A/N - OMG! I'm updating! Dang, when was the last time I did this!

I apologise to all of you who've been waiting so patiently, so without further ado, here's chapter 9!


Danny Phantom is copyright of Butch Hartman

Dragons Don't Exist… Do They?

Chapter 9

Curiosity killed the cat…

(or at least it would have had the cat not already been dead )

"Guess I should be congratulating you on being the first to find me!" Thunderchild told Lyric cheerfully "of course, you do realise the only reason you were able to find me was because I wanted you to!" The ghost / dragon hybrid glared at the Watcher.

"You were the one who released me and my brother weren't you?" Lyric said "and if not you, then certainly one of your kind!"

"All this and not even a 'Thank You'?" Thunderchild said, folding his arms and sighing in a bored manner "I'm disappointed Lyric! Didn't you and your brother want to be freed?"

"After several hundred years of reading and re-reading the same stupid hieroglyphs on the same stupid walls, you don't know how relieved we are to be out of there…"

"Oh, I think I do! I'm a Watcher remember!"

"Whatever!" Lyric snapped, disgruntled at Thunderchild's interruption. "The point is, since our release, we have come to wonder why! The Watchers are not supposed to meddle in the affairs of mortal lives so there must be something in this for you!"

"My reasons are my own, Lyric, therefore I'm not required to tell you anything!" Thunderchild replied finally.

"If you won't tell me my role in your little puppet game by choice, then I'll have to force you!" Lyric growled. Then, out of no-where, Ember and Skulker appeared - Skulker now sporting a gemstone on his armour!

"I see you're playing a puppet game all of your own!" Thunderchild stated, then he pointed to Skulker "And that one's new!"

"That's right!" Lyric replied "He was particularly easy to catch too! Wasn't really able to fight back very well, with his suit malfunctioning like that! But, as you can see, he's now got that little problem sorted!" As though listening to a silent order from Lyric, Skulker shot forward aiming to connect his fist with Thunderchild's face. The Watcher didn't move. Suddenly Skulker stopped dead as though he'd just smashed into an invisible wall.

"I thought you were smarter than that!" Thunderchild stated "Surely if you knew enough to work out I released you, then you must know there's no way to force me to do anything I don't want to do!"

Skulker tried again, this time aided by Ember. And once again, Thunderchild stopped both ghosts in their tracks, only this time knocking them both unconscious with a powerful shockwave, then gave the dragon ghost a look that simply dared him to try again.

Lyric, however, seemed to get the point. He got out the Fenton Thermos he'd stolen from Danny before and pointed it at his defeated puppets. They were instantly sucked into the ghost capturing device.

"So you really are as powerful as the ancient texts say!" Lyric said, indifferently as he placed the cap back on the thermos. "In that case, I concede defeat… for now!"

Thunderchild watched the hybrid turn tail and fly off and couldn't help but chuckle at the scene that had just occurred.

Danny was on his way back up to his room after bidding Adama farewell. He couldn't quite get what the red dragon had said to him out of his head. A dragon thought a half-ghost was worthy enough to stand in for a missing comrade? It had made Danny's day! Not even the sight of Jazz standing at the top of the stairs appearing to be waiting for him could dampen his current high spirits.

"What is it Jazz?" Danny asked before his sister could get a word in.

"Wha? What makes you think I was going to ask you anything?" Jazz stuttered, obviously caught unawares that her brother had beaten her to the punch.

"'cause you had that 'nosy sister' look again!" Danny stated "You're easier to read than a pre-school book!" Jazz blushed

"Really? I thought I was being pretty discreet" she replied.

"Well? What did you want?" Danny asked again

"Uh… um…" Jazz started, her train of thought now completely derailed. "I wanted to ask you about last Saturday…" Danny groaned inwardly. Jazz continued "It's just that you said you were at the park that day… the very same day that the supposed dragon attack occurred! Are you sure you didn't see anything?"

"I already told you earlier, Jazz! By the time we arrived, there was too much of a crowd to see anything! And it would've been all over by that point anyway!" Danny stated bluntly. Sure, he was lying through his teeth, but it's not like he could let Jazz know what really happened! That would mean admitting he was part ghost, and he'd been darned if he was going to do that!

