A/N:  My goodness, it seems this story never ends.  Well, I had several requests for some sort of epilogue so we could see how Ginny and Draco are doing and I had a couple of plot bunnies hopping around in my head, so I wrote them down.  It's just a short thing, and I promise the story ends here.  *grin*  Enjoy.  (P.S my original works that I was taking time to work on are coming along nicely) 

D/C:  See my author's page.

Seventh Sphere

By Amanda H (aka Niffler)

Epilogue – In Love

            "Alright, I'm going to take my shower now!"  Hermione yelled.

"Yeah, alright, just hurry, we're running a bit behind."  A voice yelled back.  Hermione grinned and hopped gaily into the bathroom of her shared two-bedroom apartment and closed the door behind her.  She threw off her regular violet robes and turned on the taps.  Warm water delicately scented with vanilla poured forth and Hermione stepped in. 

She reveled in the warmth and sweet scent, until the memory that she was running late came back into her mind.  She grinned again and reached for the shampoo, pouring a generous amount into her hand.  She lathered it through her hair and scrubbed thoroughly, enjoying and savoring every moment. 

When Hermione was finally finished her shower, 20 minutes later, she turned off the water and crawled out.  The bathroom was a cloud.  She inhaled the ingrained scent of vanilla and reached under the sink for a towel.  She pulled out a big one and small one and began drying herself off.

"The day is finally here!"  She thought.  "I cannot believe this.  It's like a dream and beautiful, heavenly dream!"  She grinned, twirling around the bathroom.  Catching a quick glance of the clock on the wall, she gasped.  It was already 11:45!  She had to be ready and gone by 1:00.  Lavender was right she would be late.  Quickly Hermione finished drying herself and wrapped her hair turban-style on top of her head.  Just then a voice called from outside the bathroom. 

"For goodness sakes Herm!  It's been forever!"  Lavender laughed.  "I know you take long showers but this is ridiculous.  Besides, Harry wants to talk to you."  Hermione sighed and rolled her eyes.  Quickly she wrapped her larger towel around herself like a dress and pulled open the door. 

"Honestly Lavender, you know it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wed . . .wed. . . .!"  She gasped.  Harry was standing right in front of her, biting his lip, trying to suppress laugher.  Lavender wasn't even bothering to try and suppress it.  She laughed aloud, flopping down on one of the beds and pointing at Hermione, bride-to-be, standing before her future husband in a towel. Hermione clutched her towel closer around herself, eyes wide.

"Ha. . .Harry!  You didn't tell me he was in the fricken' room!"  Hermione hissed at Lavender, who was dissolving in laughter. 

"I didn't know you would come out in a bloody towel!"  She gasped.  Hermione inched towards her bed, finally grabbing the housecoat lying on it and pulled it on hurriedly.  Just as she tied the sash, the towel fell out from underneath it, making Lavender burst out laughing again. 

"Sorry Mione.  Maybe I'll come back later?"  He asked, grinning ear to ear. 

"Yeah, can't let him see the merchandise before he makes the deal!"  Lavender laughed from the bed.  Hermione blushed profusely. 

"Why don't you send a message up with someone next time?"  She asked. 

"Alright."  He agreed.  "But the colours do look nice on you."  He flashed her a grin and walked out.  Hermione looked down to see that it was one of Harry's Quidditch towels; she blushed harder.  Finally, Lavender was able to peal herself off the bed and stifle her laughter.  Hermione frowned at her decisively and stalked over to her mirror.  Lavender rolled her eyes and followed her.

"You've got to admit that was funny."  She said.  Hermione rolled her eyes. 

"Alright it was kind of funny.  But not really."  She added, grinning.

"See!  No frowning allowed on your wedding day."  Lavender said, pulling the towel out of Hermione's hair.  She pulled out her wand and dried it, then picked up a brush and began combing it. 

"You scared?"  She asked. 

"A little."  Hermione replied.  "You?" 

"Why would I be scared?"  Lavender asked.

"Well, Ron's moving in with you.  I'd be scared."  Hermione explained.  Lavender laughed. 

"I guess I am a little.  But I'm sure it will be great.  Besides, I know you and Harry are just tying the knot without ever living together, but Ron and I are a little more cautious.  We want to see if it will work before we get married."  She explained.  Hermione nodded. 

"It's a good idea, but Harry and I can't wait any longer.  We agreed at Graduation to wait until we were 20, to see where life lead us.  His birthday was two weeks ago, and I don't want to wait anymore!"  She laughed. 

