Takato and decided to use my body as a weapon. And made me sing a song in front of Takato! I wouldn't have cared if I did it in front of Renamon, but why Takato, too? She furrowed her brow at the memory, then grinned as she thought of something else to type:

And tell Takato that I won't be singing to him anytime soon.

Smiling, she hit the send button, sending the letter to her grandma, telling her to "Pick me up," but not to tell anyone else about her plans, hoping to crash whatever party they had planned for her. Call me a party pooper, but I don't want a party; I just want to get back to my old friends, doing what we used to do.

Before that stupid letter…

"Rika, you've got mail," said an old woman, giving her a package.

Curious, and fearing it was another "fan" letter from Ryo; she started to open it carefully. It was then that she noticed the return address. UCLA? U.S.! Why would a college in the states want me? she thought.

"Something wrong, Rika?" said a deep female voice behind her.

"I don't know, Renamon," Rika said, opening the package. Finding the letter, she began to read:

"'Dear Rika Nonaka:

"'Your scholarship has been accepted at UCLA… A request for the classes which you want to take must be mailed by June 10th of this year…'"

"A scholarship! My daughter got a scholarship!"

Oh, great. If my mom thinks that I'm going to go to this school to learn to be "fashionable" or "Lady-like," she is going to be disappointed, thought Rika.

"So, what do you plan on doing with your scholarship?" Rika's mom, Rumiko, asked, surprising Rika and even her own mother. Rumiko, however, didn't notice the awkward silence in the room. "Well? We only have a week! What do you want to study?"

Rika thought about it for a long time…

"What'ca doin'?" asked her blonde roommate, Lindsey, in her wonderfully annoying voice.

Rika groaned silently. Of all the college students to room with… "Nothing," Rika said curtly.

Lindsey, however, didn't get the message from her tone of voice. "It looks like you're writing an e-mail," she persisted.

No duh. "I'm just writing to some friends." Rika hoped this would stop Lindsey's pestering, and was rewarded: she began to read over her shoulder the message Rika was writing.

Out loud.

"'To: Takato, Henry, Jeri, Susie, Kenta, Kazu, Mom

"'Subject: Staying for a while...

"'Hi all. I've decided to stay an extra year here at the States. I'm sorry, since I know you spent all that money for the party, but I want to look around the country for a little while. Tell Renamon I love her and will be back soon. Punch Ryo for me. :P

"'And Takato, I won't be singing to you anytime soon.' Who's Takato?"

Rika could feel herself starting to tense up in anger. And… blush? Watch it Rika. You just have to endure it for a little while more. "A friend." she gritted with barely controlled hostility.

This only brought on more questions. "A friend friend or a boyfriend?"

Rika could feel the dams beginning to burst. "Takato is a friend whom I met a long time ago!" She shouted, almost in her face. Lindsey put on her pouting expression and left the room. Rika let out a sigh as she felt her anger leave her. However, the blush seemed to get worse as she thought about Takato. Sure, she dated him for a little while. She also dated Henry and only dated Ryo once (She found him too annoying). But she had no feelings for any of them, except a very close friendship. Not to mention Takato saved her life once. Her thoughts went to a saying that says "You never know what you have until you lose it." I haven't lost anything! …or have I?

What are you doing? She mentally scolded herself. It's time to pack, not time to think about feelings or Takato!

After sending the message, Rika shut down the computer and began to get things ready to be packed up.

If only Renamon were here to help out…

Rika's cell phone rang the special ring tone that meant "Hypnos" was calling. She answered the phone, hoping it was who she wanted it to be.

"Hello, Rika," Rika scowled. It wasn't exactly whom she was expecting, but a step in the right direction.

"Yamaki. I was waiting for Riley to call," she said, trying to keep her contempt out of her voice and sound pleased to hear from him at the same time. It was hard: A part of Rika didn't want to forget that he sent their Digimon back to the Digital World, trying to lock them there. He didn't succeed, but the fact that he tried sent shivers down her spine.

"We both went there. I guess you could call me the official spokesman." Rika rolled her eyes. Just tell me what I want to hear.

"So, how did your visit go?" Will I be able to bring Renamon with me? If you say no…

The answer was in his voice. "Not well. They, at first, denied their existence, then said that they were all destroyed, and now they're saying their pets,"

Pets! "The U.S. Government calls Digimon pets," Rika said with disgust.

"It gets worse," Yamaki continued. "Even if you tried to 'import' Renamon as a 'pet,' you can't." Why not! She thought. "It appears that Digimon are…" he paused, not wanting to anger Rika more, but he relented. "'Potentially dangerous and harmful exotic pets.' Sorry, Rika." He hung the phone up, not willing to wade through Rika's anger.

Rika lowered her phone. Potentially dangerous and harmful exotic pets. She was about ready to throw her phone. What sort of idiots ran the U.S. anyway! She had already tried getting another ticket, but the price was too much for her. She didn't know how she was going to get Renamon to the U.S. without being caught.