"Oh, okay, I was just making sure!" Jazz said, flicking a strand of her long red hair back over her shoulder "well, night then, Danny!"

"Night" the half-ghost replied as Jazz turned and went back to her bedroom. She sure was acting strange tonight! Investigating a dragon attack? That wasn't like her at all! Danny stifled a yawn. All the excitement of the evening had finally caught up with him!

Adama groaned and opened his eyes slowly. He was lying face down on a hard floor. An attempt to sit upright revealed that his hands were bound behind his back and his feet were also tied together.

With a bit of effort Adama was able to wiggle upright and once his vision came back into focus he was able to see his current location. The lights were off, but the dragon's acute nocturnal vision allowed him to clearly see the area around him. He was in a lab of some kind. The vast amount of expensive-looking computer equipment and odd looking laboratory tools kind of gave that away!

A green glow to Adama's left attracted his attention. It was emanating from what appeared to be a large ghost portal. But it wasn't the Fenton's portal! The Fenton's one had a door covering it, this one didn't!

Without warning, the lights came on full! Adama hissed and closed his eyes tightly. Dragon vision just wasn't designed for such high intensity light.

"Well, well, well! Look who's finally awake!" Adama forced himself to open his eyes at the sound of the unfamiliar, malicious sounding voice. Once his eyes had started to get used to the light, he was able to see the form of a tall man wearing a rather smart and obviously expensive suit. His hair, which was white in colour, was tied back in a ponytail. Adama didn't recognise this guy. "I have to say, I'm surprised to see you alive! I thought you were lying dead in the desert!"

"I'm not quite sure what you're talking about!" Adama retorted "I don't even know who you are!"

"I am Vlad Masters!" The man announced smugly.

Vlad Masters… Why does that name sound so familiar?

"But then, of course, you wouldn't recognise me like this would you?" Vlad continued "Maybe this will help!" Before Adama could ask what he meant, two glowing circles appeared around Vlad's middle and he transformed, like Danny did. That could only mean that Vlad was also a Halfa!

"YOU?!" Adama yelled suddenly! He knew this guy now! It was the same ghost that Adama had witnessed in the Sahara!

"Ah, now you know me!" Vlad sneered, showing his vampire-esque fangs.

"Yeah, you're the ghost who was in Egypt when Lyric and Lotus escaped!" Adama growled.

"I wasn't just there!" Vlad retorted "I released them!"

"How?" Adama had a very good idea how, actually, but he wanted to hear it from Vlad's point of view

"Now why should I tell you that?"

"Because as far as the Guardians know, that Tomb is impenetrable!"

"Was impenetrable!" Vlad corrected "Because, unless it's suddenly slipped your mind, I released the Ghost Dragons!" Adama was starting to get pretty irritated with Vlad's smugness.

"You didn't do it alone!" Adama stated dryly "Heh, I'm willing to bet you even found out about them by accident!" Vlad hesitated at that and Adama knew he'd hit the nail on the head! After a few seconds, Vlad regained his composure.

"Be that as it may, it still doesn't prove that it wasn't my own brilliant ingenuity which allowed me to pass though the barrier!" he boasted. The Dragon bit back a snide remark. This guy sure thought highly of himself, but Adama thought it would be best not to push his luck with the adult Halfa. After all, irritating as he was, Vlad had the upper hand in this situation! Losing control and making things worse was Shadow's job!

"So, what do you plan to do with me then?" Adama asked finally

"Well, Lyric has expressed an interest in revenge!" Vlad sneered "But mainly it's to keep you out of the way, whilst our little spy does his work! He tells us you've been getting too suspicious!" This remark ignited a spark of anger in Adama, and he growled in spite of himself.

"What did you do to him?" he asked

"Oh dear, did I hit a nerve?" Vlad taunted "It would appear your little friend finally understands the benefits of helping our cause!"

"And just what is this 'cause'?"

"That's for us to know and you to, well… Let's just say, it's for us to know and leave it at that, hmmm?" Vlad's condescending manner sent chills down Adama's spine, and if you happen to be a Fire Dragon, that's very unpleasant!