"I know you will be absolutely perfect together."  Lavender agreed. 

"So will you and Ron.  Just take your time."  Lavender set down her wand and brush.  Hermione's hair was all tucked up in a bun on the top of her head with a few small wispy ringlets tumbling down the side of her face.  It looked beautiful. 

"Ta da!"  Lavender said, standing back.  Hermione looked up into the mirror and smiled. 

"It's perfect Lav!  You are so good at this!"  She grinned. 

"Thank you, thank you."  Lavender bowed.  "Now all that's left is your make-up.  I did mine while you were in the shower. . ."

"And it looks lovely."  Hermione interrupted. 

"Thank you.  So we do your make-up.  We meet your mom and the other bridesmaids at the church and change into our dresses there.  Then it's show time!"  She laughed.  Hermione wrung her hands. 

"It will be fine, won't it Lav?"  She whispered. 

"Do you love him?" 

"Of course."

"Then it will be perfect." 

"Honey, you look beautiful." 

"Thank you mum."  Hermione sighed, running her hands down the taffeta folds of her dress.  She was standing in front of a full-length mirror in the bride's dressing room.  She was positively glowing in her white gown.  It's satiny material and delicate embroidery stood out in the light and Hermione's veil glimmered, pulling back over her head.  A pearl tiara was positioned in front of her bun on her hand and the veil was attached to it.  The sleeves were long, the neck modest and the train was fairly long. 

Hermione's face glowed.  Her cheeks were rosy and her eyes glistened brightly.  Lavender, her maid-of-honour stood over her left shoulder.  She was wearing a simple mauve dress and grinning from ear to ear.  Mrs. Granger was also there, over Hermione's right shoulder, her eyes glistening with tears. 

"You're absolutely stunning Herm!  Gorgeous!"  Lavender sighed. 

"Thanks Lav.  You look beautiful too."  She replied, smiling. 

"Not more beautiful than the bride, I hope."  She laughed. 

"My baby girl's all grown up."  Mrs. Granger sighed, her tears spilling forth.  Hermione turned around and wrapped her in a tight hug. 

"I love you, Mum."  She cried, her own tears coursing down her cheeks.  Lavender grabbed a Kleenex.

"Can I come in?"  Mr. Granger called from the door.  Mrs. Granger broke away and wiped at her eyes. 

"Yes dear, come in."  She answered.  He entered, smiling brightly in a black tux.  He scanned Hermione from top to bottom and his smile widened. 

"Oh, my baby girl.  I never thought I'd have to give you away, but it looks like I do."  He said. 

"Come on Daddy, don't you get all sappy too.  Or else my makeup will run and I'll have to go out there for my wedding looking like a mess!" Hermione protested. 

"Alright, alright!  I won't."  He agreed.  "But my baby girl . . ."


"Okay!  I just came in because they're almost ready to start.  Are you ready to go?"  Mr. Granger asked. 

"Am I?"  Hermione asked, looking from her mother to Lavender. 

"Well, let's just do the last minute check.  Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue."  Lavender proclaimed. 

"Um, my pearl necklace is old." Hermione began, tugging on the family heirloom that had been given to her on her 16th birthday.  "The dress is new." 

"Something borrowed?"  Lavender urged. 

"The money for the dress?"  She laughed.   

"No!  The money for the dress. . . .pft!"  Lavender muttered, rolling her eyes. 

"Okay, okay, I borrowed your anklet this morning Lav."  Hermione said. 

"Excellent, blue?" 

"My garter is blue."  Hermione replied. 

"Great, she's set!"  Lavender grinned. 

"There's just one more thing."  Mrs. Granger said.  "Love.  Do you have love?"  Hermione's face split into a huge grin. 

"Yes.  I have love."  She smiled. 

"Well then off you go dear.  I love you!"  Mrs. Granger said, kissing Hermione on the cheek and sliding past Mr. Granger to get to her mother-of-the-bride seat. 

"Here we go Herm!  The happiest day of your life!"  Lavender whispered as she followed Mrs. Granger out the door. 

"Hermione?"  Mr. Granger offered, extending his arm to her. 

"Daddy."  She replied, wrapping her arm in his.  They walked out to the back of the church.  She could see Ron and Harry standing at the front of the room, beside the Minister.  Parvati, her first bridesmaid was already halfway down the aisle and Daphne had just started walking. 

