After the Storm 6

The feasting and merriment lasted into the evening, when Faramir at last managed to separate himself from both family and well-wishers and go in search of Lady Eowyn. He'd lost sight of her once the dancing had begun, and though music still played in the hall, he could not find her. Faramir intended to dance with her, if naught else, before the evening was finished.

As he roamed the hall, his cousin Princess Lothiriel accosted him. "Faramir! Dearest, congratulations." She placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"Lothiriel," he kissed her hand. "I'm sorry, but I cannot dance with you right now." He paid little attention to his cousin, still looking for sign of Eowyn.

Had he looked, he might have noticed the sly smile on Lothiriel's face. "No indeed, cousin, I have no wish to dance with you. Rather, I suggest you go take some air. Perhaps, out the side corridor? To the garden?" Her tone became somewhat forceful.

Faramir looked down at her, finally noticing her expression. With a smile, he gave her a swift embrace. "Thank you, darling Lothiriel," he whispered, and followed her suggestions with alacrity.

Once in the garden, he found Eowyn quickly, her gown glowing in the fading light. He hurried towards her without hesitation. For too long he had waited, waited for good fortune to come to him, waited for the King, waited for life. Now he defied the past and made his way to Lady Eowyn with all the determination of a hunter. She turned to meet him, a gentle smile upon her face. Faramir again felt as if he could not breathe properly in her presence. She filled his world, and he would not have it aught else.

When he reached her, she held out her hand, which he took eagerly. "My lady," he murmured. Rather than kiss the back of her hand, as was common, he gently turned it over, and placed a heated kiss upon her palm, as a lover would.

Eowyn gasped as he pressed a kiss to her palm. Never had any man done such a thing to her, and warm pressure combined with the expression of ardor in his eyes caused her pulse to race.

"Prince Faramir," she said softly.

"Are we not friends, my lady, that you would address me so formally?" he said, his tone light. He did not release her hand.

"Faramir," she sighed, and he smiled again before placing another kiss upon her palm. "Would you not show me the same affection? Or must your lessons resume?"

"With you as my teacher, I would spend my life in the classroom," Faramir answered.

Eowyn could not school her expression. Her cheeks became enflamed, and she giggled nervously. She could not understand her own reactions. She loved him, oh how she loved him. It made her foolish, quite unlike herself. She would do anything, and proudly, to have this man as her own.

So it was with soaring joy she watched him kneel before her.

Faramir knelt, taking her other hand and pressing both her hands between his own. "Eowyn," he said, lingering over her name, delighted with the way she blushed, with the light shining in her eyes. Gone forever was the cold and sorrowful maiden who'd demanded employment of him in the Houses of Healing. The proud and magnificent woman before him shone like the sun, and he would bask in her light all of his days if he could.

"Beautiful, brilliant, bravest Eowyn," he began, and her giggles at his rough poetry made him smile in turn. "I beg you, accept my suit for your hand," and at that he could not but pause to place kisses on both of her hands, "and if you would, please consent to be my wife, my very life, forever? For I love you more than all the stars, more than Gondor, more than even my own existence, which I would lay at your feet to command as you will."

"Oh, dearest Faramir! Of course, of course I accept your suit, and would have you for my husband gladly!" she cried, and he quickly rose to embrace her. She filled his arms, clinging to him in turn, and he breathed deep of the sweet scent of her hair, enjoying the feel of her strong and supple frame. He pulled back slightly, enough that she might turn her face up to him, and when she did, Faramir bent to claim her lips in their first kiss. Eagerly she returned it, as they rejoiced in one another under the setting sun.

Finally parting, he smiled broadly at her. Suddenly, he lifted her and spun her around, just as he had when the Ring was destroyed, and she shouted with laughter. They embraced again, kissing and holding one another, overwhelmed with their happiness.

Eowyn laid her head against Faramir's shoulder, reveling in the moment. He loved her! She never knew such joy in her life. Every experience she'd had until this moment paled in comparison.

Unable to resist, she said, "Are you sure, my lord, that you would take a wild shieldmaiden of Rohan to be your bride?"

Faramir's arms tightened around her. "I would have no other lady upon Arda," he declared.

