Seras' Night Out

Well, since I'm doing a very dark Halloween fic for the Slayers I'm going to do a more warm hearted fic for Hellsing.

A/N: For all the people wondering when the next Wolf and Tigress of Hellsing is coming out don't worry I'm still working on it, just taking a small break to focus on my Slayers Halloween fic.

Lemon Warning: The end of this fic is a lemon so standard Lemon warnings apply

Seras sighed deeply after she made it back down to her room. It had been an interesting night of hunting but nothing that Hellsing could not handle. It had been almost a year since Integra had been released from her prison in the bloody tower and the organization was recovering better then could have been expected. Seras stretched after placing the halconnon in the corner before she turned towards the rest of the room. It was when that he eyes caught the fresh blood bag in its bucket on the table. She licked her lips as she sat down and pulled the bag from the ice. Seras then sank her teeth into the plastic bag as she began to drink the precious liquid without any conviction. 'Master at least sounded proud when I stopped complaining about this,' Seras thought as she finished draining the bag and threw it in the trash can.

Seras stretched again as she stood up from her seat. As she moved towards her coffin there was a knock on her door. She huffed slightly while thinking, 'What now?.' before calling, "Who is it?"

"It's Walter. Sir Integra wishes too speak with you for one minute before you sleep for the day," called the old retainer from the other side of the door.

"Alright, I'm on my way," Seras replied as she stepped through the coffin and into the wall.

Seras had learned a few tricks within the time that Sir Integra was locked away and going through the wall was her first. She smiled as she thought back to how happy she was when she was able to do the same as her master. She continued to walk as she soon appeared right in front of the doors to Integra's office. Unlike her master though she refused to just barge in on people like he did. She lightly knocked on the door and waited for a moment before hearing, "Come in."

Seras walked through the door and came to stand a foot away from Integra's desk. She saluted the Hellsing heir and replied, "Agent Seras Victoria, reporting as requested."

Integra looked up at the young vampire and smile slightly. If one thing always stayed the same it was Seras. She had become stronger in a years time, and she had given up on her battle against drinking blood, but inside she was the same young girl as when Alucard first sired her. "At ease Seras," Integra replied before continuing, "It is almost Halloween Seras. Do you know what that means?"

The young vampire nodded and replied, "It means that freaks can blend in with the normal populace because of all the costumes. Only someone with a very trained eye, or a vampire could tell which is which."

Integra nodded and said, "Yes, that's correct which is why I've chosen you for a special mission. You have good senses and can pinpoint the freaks, but at the same time you can blend in and not be the colossal sore thumb that Alucard would be."

Seras couldn't help but chuckle as she pictured her master trying to blend in with normal costumed humans. 'Kids would be running home claiming to have seen the real bogeyman,' Seras thought before she brought herself under control. "What type of mission is this Sir?"

"We need you to dress up and act like you are human...go to a few Halloween parties and flush out as many freaks as you can," Integra replied as she watched Seras eyes light up with anticipation.

Seras smiled brightly at the idea of dressing up and going out on Halloween. 'I haven't done that in so long this is going to be great,' she thought before she asked, "Do I get to pick out my costume?"

Integra nodded as a small smile came to her face, 'At least she's happy,' she thought. "Yes, tomorrow night instead of going out you will go shopping. Pick out something you like and then you'll be ready for Halloween."

"Thank you Sir," Seras beamed at this opportunity.

"You are dismissed Seras. The sun is about to rise," Integra commented as she watched the young vampire salute again and then disappear into the floor. 'I wonder what Alucard will think about this,' she thought before going back to her paperwork.

Seras came back into her room and could not help but jump for joy as she thought about this assignment. 'This is going to be great,' she thought as she kicked off her boots.

"What's going to be great, Police Girl," came the deep baritone of Alucard's voice.

Seras quickly looked around while beginning to block out her mind. "Nothing Master...nothing important anyway."

"Oh really," came his voice from right next to Seras' ear.

She jumped with a squeak as she vacated her chair. She turned around to see Alucard behind the chair with an insane smirk on his face. "Master don't do that," Seras shouted as she seemed to bristle slightly.

Alucard laughed as he moved in front of the chair and replied, "Why not? You are still so easy to scare it is vastly entertaining."

She huffed before asking, "What do you want? If it is nothing important then please leave. I need to get my rest."

Seras watched as Alucard moved towards her with a strange look on his face. She backed away just to hit the table. As she looked back at her predicament two red clad arms appeared on either side of her. Seras quickly looked back in front of her to come face to face with Alucard. She swallowed hard before asking, "Master what are you doing?"