Vlad smirked at the red haired boy and turned dramatically… just as something long and metallic came flying out of the green swirling portal, hitting Vlad square in the face and totally ruining the drama!

After taking a minute to recover from the stinging pain of the impact, Vlad bent down to pick up the offending object.

It was a thermos… a Fenton Thermos!

"Who DARES to throw an invention of Jack Fenton's at me!" the Halfa demanded angrily! He cocked an eyebrow at Adama, who was chuckling as quietly as he could, but not really quietly enough.

"VLAD!" Lyric yelled, flying through the portal about a minute after. He landed expertly on the floor in front of the half-ghost. "Did that thermos thing come through here?!" Lyric sounded kind of peeved about something. Vlad held out the ghost catching device for the ghost-dragon to see.

"Would you mind telling me how this inanimate object managed to propel itself at such speed!!"

"I threw it!"


"I'm annoyed! Anyway, what are you so mad at?" It's not like it hit you or anything…" Lyric paused, suddenly noticing the thermos shaped mark on Vlad's face. He cracked up. "No way! It DID hit you?! That's made my day!"

"It's not funny!"

"Well, that depends on your perspective!" Lyric stated still laughing. Then he noticed Adama sitting on the floor. "Oh, you're awake are you? It's about time! But I'll deal with you later. Vlad? Where's Lotus, we need to talk!"

Novena was getting fidgety. Adama had said he was only going to be accompanying Danny home, but now it was day break and the Fire Dragon still hadn't returned.

The other dragons weren't too worried. After all, they were used to Adama staying out longer than he told everyone he would. Heck, everyone knew where Shadow learned that bad habit from, and he wasn't back yet either!

But still Novena was concerned, especially with the threat of Lyric and Lotus looming right over their heads.

"Where're you going this early?" Shiar asked her as she walked towards the door.

"Out" Novena replied bluntly

"Well that's blatantly obvious!" Shiar scoffed. He cocked his head to one side. "You wouldn't happen to be going to find Adama would you?"

"No-one else seems to want to!" Novena retorted

"That's because there's been no need to worry yet!" Shiar explained "Buuut… if you really wanna go then I guess I can't stop you! Just don't stay out too long!"

"Thanks, Shi!" Novena smiled at the older Dragon, then left the building.

Outside, the sun was just starting to rise, turning the sky a golden hue. Not the best light for Dragons to see in, but it would do.

Novena decided that retracing her steps back to Perona's house was the best place to start.

She reached the house pretty quickly, and shyly walked up to the door. The Albino knocked on the door but received no answer.

"How can they be out this early in the morning?" Novena muttered to herself.

"They're asleep Novi!" came a voice behind her "They don't stay up at all hours like we do!" Novena looked behind her to see Shadow standing there.

"Shadow!" Novena cried "Have you seen Adama?" the half-dragon had a pained look on his face at the mention of the red dragon's name, but then shook his head. Novena looked downcast.

" I wonder where he's gone… I know, Shadow, you'll help me find him right?"


"C'mon, he's your friend too!" Novena grabbed his arm.

"Novena?" he asked as the Albino started to drag him down the street "Where are we going?"

"To find Adama of course!" Novena replied cheerfully. The two of them spent the next few hours searching all over the place for the fire dragon, with no luck.

"Wait! We never tried Danny's house!" Novena stated "That's where Adama was last going!" Shadow pulled a face.

"Do we have to go there?" he asked reluctantly.

" I know you don't like Danny, but we've tried everywhere else!" Novena explained. Shadow sighed. There was no stopping the little Albino once she'd made up her mind… particularly if it involved Adama.

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By the time they'd reached the Fenton Works, people had already started milling about, getting ready for the busy day ahead.

"Must be later than we thought" Novena concluded.

"Yeah" Shadow replied. Seeing that oddly shaped house made him uneasy "But I doubt Adama's around here." he turned and started to walk off"

"Hey! Where are you going??"

"Home! Adama's not an idiot! He wouldn't be out here in daylight with people walking around, and I don't want to be either!" Novena opened her mouth to make a scathing reply, but her attention was drawn by the sound of a door opening… more specifically, the door to the Fenton Works. Shadow also looked back to see the source of the noise, and glared at the raven-haired half-ghost as he walked out of the door carrying his purple school backpack.

