
Hey, I'm sorry I took a little longer to update this chapter. My computer had been broken for a few days. I lost most of my documents. I was able to save some -- thankfully. Now it's time to find out how everyone will react to this new development.

Rating: M for Mature

Warnings: Sexual Content; Offensive Language



Recap: Kagome had ended up giving Inuyasha some of her fathers old pajama pants. They were navy and very silky and comfortable. She herself just wore some flannel pants and a large white t-shirt. She pulled her hair into a ponytail. With the t-shirt, Kagome begged her mother wouldn't notice the extra weight on her stomach right away. End Recap

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters associated with the series.

Chapter 4: React With Joy, I Beg Of You

The sun's orange rays glittered in the sky. As light flooded through the area birds could be heard singing their morning tunes in the distance. It would be a wonderful day. The breeze was refreshing and cooling. The air was warn and wondrous.

In a small room, in the Higurashi shrine, rested a young miko girl. Her name was Kagome and on the side of her bed slept a hanyou soon to be a father to that miko's child. He leaned against the bed with his sword close by. He was Inuyasha and he was prepared to protect his mate and unborn pup with his life. He was ready at any moment in time.

Opening her eyes, Kagome yawned. She stretched out her stiffened muscles and smiled at the content feeling rushing through her. In her stomach life was growing and all of her instincts told her this. They told her the child was fine and would be healthy once born. At first she had been very anxious with the news, but she was starting to become excited. The thought of an infant that belonged to her and Inuyasha being born into the world was a pleasant one.

Forgetting where Kagome was for a moment she rolled over. She rolled to far... Falling off the bed she landed in a certain hanyou's lap. She squeaked in shock. Inuyasha was alert and at the sudden movement he opened his eyes quickly and stood. Kagome dropped to the floor with a groan. She blushed a little for being so clumsy.

"Sorry, Inuyasha... that was my fault... I fell." Kagome got up carefully and looked at Inuyasha who was getting over his surprise.

"How did you fall?" Inuyasha narrowed his eyes in curiosity and Kagome's blush deepened.

"I said I was sorry... I just rolled off the bed. That was all..." Kagome looked away from the accusing male and recalled what was going on. Her and Inuyasha had fallen asleep before her mother got back. That was a real shame, considering Kagome was really drooling for the dinner her mother had planned out the night before.

"I smell food..."

"My mom probably made some breakfast. Why don't you go down there and have some?"

"What about you?"

"I'm not hungry."


"I can't eat in the mornings remember. I get sick."

"You have to eat to stay healthy."

"I'll eat when I feel like I won't get so sick. Tell my mom to save me some and I'll eat it later. Just say I'm to tired to get up yet."

"You can do it yourself."

"But Inuyasha!" Kagome had a hard time turning down an offer from her mother, especially when her mom gave her that hopeful smile of hers.

"But nothing. I had to sleep on the floor. I'm not going to explain things to your family too."

"It's not like you have to tell them I'm pregnant or anything."

"I won't. Come down with me." Kagome sighed and looked at Inuyasha with a look that clearly said 'I guess you've won for now, but I'll get you back.' Kagome stood up slowly and stretched out her legs.

"I'll get sick if I go down there, but since you don't care what happens to me I'll go Inuyasha."

"Feh, sick my ass. You only do that once in a while." That was true. Kagome's morning sickness wasn't that bad and for that she was grateful.



"Sit." Kagome left Inuyasha's face to slam into the carpeted floor as she made her way downstairs.

As Kagome reached the bottom of the stairs the smell of eggs hit her nostrils. She turned away from the kitchen quickly. It was another one of those unlucky mornings for her it seemed. She ran towards the bathroom, but stopped at the door. It was closed. Which meant someone was in there. Kagome took in a deep breath. She was away from the smell of food, which caused her to feel slightly better, but still she did not want to risk it.

Turning around Kagome headed for the living room. She would leave if she wasn't in her pajamas and all. The miko girl looked over at the stairs when she heard someone on them. Inuyasha was coming down.

"Why are you in here?" The hanyou questioned. Kagome folded her arms over her chest stubbornly.

"I got sick. I can't eat this morning." She closed her eyes and waited for a reply.

"If what she's making is getting you sick then I'll get you something else. What do you want?" Kagome opened her closed optics and stared into the male before her. That was kind of him to offer. It really wasn't like Inuyasha to do such things.

"You don't have to..."

"You need to eat, Kagome. Or else you and the pup won't be healthy. Just tell me what you need." Kagome lips turned from the frown she was holding to a tiny smile. She really loved when Inuyasha showed he cared about her.

"Tell my mom to bring me some toast, please." Kagome's smiled brightened and Inuyasha nodded, considering he didn't know what toast was, asking Kagome's mother was the smart and only logical thing to do.

As Inuyasha walked away Kagome listened closely to the sounds her family made as they ate their breakfast. The laughing and chatting. She had heard her own name a couple of times, but knew they were only mentioning her return and what not. She didn't feel they suspected anything yet. Looking down, the priestess pulled up her t-shirt and examined her plump belly. She smiled. Knowing life was growing inside of her gave her a strange feeling inside. It was something she had never felt before. Knowing that the child was made from her genes as well as Inuyasha's was another thing that made her beam. They were finally together and would have a family. They could be happy.