Eowyn laughed, but squirmed in his arms, and he released her only to again take her hands in his. She stared up at him, nervous again. "My lord," she began, but hesitated. Honor and honesty demanded she be truthful with him, that he not be deceived in her. "Faramir, I – I cannot cook."

He pretended to take her confession seriously, a twinkle in his eye. "Neither can I."

"I cannot sew well either," she confessed.

"Nor can I. Shall we be naked and starving in Ithilien, do you think?"

"Be serious," she scolded, withdrawing her hand and striking him lightly, as she did so frequently with Eomer.

Faramir laughed, recapturing her hand. "We will hire cooks, we will hire seamstresses. What do you care for such things?"

"But, I will not be a proper wife for you."

"Eowyn." Alarmed by her protestations, Faramir reached out to cup her chin, raising her face so that her eyes met his. "I love you. I love your laugh, your stubbornness, your hair, your smile. I love your eyes, your freckles," and here she giggled again, "your strength, and your bitten nails. I love that you can order a troop of soldiers as easily as a company of servants. I love that you bear arms, and I look forward to sparring with you."

Eowyn gasped when she realized he would not deny her the sword. Faramir smiled, seeing her bewilderment. "I would not have you any other way," he continued, "but who you are. And in faith, I am no easy person either."

"You are all that is good and noble." Eowyn insisted stoutly.

Faramir chuckled. "I'm just as stubborn as you. I work too hard, and forget to eat. I am often too serious. I will go to the Archives and forget the time and make you angry because I will miss outings. I have no idea how to run a household, and will therefore make trouble with the servants." This time, she laughed outright at him. "In truth my lady, you will have a very difficult time making a decent husband out of me."

To his delight, she wrapped her arms around him, nestling into his shoulder. "I would not have you any other way," she whispered.

He held her close for a moment longer, then said, "Now, I do need your advice on a delicate matter, my lady."

"What would that be?" she asked, seemingly surprised at his change in subject.

"How to announce our intention to wed to the King your brother." The mock trepidation in his voice made her laugh once more.

Eowyn's heart swelled with joy at the return of Faramir's humorous side. She loved his cleverness, his quick wit. Such quickness of mind was unusual in Rohan, a country where men gained more renown for strength of arm than strength of mind. Eowyn always found intelligent men more interesting than the common boastful Rider. Even her own brother sometimes had exasperated her. She wished wistfully that her cousin Theodred might still be with them, to partake in her joy, and to join in the celebration. Theodred would have enjoyed Faramir's company a great deal.

Smiling at her beloved, she said, "As Eomer is now the male head of my family, you will of course seek his approval." She could not help teasing Faramir in turn.

He nodded. "Think you I will have to best him in combat?"

Eowyn laughed. "Perhaps. He might make allowances, as you are not accustomed to fighting mounted."

Faramir laughed as well and held her close. "My Eowyn. You make my heart lighter than it has ever been," he whispered into her hair, his breath warm against her ear. He placed a series of kisses along her cheek, down to her lips, claiming them in tender caresses. Finally releasing her, he said, "Come. We should return to the hall. If I am to meet my doom, I would rather it were sooner than later."

Eowyn took his arm, smoothing her skirts with her right hand. She looked forward to their life together with delight.

Faramir could scarce believe his own good fortune as they returned to the hall. Beside him walked the fairest lady upon Arda, a woman of highest renown, and more, she was intelligent and brave and full of humor and light. He could not have imagined a more perfect lady for him, and to have found her amid such darkness and despair, to have had her support and to have supported her and seen her blossom in turn, restored his faith in the Valar and the goodness of the world.

As they entered the hall, they made a striking couple. Faramir had discarded his breastplate before dinner, and so his midnight surcote provided a background to Eowyn's golden attire. To his mind, his lady glowed in the light of a thousand candles and torches, and he was only too proud to have the honor of standing at her side.

Faramir's Dol Amroth relations were the first to deduce his new circumstances. Lothiriel clearly had been watching for them, for almost immediately Faramir saw her, hands over her mouth to no doubt contain a squeal of delight. The princess swiftly and indelicately elbowed her brother, who turned and spied the change in his cousin's countenance quickly. Amrothos whispered to his father, and when Prince Imrahil turned to smile at his nephew, Faramir thought he saw tears in his uncle's eyes. The prince always insisted that Faramir most closely resembled his late sister, Faramir's mother Finduilas. He clearly recalled her in this moment.