"I love you honey.  Don't ever forget that.  And I'm sure you'll have a wonderful life with Harry.  He's a wonderful boy."  Her father whispered. 

"Thank you Daddy.  I know I will."  She replied.  Lavender stepped out in front of her and started down the aisle.  Hermione took a deep breath.

"Do remember to breathe though Herm."  Her father teased gently.  Hermione exhaled. 

"Yes Dad."  Just then the music changed to Here Comes the Bride. 

"That's our cue."  Her father whispered, tugging her gently.  Hermione took a deep breath and took her first step into the rest of her life. 

"They look so happy."

"They are so happy."  Draco replied, looking over the cloud's edge at the ceremony below. 

"I'm so happy."  Ginny sighed, folding her hands over Draco's, wrapped around her waist.  She leaned back against him. 

"They belong together."  Another voice spoke up behind them and Lily floated to the edge of the cloud. 

"You knew they would be together all along."  Ginny smiled. 

"You're right Gin, I think we're caught, love."  James laughed as he came up behind Lily, folding her in his arms much the same way as Ginny and Draco were standing.  "We've known since he met her that they were perfect for each other."  James smiled. 

"Well, I've got my own prediction."  Ginny grinned.  "I think Ron and Lav will live happily ever after too." 

"Really, sweet?"  Draco asked. 

"Yes.  Just look at the way they look at each other.  They're in love."  She replied. 

"I'd have to say they're the next marriage on the list."  Lily agreed. 

"There's a list?"  Ginny asked. 

"No, it's just an expression."  Lily laughed.  James smiled and pecked her on the cheek.

"They look so good in love."  Draco murmured, looking down as Harry and Hermione kissed, sealing their marriage.  Ron and Lavender (the Best Man and Maid of Honour) grinned at each other from opposite sides of the alter.  Lavender's eyes were gleaming and Ron looked like he wouldn't stop smiling for weeks. 

"Finally everything falls into place.  Finally Harry is happy."  Lily sighed, watching the two walk out of the church hand in hand. 

"He's more than happy, sweet.  He's in love."  James replied, turning so he was looking into Lily's eyes.  He paused and glanced over at Ginny and Draco.  "Come on.  I think they deserve some time."  He whispered.  Lily allowed herself to be lead across the clouds, leaving Draco and Ginny alone again.  They stood together, just watching.  Time had no meaning to them anymore and they just watched, holding each other close, as the reception continued and ended and the last strains of music faded away.

"Yes," Ginny finally whispered softly, "they do look so good in love."

The Final End!

Thanks to:

Starbrite, bookworm4ever, Clavel – interesting sentiments, definitely food for thought, crying, harrynz – yeah, fluff is always a good thing J The epilogue was pretty fluffy, hope you liked it, Anna Black – Yeah, I'm not great at writing 'bad guys' yet, but I'll work on it!  Thanks, LilyAyl – Thank you for such an in depth and insightful review.  I'm glad at least someone got the deeper meaning of events, so thank you very much.  Yes, you hit the nail on the head with all your comments!  J  I hope you don't think I ruined the effect of the last line (or a mother watching her child) with the epilogue.  I tried not to.  The blessing was beautiful too, thank you.  I wrote it on a note and stuck it to my computer screen,

Teigra, Satans Little Princess, Leo – I agree, the ministry is stupid.  That's what I think of them from the books, so that's why they were so stupid in my story, Cloak of light in general, CloudChick, babiblu7426, Saphire – vola D/G's life in heaven.  Hope you liked it!, Bob33 - Well, no sequel, but I hope you like the epilogue, Luinthoron, Tyria Bell, Fernada, ~*AnGeLiC*~, draco's princess, Fyredra – It's actually a song (Borders and Time) by the Rankin Family, Hermione Megami Potter, Calistal, annie, Dark Unicorn – you flatter me too much, I'll get a swelled head!  Thank you, thank you!,

Katy Bell – Look, I do get to reply to your review after all!!!  Thank you for such a long one.  I'm glad you liked the funerals, I thought the Ashes to Ashes thing was a good way to end each funeral.  Since I'm never actually been to one it kinda hard to write them.  Yeah, that soliloquy took me awhile.  I tried to make it as powerful as possible without being cheesy.  I succeeded well enough then?  Thank you for being such a faithful reviewer, even when life was difficult for you.  I'm honoured that you followed my story so long.  Be sure to e-mail if you ever DO post your work!!  J