Disclaimer: I don't own any of this awesome story-it all belongs to the coolest guy on earth, George Lucas.

"Wait for me, Padme. Please, wait for me."

Her love had said wait. So she did. She waited for hours, praying fervently that he would be safe. She couldn't bear to lose him; not now, with the baby coming. After waiting for what seemed an eternity, she saw it.

His ship! The favorite one that he loved to use on missions off of Coruscant. Technically it wasn't his, but somehow Anakin managed to sneak it out of the Jedi hangarShe smiled at the memory of when he had taken her on a surprise trip to Naboo in it. He had refused to tell her where they were going, and she had quite a shock when they landed. That adorable smile he was famous for was plastered on his face that entire day.

Now she ran to his ship, tears of joy and worry sitting on her cheeks. Ani was home! Everything would be alright now.

He had told her to wait for him. It was doubtful she would obey his instruction, but he had to try. Vader didn't want his wife to see this place. So hot he was sweating, even though he came from a planet with two suns. He thought of all that had transpired in the past hour. He had come to the fiery planet in his favorite ship, stolen from the Jedi Temple, of course, and killed all life forms in this collection station, including his former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Obi-Wan, he thought angrily, his rage welling up inside him, I hate him! He tried to keep me from Padme. He held me back! But now he is gone, and I have power greater than any Jedi ever dreamed of! As he thought of this last point, a slight – cruel – smile came over his lips. He had power, and he knew it. He was also skilled in how to use it.

Vader decided that there was nothing else for him to kill here, so he decided to go home, to his Beloved. Padme, he thought, the dark side nearly clearing from his mind for a split second. Padme, his only love since he was ten years old. She would be waiting for him, he was sure of it. As the dark lord strode toward his ship, he smiled in anticipation.

The engines roared to life and he set the course for Coruscant, setting the lightspeed coordinates. When he arrived he would have to tell her of the good news. Vader sat down in the back of the ship to meditate.

They shared a tight embrace as Padme ran to him, seeking the sheltering security of his touch. He ran his good hand through her hair, fingering the delicate skin at the nape of her neck. She shivered under his touch, all the while burying herself in his muscular chest. There, that's better, she thought as she wiped her tears on his blacker-than-night cloak. She looked up at him and he kissed her forehead tenderly, then gazed down at the love of his life.

She was as beautiful as ever, but it was obvious she had been crying.

"Padme, what's wrong?" he implored, still stroking her hair.

"Oh Ani," she said tearfully, "I-I was so worried! Obi-Wan told me awful things! He said y-yo-you killed-" she had hiccupped most of it out between tears but couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence.

As she said his name, he felt a twinge of annoyance. He wasn't Ani! He was Vader! He pulled her into another embrace.

"Padme, shhh. Don't worry about any of that. I'm here, shhh." He continued to whisper sweet nothings to her until she was calm again. Then he started walking inside with her and sat down on the couch. She sat down next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder, craving his affection.

"Padme, I have something wonderful to tell you!" he smiled, remembering back to eight months ago when she had said that before she had told him she was pregnant. "Well, I killed Chancellor Palpatine, he was the Sith Lord. Now I-"

"Oh Anakin! You really did?" she was joyful, but a shadow suddenly fell over her face. "It must have been awful for you; he was one of your best friends." She said sympathetically, caressing his arm softly.

He frowned at her interruption but contemplated what she had said. Sure, maybe he was one of my friends, but I had to kill him. He was holding me back, too.

"Padme, I wasn't finished." He said in a voice that was both harsh and loving. "Now that he's dead, I'm the emperor." He paused, waiting for her reaction.

She stared at him for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and letting it out.

"Anakin, that's, umm," she struggled for words. "Well, I mean, its…" She frowned uncertainly.

Seeing her hesitation at his wonderful news, he decided to take action.

"You understand that it makes you Empress Padme Naberrie Amidala Skywalker, right?" he said grinning. "A regal name for a regal woman," he continued, using the charm that had captivated her years ago on Naboo. The dark lord of the Sith moved his face closer to hers, and whispered in her ear, "Now we can live in peace. No one to force us apart, just you, me, and the little one," he said the last words more tenderly, and glanced at Padme's swollen belly.

She listened to his words, hoping to find the answer of what 'it' was in the explanations he gave. (A/N: I may be unclear here, but remember she's all like "its, umm, its…" So yeah, just a clarification. Back to the story.) The title empress sounded a bit much, though his flattery was intoxicating. The idea of peace, and a new life together, always, nearly sold her, but…

"Ani, this isn't right," she said after thinking. "We can't rule the whole galaxy! We need a democracy! The Republic-"

"The Republic doesn't exist anymore!" Vader interrupted aggressively.

Padme cowed at his expletive, but went on.

"Anakin," she tried to soothe him with a soft, smooth voice. "If we're ruling the galaxy, if you're ruling the galaxy, when will we be a family together?" She peered into his blue-green orbs with her brown ones as she said this, hoping to get through to him. She paled as she watched him snap, his eyes turning an eerie shade of yellow.

"Alright, let me clarify a few things," he said, whispering menacingly. (A/N: Think AotC, "Who hired you? Tell us. pause Tell us now!" Just the first part, not the yelling) "First, my name is no longer Anakin," he said with disgust, "it is Darth Vader." This he said proudly, his head lifted and a smile in his voice. It had gotten dark, and only the silhouettes and gleaming eyes could be seen of each other.

She gasped at the implication, realizing the fullness of the situation. She backed away from him, still sitting down. "Who are you and what have you done with my husband?"

He chuckled at her anxiety, "Padme, Padme, Padme." He scooted closer to her on the couch, a grin on his lips. He reached for her with his right hand, a mistake, as it turned out. She pulled away, backing up until she had reached the opposite armrest. Still he advanced, upsetting her more with every movement. She tried to get up quickly and go behind the couch, in a vain attempt to put something between this monster and her precious child. Pulling herself up from the couch proved a harder task than originally thought. Her pregnancy was catching up with her, and it took more time and energy now. Vader stood up, strode to her side, and caught hold of her arm. She resisted, stirring his anger. She struggled in his grasp, but it only made his grip tighter. She stopped fighting, if only to make the pain subside.

He grabbed her shoulder with his other hand and caressed it, hoping to change her mind and her fear.

"Padme, listen to me! I need you to rule with me. I need you to support me. I need you with me." He released the grip on her arm and moved down her back, pulling her to him. She complied and found herself sniffling into his cloak.

"Ani- Vader," she said, remembering his name and pronouncing it with revulsion, so unlike the tone she had used with his 'former' name.

He interrupted softly, "You can call me Anakin if it makes you feel better." His eyes softened.

"Oh, Anakin!" she sobbed, "I suppose I could rule with you if I had to, but couldn't we just be a family, a normal family, on Naboo maybe?"

He pondered her words for a moment. "Angel, if we don't rule, who will? Someone who would destroy the galaxy?"

She took her time in answering, her head still buried in his chest, feeling the strong warmth of his heart against her face. She smiled, and answered.

"Yes, Lord Vader, I think it is right that I am by your side, to help you run this galaxy."

Anakin/Vader smiled. It was almost as if she had said yes when he proposed!

"Then, my love," he kissed her hand, "we will start in the morning."

And with that, he carried her off to bed, and Padme worried no more.