"I know you're hiding something from me. I want to find out what it is," Alucard replied as he inched closer to Seras.

Seras averted her gaze as a blush began to stain her face. "It's nothing...just a favor Sir Integra asked me to help with that's all," Seras replied with a half truth hoping that it would satisfy her master.

"Are you sure that's your answer," replied Alucard as he began to nuzzle her neck. "Be a good girl and I'll give you a reward."

Seras moaned slightly and replied, "It''s nothing Master. Please...stop," Seras pleaded.

To her surprise Alucard actually seemed to listen to her and pulled back. He looked at the young vampire before saying, "One way or another I will find out."

Seras watched as Alucard disappeared before her very eyes. She panted for a moment to calm herself before she went back to changing into her pajamas. 'No matter what Master is not going to mess this up,' she thought as she laid down and lowered her bed for the night.

Seras smiled as she looked through the different costumes inside a small store she had found while out shopping. She still had not found anything that truly struck her fancy but she had plenty of nighttime left and was not about to give up. As she went through the last group of costumes she struck gold. It was a witch costume but not what you would normally think. The skirt, blouse, a pointed hat, and elbow length gloves that were a deep crimson and made out of a nice silk which matched her eyes perfectly. It had a strapless blouse that was low cut to show off the woman's cleavage and bare shoulders. The skirt was long enough to just barely stop above her feet. Along the sides were two long slits that were designed to show off the legs while still covering well. The hat was the normal attire for a witch with the tip of the point slightly flopped to the side. Seras pulled the costume off the rack and moved to the changing room. She quickly tried the costume on and posed in front of the mirror to judge how it looked. "This is perfect," Seras could not help but announce her approval as the costume hugged her frame to perfection.

She changed back into her street clothes and brought the costume up to the clerk. She set the item down before asking, "Do you have any shoes that go with this costume?"

The twenty-seven year old woman behind the counter nodded and said, "Hun, I wouldn't dare sell you this outfit without these heels," as she pulled out a shoebox.

Seras looked at the heels and could not help but smile. They were the same deep crimson color and were adorn with crimson sequins to make it look like they shined. "How much," Seras asked with a great deal of joy in her voice.

"Tell ya what it normally goes for one hundred but I'll give it to ya for eighty," the older woman replied.

Seras blinked and then asked out of curiosity, "Why are you giving me such a deal?"

The older woman laughed slightly before leaning on the counter and saying, "Hun, I've been around and your looking to catch a certain someone's eye with that little number aren't ya?"

Seras blinked as a blush began to form on her face. She looked away while coughing, "No...not really," while she thought, 'It would be nice if master noticed but...What am I thinking?'

The older woman looked at Seras and smiled saying, "If you say so. Either way you'll knock'em dead hun."

"Thank you," Seras replied lowly as she paid for the costume and slowly walked out the store.

The weeks had gone by and the faithful night finally came. Seras awoke from her slumber with a smile on her face, 'It's Halloween,' she thought as her coffin bed began to rise.

She climbed out of her coffin and stretched her body from the sleep. She then grabbed a towel and walked into her bathroom to prepare for her night out on the town. Seras turned on her shower and stepped in once the water warmed up. She sighed as the warm water flowed down her body before falling down the drain. She slowly cleaned herself while thinking, 'Now all I have to do is get dressed and get out of here before master shows up.'

After a few more minutes Seras turned off the water and toweled off. She then wrapped the towel around her frame and walked out of her bathroom and back into her bedroom. Seras looked around the room before walking towards her coffin; all the while trying to stay aware of her master's presence anywhere near her room. After assuring herself for the fifth time that he was not around she fished out her costume from its hiding place. She smiled as she laid out the costume and turned to her dresser for her undergarments. She pulled out a black, silk bra that was strapless, and low cut so that it would not show from under the low collar of the costume. She then pulled on the matching pair of panties before heading back to the table. Seras quickly donned her costume before posing in front of the mirror on the far wall of her room. She smoothed out a bit of the skirt while thinking, 'I'm glad that tale about vampires not having reflections is a bunch of bunk. It would've made picking something out a pain.'

Seras smiled while turning around and walking out the door. As she was making her way towards the stairs she could see Walter approaching with two buckets of blood. She smiled as she said, "I'll take my meal to go Walter," before grabbing the bag.

The old retainer looked up at Seras' voice and had to stop for a moment with what was presented in front of him. Seras was dressed as a witch in a crimson silk outfit that showed how much of a woman she actually was. Walter shook off the shock and smiled like a grandfather that was happy to see his only granddaughter becoming a young woman before saying, "You surprised me there for a minute Seras. Starting the night off early tonight are we?"

