Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible, or Power Rangers. Kim Possible has been renewed, and a new series of Power Rangers is on the way.

Author's FYI: I use the spelling for Kruger from the fan-sub of Dekaranger. I like the spelling more Germanic, it seems to fit a war dog more than the Greek. Plus, truthfully, the real spelling probably doesn't look anything like a script from Earth anyways.


The small speck that streaked across the sky of New Tech City was ignored, if noticed at all, by the citizenry. It wasn't even seen on the viewers or radar of the illustrious SPD that protected the city. It was then not a surprise that no one noticed a five foot four inch package fall from the aircraft, lovingly referred to as Ride by its owner.

Upon closer look, the object was in the shape of a humanoid. It was clothed in a dark navy material. No parachute was evident as it hurtled towards the ground accelerating at thirty-two feet per second per second. As it approached the austere SPD Command Center, alarms blared and battle positions were sounded. The Ranger Squad scrambled into preparedness and the support groups prepped secondary support. When the object reached ten feet of the ground, it suddenly slowed and gently two feet touched the ground and began to move, as the person walked towards the front doors.

As the small figure hit the front doors, the Rangers confronted the diminutive figure. "SPD, stop right there!"

A smirk slowly appeared on the woman's face as a gleam came to her eyes. "Look, I have not had the best of weeks, just get out of the way and tell me where to find the big dog." As she went to pass the Ranger Squad, Sky put his hand to her shoulder to stop her.

As his hand touched her shoulder, her hands shot to his wrist, squeezed, and then twisted. The next thing that Sky Tate knew he was upside down against a wall. There was a long sigh and an unbroken stride, "Rookies, he sends rookies to save his ass…" From behind the auburn haired woman she hears, "SPD, EMERGENCY!" Ignoring it, she keeps walking.

"Before you do anything stupid, think. I just dove out of an aircraft at twenty thousand feet without a parachute, and touched down softly. I don't have powers like you pups do. I just tossed one of you without any effort. Do you really think that your colored PJs will help?"

All of a sudden all five rangers struck, but connected with air, and air alone. The next few minutes consisted of ineffective strikes thrown by the rangers and slight avoidance from the auburn haired woman. "Look, kids, I won't say it has been fun, because it hasn't." She then lashed out and struck each of the Rangers, sending them careening into the nearest hard surface. As they struck, their forms demorphed into their standard issue SPD uniforms. As she walked pass the dazed forms on the floor she tapped her belt. "Inertia winder, it stores up kinetic energy to discharge later, at my discretion. The only problem is that I am not feeling discreet right now. As you can tell, the energy from a twenty thousand foot plummet is quite considerable."

The head of Global Justice continued her march to the administration area of Space Patrol Delta's Earth Command. Now people just jerked out of her way, afraid of the mere countenance that she wore. Reaching a large steel door, she stopped and knocked on it, the reverberation sounding down the spartanly decorated hall.

When it opened, she saw her target sitting behind an overlarge desk. As she entered, he spoke before she was able to utter a word.

"Now, are you really you? And if so, how can we tell?"

"Oh, it's me Krueger. You can believe that. Retinal and fingerprint scans will verify. DNA and brainwaves would probably be fooled by Simians clones."

"Well, if they were clones then carbonated water…"

"Afraid not, he cleared out Drakken's problem about two years ago. He has multiple copies of me ready to activate at his pleasure. We have found multiple instances of them being tortured," she added in a grim voice.

"We had not been made aware of this. If we had known…"

"The same thing probably would have happened. He is tricky and cunning. He would have figured a way around it. All water under the bridge, anyway. What we need to be concerned about is if contact has already been made. Do you have any idea how to do that?"

"In fact, I do. I used the only thing that I knew I could to cut him loose. He and my head of technology have been… close for a couple of months now. If anyone knows where he is, she does."

Kruger's fingers hit a sequence of buttons and Doctor Kat Manx's tear streaked face came on the viewer on his desk. "What do you want Commander?" came the terse question.

"Kat this is no time for that. I was deceived and now Boom may be in trouble. Have you heard from him?"

"He called me last night and said that he was going to move in with his cousin. He hasn't called since then."

Kim's face whipped in front of the monitor. "Did he say his cousin's name, anything about him?" Silently she prayed her instincts were wrong.

"He said his cousin Ron." There was a pause in the air. "What's wrong? Is Karl in trouble?"

"He's probably fine. I am worried about the rest of us," came the revelatory statement.