Without pause, Faramir led Eowyn up to the high table, where the Kings and Lords of the Eldar were seated. Eowyn kept pace, and from the subtle pressure she gave his arm, he knew she approved of this direct approach.

Lady Arwen, the future Queen, acknowledged them first. Her eyes quickly took in the closeness between Faramir and Eowyn, and Arwen began to smile broadly, glad for her new friend the Lord Steward, and her eager look to Eowyn foretold her expectations of fast friendship with the Lady of Rohan.

King Aragorn felt his lady's distraction from the current conversation almost instantly, as did Lord Elrond and Prince Legolas, who could not contain his grin. Aragorn's eyes widened as he took in the image of Eowyn and Faramir, and he too wore an expression of joy when both Eowyn and Faramir nodded to him in response to his silent question.

It was only after a moment that King Eomer finally noted his companions' change in attention, and he turned quickly to be confronted by his sister and the Lord Steward.

Before Eomer could speak, Faramir addressed him. "My Lord King, Eomer Eomundsson." His deep voice cut through a number of conversations, and many nobles around them fell quiet to listen. "Your Majesty, I, Faramir son of Denethor, Lord Steward of Gondor, have asked your sister, Lady Eowyn Eomundsdaughter, Wraithsbane, to be my bride, and she has accepted me."

The ensuing silence was profound.

Eowyn found herself holding her breath, suddenly uncertain as to her brother's reaction. She knew that Eomer had come to like and respect Faramir since the hosts had returned to Minas Tirith, but friendship between warriors could be swiftly set aside if Eomer thought his sister's honor was compromised. For years, she had protected her family from Eomer's temper by never revealing the worm Grima's attentions to her. And now, her brother's sudden stillness had Eowyn very worried.

All those around seemed in suspense as well. King Aragorn stared at his brother ruler, with Lady Arwen clinging to his arm. The Elven lady seemed ready to leap to Eowyn and Faramir's defense, should need be. Prince Imrahil frowned, his hand drifting to a non-existent sword, his expression one of concern. Lords Elrond and Erestor merely watched politely, intrigued, whilst Prince Legolas bore an expression of anticipation.

"Lord Steward," Eomer began quietly, and Eowyn inhaled quickly, worried by his tone. "I note that you neither ask for my permission, nor my blessing, to wed my sister, the Lady of Rohan."

Faramir's gentle smile contained a hint of irony. "In faith, my lord, we do ask for your blessing. As for permission," and Eowyn saw his smile subtly widen, and the familiar glint of humor enter Faramir's eyes, "Would any dare gainsay the Lady Wraithslayer? Even you, your majesty, especially you, must see the risk in denying the lady permission to follow her own inclination."

It was a daring jest, for Eomer had been greatly wroth with Eowyn for riding with the Rohirrim in disguise. Her brother was not often teased; in fact few besides Eowyn herself and their cousin Theodred had dared to tease the doughty Marshall. For one moment, Eowyn feared that Faramir had greatly misjudged her brother, and her brother did not see the jest in Faramir's expression, for Eomer's face seemed carved of the very granite of the Merethond.

But then the sun rose in Eomer's face, and his broad smile encompassed all, as he declared, "You are too right, my Lord Steward, and if my sister has accepted you, there is little I could do to prevent it, not that I would ever try. Indeed, I wish you luck, that you may have a better time managing her than I did!"

"Eomer!" Eowyn cried in the outraged tone of a much-put-upon sister, as the assembly around them laughed. But Eomer swiftly came forward to embrace her, his strong arms conveying his pride and joy by their tight hold.

"My beloved sister. Do you love him?" Eomer asked quietly amongst the cacophony of congratulations.

"More than my life," she replied most seriously.

Eomer sighed, and Eowyn saw to her amazement tears in her brother's eyes. "Then I could not have parted with you for any less worthy. He is a fine man, and will make you a fine husband. My sister," and here he paused to kiss her forehead, "I give you my blessing, with joy."

Eowyn embraced her brother, then released him. Eomer turned to Faramir. "Cherish her, Lord Steward" he ordered.

Faramir bowed formally to Eomer, his hand over his heart. "I will, my lord."