Seras nodded as she pulled the bag from the ice and replied, "Yeah, I'm trying to get out of here before master notices how I'm dressed. I'll see you later Walter," before walking up the stairs.

Walter turned and watched Seras walk off while thinking, 'I can understand why she's avoiding Alucard...I doubt even a No Life King would have trouble restraining himself if he saw her,' before continuing down to Alucard's room while missing the pair of crimson eyes that watched from the shadows of the hall.

Seras yawned as she walked down the street thinking, 'You would think the men have never seen a woman before with the way they acted when I came out of the lower levels.'

Seras chuckled lightly as she thought of how most of her squad's jaws gaped open as she passed by them. It was one of the most priceless things Seras had ever seen in her life. She shook off the laughter and began to focus on her mission. She had already taken out about five freaks and was heading for the next party in the older parts of London. As she approached the place she became so focused on her mission that she missed the large red clad man that was watching her from across the street.

Alucard had decided to spy on the police girl to start off his night, but that did not go as planned. After he found her in the hall talking with Walter all plans went out the window. She was dressed in a very interesting witch costume that advertised her assets very well. Alucard found that it was hard to take his eye off of the young vampire as she went from party to party killing freaks as she went. 'So this is the mission Integra asked her to fulfill...I cannot say that I disapprove,' Alucard thought as he found a perch on an old building across from where the party was taking place.

He continued to watch and feel for Seras' presence from his hiding spot. He was very confident that Seras could take care of herself when it came to a fight. Alucard was more worried that Seras might go into bloodlust if something went wrong. 'Medical blood can sustain us but it is nothing compared to the taste of fresh, warm, human blood,' he thought as a smirk came to his face.

'That and Police Girl is rather naive. I'm sure people have already tried to drug her drinks and it did not work out as they have planned. But, nonetheless enough of some things might effect her and I can't let her be taken advantage of,' Alucard thought as a lecherous smile came to his face.

"Remember what I told you when I sired you Seras. You are mine," Alucard said to the night as he locked onto where Seras was inside the building.

Seras laughed as she escorted a young man towards a bedroom. She knew that this man was a freak and she just needed to get him away from everyone else before killing him. So she had approached under the guise of being drunk and wanting to, 'Shack up,' as she had said.

The male freak was all to happy to follow Seras as she pulled his arm and stumbled here and there. After walking for a few minutes she came to an unoccupied bedroom in the large building that used to be an apartment complex that was now a club. Seras pulled her prey into the room and shut the door behind them. She then stumbled onto the bed before patting a spot next to her while looking back at the freak with bedroom eyes. The freak smiled like he was in heaven as she walked over to the bed before sitting down next to Seras. He ran a hand over the cloth over Seras' thigh while saying, "Well, it seems that I was lucky tonight," before moving his hand to touch bare skin between one of the slits in the skirt.

Seras sighed as she felt the freaks hands on her. If anything this night had taught her that becoming a vampire did not rid her of certain humanly wants and desires. She pushed the freak down onto the bed as she felt another desire well up inside of her. Seras straddled the freak as she ran her gloved hands over his clothed chest while leaning down. Her mouth soon came to his neck where she began to nip at before she heard the freak say, "If your hungry then feed. Just don't drain me too much."

Seras smirked as she thought, 'Fool,' before her eyes began to turn fully red with bloodlust. She bit into the freaks neck and began to feed as he moaned above her. Seras continued feeding even when she heard the freak protest somewhat weakly, "That's enough."

Seras did not give and continued to feed more. As the freak tried to push her off she slammed him against the head board without letting go. Soon the freak could barely move as Seras pulled away and licked her lips. She looked down at the freak to see he was drained she then pulled out a nine millimeter; which had been fitted with a silencer, that had been hidden in her bra and pointed it at the freak. She smiled as his eyes grew wide before she said, "In the name of God, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation. Amen."

Without any hesitation Seras pulled the trigger and watched as the freak turned to ashes. She smiled before replacing the gun back in its hiding place and standing from the bed. She walked out the room and down the hall to head to the next party on her list. 'I wonder what master is doing right now,' Seras thought as she turned down the street.

Alucard watched from his perch as Seras walked down the street. He could feel through their bond that she was still in the after effects of bloodlust. He grinned as he prepared to move after her. Right as he was about to pounce on the unsuspecting Seras he felt Integra calling him. He growled as he looked back toward the Hellsing manor. 'This had better be good,' he thought as he turned to look at Seras before saying, "Another time my dear."

