The truth hurts.

hey sorry not up dated for ages but have been really busy at college and moving house, but will hopefully be updating as soon as I can. Thanks for all the reviews. Xx

There was five minutes until the start of the next class and Harry was beginning to panic, he knew that coming back was going to be hard but he hadn't expected to have to deal with the people he had considered friends on his very first day. Harry didn't think he could face it, but what else could he do, he couldn't just leave, then he had an idea, running to the door he looked out into the hall way and made sure nobody was around, then locking the door he pictured the forest in his mind and a second later he felt the familiar pull as he orbed. Harry landed in the clearing next to a small group of young elves, who screamed and jumped back, Harry shot them an apologetic smile adnd ran over to Muscari who was having a conversation with some of the healers. Although Muscari had his back to Harry he turned around and walked towards him, Muscari greeted Harry with his normal grin, which quickly disappeared when he saw how stressed Harry was, before Muscari could say anything Harry had grabbed his hand and orbed them both into his class room. Looking over at Muscari Harry immediately felt guilty, orbing obviously hadn't agreed with him, they stood looking at each other for a minute before Muscari nodded his head to show that he understood what the problem was and after giving Harry a quick hug he walked to the back of the class room and sat in the corner where he wouldn't be seen.

Harry was once more leaning against his desk when the seventh years entered and took the seats, he watched them whilst the unpacked their things and got settled. Harry recognised Neville longbottom sitting next to Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan, at the next table were Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil, Harry hardly recognised the Slytherins, in fact both of the houses looked as though most of the students were missing Harry hoped that this was because their parents had taken them out of the school. Looking at the back row Harry noticed Draco malfoy sitting with a Slytherin that Harry didn't recognise and then Harry spotted Ron and Hermione, the two people Harry had trusted the most and the ones who's had hurt him the most, they looked the same as ever although both looked tiered and worn out, they were sitting close together, it seemed that they had finally gotten together after all. Harry felt a pang of jealousy at this, why should they be happy when he could never be, not that his time with the elves hadn't been happy, but he could never be truly happy, he could never rest until this war was over, it wasn't fair they could get on with their lives and he never could, they were his friends yet they had turned on him made him a wanted man, told the papers everything they knew in order to help the ministry catch him, he couldn't do this not yet, looked up at Muscari who had half risen from his chair, Harry shook his head and then ignoring the shouts from his class he turned and ran from the room.

Harry was surprised to find that he still knew his way around the castle really well, he walked up and down the many hall ways and stairs thinking, they had all turned on him and yet Dumbledore had said that they had been wrong that they knew he was innocent but how? And why didn't they believe him in the first place? Harry heard the bell signalling the end of lesson and the start of dinner, he knew that as a teacher he was supposed to eat in the hall but no doubt the rumours of his last lesson had already spread so instead he walked back to the entrance hall and made his way to the forest. When Harry entered the clearing he was immediately surrounded by the elves all asking the same questions of where he had been and what had happened, shrugging them of he made his way to his room, climbing the ladder he found him self face to face with Muscari and knew he was in trouble.

Harry and Muscari stood looking at each other before Harry suddenly found himself on the floor and realised with a start that Muscari had hit him. Before he could say anything Muscari started to pace in front of him shouting, "What the hell do you think you are playing at? I though you didn't want to attract attention to yourself? If running out wasn't bad enough then you go and disappear, any thing could have happened to you, you could have been hurt. What where you thinking?" Harry felt his anger rise he jumped to his feet and stood staring at Muscari "what was I thinking? What was lord Zea thinking asking me to teach? These people where supposed to be my friends and yet they just turn their backs on me as if I was nothing, I can do thins, I cant teach them not after every thing that has happened, I cant forgive them."

Harry and Muscari stood glaring at each other before Harry finally backed down, he wouldn't have normally but he hated fighting with any of the elves they had done so much for him and Muscari was his best friend, defeated he walked over to his bed and sat down, putting his head in his hands. After a while he felt Muscari sit next to him and the warmth as he sent healing energy through Harry's body. When Harry had finally clamed down Muscari spoke in a much softer voice, " I'm sorry for shouting, but we were worried, you can just disappear like that you could get hurt, theirs something else as well I talked to the staff and the reason that no one believed you was because Voldemort sent a death eater discused as you to Hogwarts that was who people saw kill, and voldemort also used some sort of spell to make every one doubt you, but for the spell to work there had to be some doubt to start with, the death eaters where caught and when questioned about you everyone found out the truth and have been looking for you for about a year." Harry was in shock why had they doubted him in the first place as far as he was aware he had never given them any reason to. Whilst trying to think Harry felt his head begin to hurt.