When Bakura barges into your room unannounced, it's never a good thing
When Bakura barges in unannounced with that look on his face, it's even worse.
Yami span around to face the intruder when he heard the door meet the wall. A look of surprise flashed across his face to be replaced with a scowl a moment later. 'Bakura? What are you doing here?'
Bakura crouched on a chair in a corner and looked around the room slowly. 'Ryou has a study date with Yugi.'
Yami frowned. 'Well, that doesn't explain why you're in my room, or why you tagged along. You've got your own body, you didn't have to come.'
Now it was Bakura's turn to scowl. He jumped off the chair and had Yami pinned to the wall a moment later. 'Now now Pharaoh, you're spoiling it. I come over here to ask you something and yet you're being all…' He paused, looking for a word. 'Suspicious.' Yami stopped his squirming.
'Question? What kind of question?'
Bakura grinned, a horrible grin that made the smaller man worry slightly. 'What is the thing with all the hearts and flowers and chocolate and the doe eyes?' Yami raised an eyebrow.
'Doe eyes?'
'Yeah you know, the eyes that our hikari's make at each other.' He nodded. He knew about the eyes.
'That, dear tomb robber, would be love.' Bakura snarled and moved closer, what would be to anyone else uncomfortably close. But not for Yami, who found it strangely comforting.
'I am not a tomb robber.' Yami would have shuddered as the hot breath brushed his ear except for the fact he was too busy being shocked by Bakura's mouth attacking his own. After the initial shock subsided, he snaked his arms behind his neck, kissing back. When they parted for breath, Bakura grinned again. 'I love you Yami.' He stated gruffly.
Yami smiled. 'I love you too.'
Down the hall, Ryou and Yugi heard the door click shut, and they both burst out laughing. 'Well,' Ryou managed to get out between giggles. 'It seemed his plan went perfectly. I'm just waiting for the link to--'
/Uh… Ryou…/ A very distracted Bakura opened the link. /You may like to sleep at Yugi's for the week… Yami and I will be staying at our house… Tell Yugi that too./ And the link was shut.
'Ryou?' Yugi waved a hand in front of his friend's face. He'd just turned pale. 'What's wrong?' Ryou turned to him, grin plastered across his face.
'I'm spending the week here. And my house we now avoid.' Yugi looked puzzled until realization hit. They both cracked up again.
All right, so as far as proclamations of love went, it was not a romantic's idea of one. Come to think of it, it wasn't anyone sane's idea. But it worked, so it must mean something.
Random plot bunny. Don't ask.
Note to the staff of the Darkshipping community: I'm flattered you've added my stories to your collection, but before you do, could you at least review me?
Edit: Dunno when I wrote this, but I edited it and reposted it on All Hallows Eve 2005