Alucard then stood and disappeared into the night as he made his way back to the Hellsing manor.

A few hours and about five freak later found Seras slowly walking down the streets of London. She smiled oddly as she swayed in her step. Seras stopped next to a building and leaned on it for balance. 'I didn't think vampires could get drunk,' she thought as she stood up again and looked at her watch. "It's getting close. I need to head back to the manor," she said out loud as she stepped into a back alley.

Seras then concentrated for a moment before her body exploded into bats. The inebriated creatures took off in a pack towards the Hellsing manor while diverging off course every once and a while. After about a thirty minute flight the bats zeroed in on Integra's open window and flew in. The bats grouped together in the center of the room and formed back into Seras' human visage. She opened her red eyes to look at the Hellsing heir before saying slightly slurred, "Agent...Victoria reporting in...Sir Hellsing."

Integra looked at her agent with an eyebrow cocked, "Seras have you been drinking?"

Seras giggled slightly before replying, "Come on act like I'm some kinda kid. I'm...old enough to drink on my own...and besides I needed to fit in."

Integra sighed and pulled out a cigar from her desk. She lit the cigar and puffed on it before asking, "So how many did you get Seras?"

Seras' eyes wandered as she looked around the Hellsing heir's office. After a moment her attention seemed to come back to her and she replied, "Eleven freaks...not bad for one night. Can I go to bed's getting late."

Normally Integra would have been furious with the way Seras was acting but she was able to remind herself that it fully was not the young vampire's fault. 'She probably thought that alcohol wouldn't harm her...Alucard's been lacking in his teaching,' Integra thought before replying, "Yes, but I expect a full report tomorrow night. Is that understood?"

"Yes sir," Seras replied before disappearing into the floor.

Seras reappeared in her room with a smirk on her face. She could feel the want still in her and thus why she was so short with Integra. She moved over to her bed and laid down on the mattress. Seras then pulled off one of her long gloves and tossed it to the side. She then ran her ungloved hand over her hip and down to the slit in the skirt. She quickly moved her hand inside the skirt and began to rub against her panties. She moaned as she began to masturbate for the first time in years. "I haven't felt like this in so long," Seras said out loud as she began to speed up her rubbing on her private area.

Seras moaned again and tossed her head from side to side as she continued to pleasure herself. She felt more tension rising in her as she continued. She bit on her lip to keep from moaning too loud but Seras still could not release the tension within her. 'I need something...I need someone,' she thought before opening her mouth and moaning loudly, "Master..."

Alucard walked through the front doors of Hellsing. He stretched and yawned in boredom as he actually walked through the halls for once. As he climbed one of the main staircases he could not help but think, 'That was a glorious waste of my time. One over zealous freak and a bunch of ghouls not even a challenge.'

As Alucard was about to enter Integra's office he heard in the back of his mind, 'Master...'

The No Life King spun on his heel and looked down towards the cellar. He had heard Seras reach out to him but it was in distress. 'Well...not the danger type of distress anyway,' he thought as he opened a dark portal.

Alucard appeared right outside of Seras' room while thinking over her call. She was not frightened or in trouble but at the same time there was a hint of frustration in her voice that intrigued him. As he reached for the door knob he stopped and breathed in deeply. The scent was so heavy he almost had to step back away from the door, but at the same time he wanted to bash the door down. Seras was letting off a lot of pheromone and it was all Alucard could do to not dash in and claim her no matter if she was willing or not. He moved towards the knob again and could not help but smirk as he heard a moan. Alucard opened the door quietly and stepped in. He closed the door just as silently and watched the police girl while she continued in her attentions. It was a very erotic scene that welcomed the elder vampire that brought back memories of when he seduced Lucy before Van Hellsing imprisoned him. Seras lay on her bed with her skirt pulled up to her waist. He right hand was buried under her panties and moved as fast as she could. She tossed her head from side to side as the tension continued to grow but would not be released. Alucard had had enough; he would be damn if he was just going to watch. He walked over to the coffin and kneeled in front of his fledgling that seemed to ooze femininity with her actions. Alucard then rested a hand on her breast before he began to fondle her and ask, "Do you need some help getting off, Police Girl?"

Seras' eyes shot open with surprise at her master's voice and his actions towards her. She moaned as he caressed her body through the blouse while continuing to masturbate in front of Alucard. She gasped as she felt Alucard's other hand slide up her inner thigh and his lips take hold of her ear. Seras moaned loudly as Alucard lightly tugged on her ear lobe with his teeth. She sighed when he let go and asked, "My it seems Police girl is a naughty girl at heart after all."