Eomer then embraced Faramir as well, though perhaps with more force than strictly necessary, Eowyn judged from Faramir's slightly pained expression. "I am proud to call you brother," Eomer declared in Rohirric, the formal acceptance of a proposal.

"Thank you, my lord brother," Faramir answered in Rohirric as well, delighting Eowyn.

Soon everyone wanted a moment to speak with the newly betrothed couple. Eowyn found herself enthusiastically greeted by Lothiriel, who nearly knocked several nobles aside to get to Eowyn.

"Now we shall be cousins in truth!" the princess declared, almost bouncing with joy. Amrothos kissed her hand, expressing his wishes of joy to her. Prince Imrahil embraced her and called her 'niece.' Many of the elven nobles present spoke to her in Sindarin, words she assumed were blessings and congratulations. Legolas in particular said something with a sly expression, earning himself a nudge from Lord Glorfindel. Eowyn later learned that the expression was a wish for fruitfulness, and one more appropriate to the wedding morn. Certainly when Legolas said the same to Faramir, her betrothed blushed, and Aragorn roared with laughter.

When Aragorn approached her, Eowyn felt suddenly shy. Before he could speak, though, Arwen rushed up. "My lady Eowyn!" the elven lady smiled, and placed kisses on both of Eowyn's cheeks. "My sincerest congratulations to you. I hope in time we will become good friends?" When Eowyn nodded, Arwen's smile became impish. "We shall have to meet to spar regularly, and scandalize this staid court."

"You study the ways of the sword as well?" Eowyn asked, amazed. No wonder Aragorn had not expressed any surprise in Edoras at Eowyn's skills.

"I do, and am eager to keep up my skills," Arwen replied. "We elves have never restricted any ways to one gender or the other. Many of our males are skilled weavers, and many of our women bear arms. We shall practice together, you and I."

Eowyn agreed, and the elven lady made way for her own intended. Aragorn gently embraced Eowyn, and placed a fatherly kiss upon her brow.

"Wish me joy, my liege?" Eowyn asked.

"I have wished you joy from the moment I met you," Aragorn replied kindly. Then, in lowered voice, he added, "I knew I was not for you, and you not for me. There was one man truly worthy of you on this earth, and I rejoice that you have found him."

Eowyn smiled, understanding. She glanced over at Faramir, who seemed to be holding his own amongst the sea of Gondorian nobility surrounding him. He met her eyes, and his smile was only for her.

"I have found him, and I am only glad that I am worthy of him." Eowyn said to Aragorn, who nodded in turn.

"Then we understand each other well," he replied, with a glance at Arwen. "I wonder, what blessing the gods bestowed, that we should be so fortunate?"

Eowyn laughed. "I know not, but will thank them daily for it!"

Faramir edged himself free of the group of nobles. Certainly, he noted some sour tones amongst the fathers of eligible daughters, his political mind never quite at rest, but Faramir chose to gracefully ignore any implication of dissatisfaction. He had always refused to marry for advancement, and now had the great good fortune to marry for love.

He reclaimed Eowyn's hand as she spoke with his cousins. She bestowed a smile of such happiness upon him, that Faramir again felt breathless, somehow unable to fully appreciate his own luck. Eowyn nestled against his side, as eager for contact as he.

"Are you well?" he asked her quietly.

"I am, though I think I would enjoy some quiet," she replied.

"I too would enjoy that," he said, and they left the hall. It took some doing, to politely avoid conversation, but soon, they were alone in the courtyard of the White Tree.

Faramir led Eowyn to the wall overlooking the City and the fields of the Pelennor. Beyond the fields they could see the river Anduin. Night had fully fallen, and a full moon cast a sparkling light over the river. Thousands of stars twinkled in the velvet darkness above.

Eowyn sighed and leaned against Faramir. He gladly wrapped his arms around her, drawing the starry cloak he wore about them both. Together they looked across Gondor to Ithilien, where they would make their home together.

"Eowyn?" he whispered.


"I love you," Faramir said, looking down into her eyes. He felt surprised to realize that he had not yet said such simple words to his lady.

Eowyn's eyes glowed with happiness. "I love you too," she replied, her voice thick with tears of joy.

Faramir bent his head to claim Eowyn's lips in a heated kiss, sealing their love there atop the walls of Minas Tirith.