Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible, or Power Rangers: SPD. They are owned by their respective copyright holding companies. I am merely putting forth a what-if scenario.

Author's Notes: For those that are Kim Possible fans: The supposition in this story is that at some point after So The Drama, Ron turns from good and enters into a life of villainy. I, myself, find it hard to believe that Drakken's "school yard bully" level of evil would be enough to make a difference in a "good guy" like Ron. There must have been a part of him that was already "bad" that the little amount from Drakken pushed over the top. In the years after, Kim joins Global Justice and is moved up the ranks. Most of her rogue's gallery from the series are out of commission for one reason or another, leaving Ron as her main foe to the freedom of the world. Reading my SPD story Opposites Are Attracted to Each Other will help understand somethings, but is not necessary.

For those that are Power Ranger SPD: This takes place after my story Opposites Are Attracted to Each Other. It takes into its supposition that the villains of Earth wouldn't just roll over and let some guy from out of town take over what is rightfully, in their minds, theirs. There will probably not be much Grumm and crew in this, but I think it will be a good ride for all considered.


Anubis Krueger wasn't, by disposition, a diplomat. This was the main reason, which while being a founding member of Space Patrol Delta; he was not in central command. He was a person of action, and that suited him just fine. He loved the rush of being in the field.

This was part of the annoyance that he felt as he strode through the halls of the SPD facility on Earth. He had a meeting with the head of an Earth-based law organization. He knew that there would be delicate matters ahead. Jurisdictional debates were not the thing that he wanted to be handling this morning. There was a new lead that Grumm was gearing up for a major attack, and he wanted to be ready whenever that happened.

As the door to the meeting room slid open, its sole occupant snapped to attention. There was a part of him that wished his cadets could have that type of discipline. "I am sorry that I was not here to meet you, but I was not aware that we had an appointment today, Doctor."

"Not a problem, Commander, we didn't. Something came to my attention recently and I wanted to check on it personally," came the curt staccato answer.

The auburn haired woman sat down and slid a folder across the conference table. Krueger took a seat, not his preferred seat at the head of the table. The woman was already commanding from it.

"I don't mean to tell you how to run your organization, but when you do something that could possibly interfere with the well-being of the world, then you cross into my area. We have a problem with a possible threat to the world at large."

Without looking at the folder Anubis Krueger responded, "I assure you that nothing we do here would do that!"

"I am sure that you think that, but please look at that folder. As you do I will tell you a story," the woman answered levelly. "While SPD was in its infancy here on Earth, there was a plethora of megalomaniacs trying to take it over, for one reason or another. I was the one that stopped them with the help of my partner. There is only one left in the world, a Doctor Simian by call name. His real name is known by those in the know."

"Yes, I am aware of him. Our reports are that he has been approached by various extraterrestrial forces, but all were turned down by him, or worse. I still don't see how this affects the SPD."

"I am getting to that, Commander. When it became apparent that there wasn't going to be an easy resolution to his crusade, his family members were relocated and given new names. One of those members now has access to high level alien technology courtesy of SPD. THAT worries us. That and if his abilities are shown by others in his family and they too turn to the life of crime…"

"I assure you that I don't know what you are talking about."

"Of course you don't, you haven't even looked into the folder. I have listed in there some suitable solutions. I will give you 72 hours to consider how you would like to handle this. If you can't make up your mind, I am sure that we can make the decision for both of our organizations."

Krueger looked at her with set eyes. "You seem adamant about this, like you are taking this personally."

Green eyes locked into Krueger's. "I am. Doctor Simian was a friend of mine, my best friend …and more. I will not let that happen again, especially on MY watch. He went from lovable goof to evil genius OVERNIGHT!" she emphasized her statement with a fist to the table. "It… it was my greatest loss, and he rubs my face in it constantly. If one of his family has the same inventive abilities as him, and turns over to him… Let's just say that will not be allowed."

"You sound as if you have already made the hard decisions."

"Hard decisions are what I do. I have had to make too many to turn back now."

Anubis Krueger saw the slightly clouded look to her jade eyes as the weight of those decisions came back to her. "A monster I am, unless a monster I become?"

"At least one of the monsters in this fight is on a leash, no offence. The other one is focused linearly. Given a choice as to whether to go after anything else, or take me down a notch, it will be me every time. Luckily that is his character flaw." There was a long pause as she stood up. "I am sorry to take up your time on this. I will be going. I hate seeing you under these circumstances, Doggie."

"It's okay Kim. I'll see what I can do to help." He nodded to her as she left the room. Sitting, he finally opened the folder containing the information on a possible threat, at least in the head of Global Justice, to the Earth. His eyes grew wide as he scanned the evidence that was presented. Slowly the folder slid from his hands. "It can't be him… can it?"


End prologue