Seras looked at Alucard pleadingly and replied, "I don't care what you think of me...just...just take me."

Alucard smirked as he lowered his mouth to her neck and began to nuzzle her. He moved his body into the bed while discarding his red duster. He continued to nuzzle her neck as his hands quickly found her blouse top and pulled in down to her waist quickly. He smiled even more when Seras gave off a airy moan at the feeling the quick movement of the blouse caused on her already hard nipples. "I will have to warn you Seras...once you give me permission it might get a little rough," he said before licking her neck and continuing, "I haven't had a woman in a long time."

Seras reached up with her hands and moved him closer to her. She ran her hands alone his muscular back as she tried to get even closer. He body was acting on instinct now and Seras was as well pleased with that was happening. "I don't care...ravage me if you must but please...please bank this fire in my body," she replied as she bucked her hips up towards him.

"As you wish," Alucard replied as he captured Seras lips in a crushing kiss.

Seras responded hungrily to Alucard's kiss as his hands ran over her body. She had never dated much during her human life but that did not mean that she was not a women. She had had sexual desire as she lived but was never brave enough to act on them. Thanks to the alcohol, and the attentions she had received at the hands of the freaks, the woman within her had been awakened. All she wanted now was to be satisfied in her new sexual appetite and Alucard would be the man to do it. Not needing to breathe they continued the lustful kiss as Seras began to unbutton Alucard's shirt. Right before she was finished Alucard capture her hands and held them to the mattress. He then broke the kiss and looked at Seras before saying, "Don't worry Police girl. I'll give you what you want soon, but I'm also going to enjoy this."

Before Seras could protest Alucard ripped off her bra and exposed her breast to him. He kneaded one breast in his hand while he lowered this mouth to the other. He slowly licked the erect nipple and watched as Seras tried to thrash in protest of the tension that still refused to be released from her body. Alucard then took her nipple into his mouth and began to suck hard. As Seras moaned her added to the experience by nipping at the flesh of her breast. After a few moments he switched breast and tormented Seras by suckling the other nipple just as hard. Seras' moans came quickly as she huffed for air that she did not need. "Master...Master please I can't stand it anymore," Seras pleaded while she tossed her head to the side in another wave of pleasure.

Alucard could not deny the bulge that had grown in his pants. He concentrated for a moment and his clothes disappeared. Alucard then quickly ripped Seras panties off as he positioned himself. He pushed open her legs with his knees and then said, "Now I truly make you mine," before thrusting into Seras with all his might and lust.

Seras felt the pain shot through her body and could not help but bite into her bottom lip. As she tasted her own blood she felt something rubbing against her lips. Seras opened her eyes to see Alucard slowly licking at the blood on her bottom lip. As smiled before capturing Alucard's lips in a passionate kiss. As the kiss intensified both Seras' and Alucard's tongues danced together as the taste of blood mingled into the kiss. Seras closed her eyes as she continued to kiss Alucard and moaned into him every time he pumped into her privates. After another few moments they released each other as Seras moaned, "Master...," while she began to buck in time with Alucard.

Alucard could feel his climax drawing closer and also knew that Seras was about to explode from all the new sensations. He slowly nuzzled her neck as he whispered, "Say my name Seras. Say my name."

"Alucard...Alucard," Seras moaned as she continued to buck against Alucard's hips.

Seras could feel something come and screamed as she shouted, "Ohh, god Alucard I'm..."

Alucard felt his own orgasm coming and moaned, "Seras...," before biting into his fledgling's neck

Seras felt the intense pleasure from her orgasm mix with the effects of the embrace. She moaned loudly as the sensations over loaded her senses and she passed out from the experience while whispering, "I love you...Alucard."

Alucard drank Seras' blood as his seed spilled into Seras' womanhood. He felt her go limp and whisper, "I love you...Alucard," before she passed out.

After finishing her released her neck and pulled out. Alucard smiled as he laid down behind his fledgling and pressed the button for the coffin to lower. He wrapped his arms around her half clothed body as he replied, "I know Seras...I know."

Hours later Seras awoke to find herself in her coffin. For a moment she thought she had had another dream until she looked down. Her witch custom was now pooled at her waist and her undergarments were no were to be found. She then notice the strong arms wrapped around her waist. Seras sighed and leaned into the embrace knowing that Alucard was still with her. She heard him laugh behind her and she asked, "What is so funny?"

Alucard smirked in the darkness and replied, "Nothing...but it seems I have found that witch are good for something after all."

Seras sighed again as she rested against Alucard chest and fell asleep in the safety of her lover's arms.

I do not own Hellsing I just write fanfics.