"It didn't go well, did it?"

Giving out a frustrated sigh, Rika turned to face Renamon who had just materialized behind her. "No, it didn't," she said somberly. She could feel tears beginning to build and turned away from Renamon, shoving her cell phone into her pocket.

"Rika," She felt Renamon's paw on her shoulder, she looked back and could see that Renamon herself was trying to hold back tears. "Rika, I want you to know… you have been a good friend and a constant companion. But I fear that the time has come for us t-to part. At least for now."

"Oh, Renamon…" Rika turned around and hugged the golden fox. After a moment's hesitation, she returned the favor. Rika closed her eyes and started to cry into her fur "I'm sorry…"

"Don't worry, I'll probably be back soon." Rika said cheerily to the blue-eyed man who gave her her suitcase from his car's trunk. The sun rising in the east caused her to think of home.

"You sure?" he grunted. Who is this happy, bright, beautiful person in front of me? It sure isn't the dark, moody, terrifying Rika I met the first day. She doesn't even have her infamous black gloves on.

Feeling herself grinning, she decided to bait her friend. "Not really, but if I'm not, I'll write and tell you how much I miss you, Michael."

"Wow. You'll miss me! I thought the only one you would miss would be your roommate." Watch it Michael, or it is you who will know the meaning of pain, she glared. Probably seeing how Rika was glaring at him, he decided to change the subject. "So, who do you miss the most?" he asked.

Renamon. "What does it matter to you?" she said a bit defensively. "They are all my friends, and I miss each one of them."

"Well, that's good to know that you will cry over all of them. I'm sure that they will be happy." Michael said before turning sideways, anticipating the punch that Rika would give him.

The sad part about it is that it's probably true… oh why not? She obliged him by play-punching him on the arm. "Hey, thanks for the ride," she finally said, smiling.

"No problem. Tell your friends that I said 'hi.'" He said as he got into his car and drove away.

Rika looked at her watch and almost cursed. I'm going to be late! She took her suitcase and headed towards the checkout booth. After having her baggage checked, weighed, etc… Rika was on her way to the terminal, hoping the plane hadn't left without her. She was lucky: the plane was going to be late.

The plane ended up being two hours late. While waiting for the plane, she decided to get some exercise and walk around. While doing her exercise, she noticed a strange-looking lady sitting on a chair with her arms folded around herself, wearing a brimmed hat and a big coat with a high collar. She seemed familiar to Rika, but she didn't know why. It seemed that she was sleeping, but she wasn't sure if she was taking a nap or just bored. Rika decided to drop it and continued her pacing.

Finally, after the two hours of waiting, the plane came up to their gate. Finally, now I've just got to wait for half-an-hour more, then I can be going home…

Rika stood looking at the plane. It had arrived a little early, but they weren't going to leave for a while. She looked over her shoulder at everyone gathered there: Takato, Henry, Susie, Terriermon, Jeri, Lopmon, Rumiko, Ryo, and some of her other friends. Great. Now time for the tearful goodbyes.

Turning around to face everybody, she shook the boys' hands, hugged the girls, and shook the Digimons' ears. Jeri was the first to start crying, followed by Rumiko. Takato tried to keep his eyes dry, but didn't succeed very well. Ryo just stared at her as if he couldn't believe this was happening. Henry looked at her, smiled, and nodded, as if to say, "I'm proud of you." Susie was crying as if she wouldn't see Rika again. And Kenta and Kazu are throwing a party now that I'm going away, She thought bitterly. Too bad I won't be there to crash said party.

People started boarding the plane. Rika got in line, trying to keep the tears from falling. Feeling someone looking at her, she turned and saw Renamon. She hasn't been acting like herself since the phone call. Her eyes looked empty and devoid of life. She nodded to Rika, telling her that everything is going to be OK. Rika mouthed "Bye Renamon," to her companion, feeling wetness on her cheeks. She swallowed, and looked forward, trying to disguise the fact that she was crying.

Crying is a sign of weakness. Don't let others see that you are weak. She told herself as she put on the black lace (A/N: Or very thin material) gloves she bought yesterday and let down her hair, becoming an icier Ice Queen.

"Ticket, please," said the flight attendant. Rika dug it out of her pocket, and shoved it into his hand. He scanned and ripped the ticket and gave the stub back to her, telling her to have a great flight, despite looking at her as if she was going to rip his head off.

She got to her window seat, sitting and looking back at the airport. As the plane took off, she had an eerie feeling that this would be the last time she would see her friends, not to mention it felt like her heart was being ripped from her chest…

"Ticket, please."

"Hmm… oh, sorry. Here." Rika gave the flight attendant her ticket. The attendant scanned and ripped the ticket and gave the stub back to Rika. Rika then walked into the gate and onto the plane.

Now, what to do for the remainder of the trip? she asked herself while she was buckling herself in. Sleep? Sleep…