"Here." Inuyasha handed Kagome a plate. Kagome took it and looked at the buttered toast. Thankfully looking at that didn't make her sick.

"Your mom already has some made."

"Thanks, Inuyasha." Inuyasha watched her closely as she ate the two slices of cooked bread to make sure she ate every last morsel. "You can go and eat in there if you want. I'm fine by myself."

"I'm not going to leave you alone in here."

"It's just the next room over. I don't think it's that big of a deal." Kagome put the plate on the table. She was finished. Inuyasha knelt down in front of her and she could only wonder what he was doing. Hesitantly the half demon placed his hand upon Kagome's stomach. She waited and watched him curiously. He placed his head to her belly and his ears twitched. He was obviously listening for something.

"I can hear the other heart beat." The excitement in Inuyasha's voice was not hidden. Kagome giggled and placed a gentle hand on his ear and scratched it. "It's really there..." The voice of Kagome's mate was more serene now.

"Yeah, it is." Quietly the girl informed. Inuyasha pulled back from Kagome stomach and sat on the couch next to her. "You think it will be a boy or a girl?"

"Ha! A boy!"

"I think it will be a girl."

"No, it will be a boy."

"Oh really. What makes you think that?"

"Just guessing."

"Well I'm guessing it will be a girl."









"Boy? Girl? What are you two talking about?" Kagome and Inuyasha looked quickly towards the door where Sota was standing, staring at them with a suspicious glance.

"Ah... nothing!" Kagome tried to smile normally and like always, when she lied, the smile was to big to be nonchalant.

"Oh, really?" Sota persisted.

"Yes really, twerp." Kagome held out an irritated fist to the boy. He stepped back, deciding not to get on her bad side this morning. Something was up with her attitude. It was a little off from usual.

"Enough, Kagome." Inuyasha ordered in a whisper. He didn't want her to reveal her hormones to them if she wasn't ready to tell them just yet. Kagome knew what he was getting at a leaned back into the couch.

"Hey Sota can you bring Mom and Gramps in here?" Kagome asked her brother. Sota listened and headed for the kitchen where the two adults were sitting. "Inuyasha, can you wait for me outside?"


"I'd rather tell them alone." The look Kagome gave him was one he was not going to argue with. After a moments hesitation he nodded slowly and left. As soon as he was out the door Kagome's mother, brother, and grandfather came into the room.

"What is it Kagome?" Questioned Mrs. Higurashi.

"Could you all sit down?" As soon as everyone was seated Kagome stood. She couldn't sit still. The thought of telling them was making her overly nervous. She kept on nipping at her tongue and paced in her spot, all the while her family stared at her.

"Kagome?" Her mother pushed on. "Is something wrong?"

"Mom... Gramps... Sota..." Kagome stopped her pacing and turned to face all three of them directly. Under their stares she felt like she was going to be sick again. "There's something really important you all need to know." She figured the best way to go about this was to stall and slowly get to her point. "Me and Inuyasha... me and Inuyasha..." She couldn't say it! She was completely tongue tied. "Me and Inuyasha are together." Now that that was out she would have to continue. She couldn't stop there.

"Well honey that's great!" Her mother clasped her hands together.

"Wait... there's more."

"More?" Gramps furrowed his brows.

"Yes, more?" Sota tapped his finger on the couch. He had a feeling of what was going on here. He wasn't so naive.


"Get to the point, Kagome." Gramps was to old to hold a lot of patience. His granddaughter looked around nervously. Were they getting married or something? What was so hard to say?

"I'm... Yes... I'm... I'm..." Kagome's heart raced. She couldn't speak. Her lips quivered and her body trembled. She was so deathly afraid of what they were say to her once she told them the news. "I'm... I am... mother, grandfather, brother... I am pregnant." She squeaked in something that was barely above a whisper.

"Oh... honey..." Her mothers small frown was enough to make her heart completely break. Her brother and grandfather stared, completely awe-stricken. The mouths were gaped opened. "Kagome... why was it so hard to tell us? That's great news!"

"What?" Kagome asked.

"Yeah? What she said!" Sota pointed to his sister.

"You're not angry?" Kagome wondered sheepishly.

"Angry? Oh heavens no! A new addition to the family is just what we need and if it has cute little dog ears all the better!"


"You're eighteen, sweety. I think that entitles you to make your own decisions." Kagome finally found it in her to smile towards her mother who had openly excepted this particularly shocking news.

"That child is Inuyasha's?" Gramps finally spoke up. Kagome nodded positively. "Then the child is also partially demon?" Kagome nodded again. Gramps sighed in deeply. This was a lot to think about.

"Only twenty-five percent, but still it is a little."

"I see."

"Well um..." Kagome looked around nervously. "I better go. Inuyasha is waiting for me."



"You and Inuyasha will stay the night again. Since you two fell asleep early last night I didn't make the dinner I had planned. I will make it tonight and we can all catch up."

"Alright, mom. If that's what you really want."

"Of course it is."

An ending to a pretty normal chapter if you ask me. I just have to say that I am so glad that after posting only three chapters I have over seventy reviews. It's truly rewarding to try hard when writing your fan fictions, eh? 'Beloved Misery' and 'Tender Passion' still have more, but that doesn't matter, considering they're all mine and I work equally hard on each one.