"DANNY!" Novena called, running over to meet him. Danny smiled and waved as he recognised the Albino dragon, but was somewhat taken aback when he saw Shadow standing there. The moment was tense and Danny fully expected the dragon-boy to launch an attack on him at any time! He was surprised, yet relieved, when Shadow turned and stalked off.

"Oh don't worry about him!" Novena stated, noticing Danny's nervous expression "he's not even in the mood to worry about his best friend!"


"Adama's gone missing!"


"He didn't come home this morning and I can't find him!" Novena explained "have you seen him? I know he was following you home last night! Did he say anything about where he was planning to go?"

"No," Danny replied "as far as I know he was going home!" Novena started to panic.

"What if he's been kidnapped?!" She cried "Or worse, killed?!" Danny put his hands on her shoulders to try to calm the distraught dragon down.

"Novena, I'm sure he'll be fine. If none of the other dragons are worried yet, they must think so too!" he said. The ghost-boy didn't know dragons well enough to really be sure that what he'd just said was true, but if it stopped Novena from getting upset, then it was all good. Novena wiped away a tear.

"You're right!" She sniffled "He was probably just late getting back so he's hidden away until the sun sets!" She looked up at the half-ghost "Thanks" She grinned, then trotted off in the same direction Shadow had gone.

Danny blinked as the Albino skipped off happily. He marvelled at how quickly Novena had gone from being panicky and tearful to being happy. Some of these dragons could be really strange. Particularly Shadow, whom, Danny had just noticed, was following him from the rooftops.

The half-dragon jumped down and walked up next to Danny. The Halfa tensed, continuing to walk, but ready to "Go Ghost" at a moment's notice should the situation require it. Shadow, however, just studied him curiously, as a young child might study an insect.

"What do you want?" Danny asked defensively, starting to fell a bit unnerved by this dangerous boy and possible spy walking right next to him.

"I still can't work it out…" Shadow stated, seemingly talking more to himself than to Danny.

"What?" Danny asked again

"You!" Shadow stated bluntly "You're part human… and part ghost! I mean, you shouldn't even exist!"

"Heh, you can talk…" Danny paused for a minute before gearing up the courage to say the last word "… Liagren!" Shadow glared at Danny

"You're a reckless little brat, aren't you?" Without warning, Shadow walloped Danny hard on the side of the head, sending him sprawling onto the concrete. "I hate stupid unnatural half-breeds like you, who can walk around freely, while I have to pretend to be an ice dragon, just to explain why my eyes are blue instead of amber!"

Danny shook his head to refocus his vision. It had never occurred to him before! All of the dragons he seen so far, including Lyric, had amber coloured eyes… except for Shadow and Novena! Novena had an excuse.. She was Albino, but Shadow?

Danny pushed himself up off the ground and dusted himself down. He had expected Shadow to get mad, but he hadn't expected a reaction that hostile!

"I'm going Ghost!" He yelled, transforming into his ghost form.

"That's another thing that irritates me about you!" Shadow growled "Why the heck do you always feel the need to announce your transformation all the time?? It's not necessary and only serves to make you look even more of an idiot!"

"HEY!" Danny retorted "It's MY life and they're MY powers!! If I want to 'announce my transformation' I will!" Shadow growled again and started to charge up an electrical sphere to launch at the half-ghost. Before he could get round to aiming at Danny, he was startled by a dual cry of 'GHOSTS!'

He turned to see where the cries had come from and got a face full of net. Danny recognised the red hair and blue Hazmat suit of his mother. Sure enough, his father wasn't far behind, laden with all manner of ghost hunting devices in quantities to take down a small army!

"Got you Ghost!" Maddie yelled triumphantly. Danny breathed a sigh of relief… until Maddie turned the net launcher on him! Of course, his parents didn't know about his ghost powers, so all they saw when they looked at Danny, was just another ghost. Danny decided, for his own sake, that it was time for him to leave.

"Thanks for the help!" He called out cheekily, before turning intangible and phasing through the ground.

A/N - There you go! All done for this update! I've decided to stop putting the notes at the bottom of the chapters so. I'll try not to leave it so long til the next update -

Fullmetal Pipsqueak