
"Anna, what's going on?" Yoh asked with a frown. "Why is he saying that? You're not dying."

Anna didn't answer her husband. Instead she stared at him sadly and clutched her son at her waist.

"I'll let you…talk," Tamao said as she quickly made her way to the door.

"Anna you're scaring him. Look at him. He's scared to death because he thinks your dying. Hana, look at me."

Hana sat up slightly to look in his father's direction. He tried to wipe away some of his tears but was unsuccessful.

"Hana, your mother is not going to die. Don't worry. Everything will be fine once we get her home." Yoh smiled at him warmly, hoping his words helped.

"Tell him, Mama. Please, just tell him the truth." Hana said solemnly. Anna held his hand tightly.

"What is he talking about, Anna?" Yoh asked with a frown.

"Please, Mama. Tell him the truth." Hana said again, this time with more emotion.

"Yoh, I'm sorry. I should have told you. I didn't want it to be this way," Anna started. She stopped short as tears filled her eyes.

"Sorry about what? What's going on? So, you didn't tell me. It's okay. Just tell me now." Yoh said as he approached the bed.

"I'm dying." The words barely escaped her lips and were so small and fragile, they entered the air as a whisper.

Yoh stood still for a few moments, unable to respond. His facial expression faded to a pale state of shock. His bottom lip quivered and his hands trembled violently as he finally spoke.


Silence pierced the room after this frantic reply.

"I'm sorry, Papa." Hana said once he was able to open his mouth again.

"No." Yoh said as he frowned again, "You're not dying. Why would you tell him that? Why would you tell me that?" He watched as his wife's tears increased.

"It's true, Yoh." Anna said sadly, "I didn't want to tell you like this. I didn't want you to find out like this. I love you so much." She cried so much her body began to shake as she ran her hand through his hair.

"Stop it! Stop saying that!" Yoh screamed, "This can't be true! You're not dying!" He became so hysterical he lost his footing and fell over onto the bed. Anna leaned forward on his back and hugged his head. When he felt her touch he began to cry loudly, moaning in absolute anguish.

Hana stared wide-eyed at the two of them. He had never seen his father this emotional before. He tried to stop crying so he could be strong for them, but he couldn't prevent the tears from flowing endlessly down his face.

"I can't lose you!" Yoh cried, "It's too soon! Please don't leave us!" He couldn't stand up. He couldn't gather his thoughts. Everything the tried to say came out as useless rambling. Suddenly feeling Anna release her grip, he sat upright on the bed to look at her.

"What's wrong?" he said, not wanting her to answer.

"I'm just…tired." As she spoke she leaned back on the bed until she was completely lying down. Hana stood on the side of the bed to give her room.

"I don't know," Hana said fearfully, "I'll call a nurse."

"Please. Call a nurse, Hana!" Yoh climbed in the bed, positioning his wife on top of him. "Please don't give up. Please just hang on," he whispered in her ear.

Hana suddenly realized what was happening. She's…tired? He thought. "NO!" he screamed, running frantically outside to find doctors.

"Yoh," Anna struggled to say, "I…"

"Don't, Anna. Save your strength. The doctors are coming. Please, not like this. Just…please, not like this." He rocked her in his arms and his voice cracked nervously.

"Yoh, I love you." She finished her statement with a content smile. "Always."

"I love you too, Anna. Just hang on for me. I need you here. I'll always need you. I can't let you go yet." As he whispered in her ear, a large group of doctors, nurses, and Hana burst through the door.

"Mr. Asakura, we need you to wait outside," one of the nurses said.

"I'm not leaving!" he responded as he got out of the bed so the staff could swarm her. "Help her, please! I'm not leaving." He then put his arm around Hana's shoulders. "We're not leaving."


"What's going on, Tamao?" Manta asked worriedly.

"Yeah. Why did you run out so fast?" Chocolove added.

"Something's wrong with Anna. They have to talk it through." Tamao bit her fingernails as she paced back and forth in front of them.

"I just saw doctors running to her room. What's going on?" Faust asked worriedly.

"Oh no," Tamao said sadly.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Ren asked with a frown.

"I don't want to say. It may not be that." Tamao replied.

"May not be what?" Horo asked rising to his feet.

"Something's wrong with her?" Lyserg asked.

Tamao's silence caused panic in the room.

"Oh no!" Pirika shrieked, "She's not okay, is she?"

Tamao did not respond.

"No," Ryu whispered as on of the doctors approached the group.

"Is she okay?" Tamao asked frantically, "What happened?"

"I'm so sorry," The doctor started. He could hear gasping in the background as he spoke. "We tried everything we could to revive her. It was as if she fell into a deep sleep."

"No! She can't be…" Ren started but didn't have the courage to finish his sentence.

"Where's Yoh? And Hana!" Tamao ran past the doctor, headed for Anna's room. The others quickly followed. She held her breath for a few seconds as she opened the door.

Hana was sitting in a far corner of the room, his head buried in this knees and his body in a tight ball. Directly in front of them, Yoh sat in the bed holding his wife's lifeless body in his arms and stroking her hair. His eyes were red and puffy, and he was whispering something inaudible in her ear.

Tamao fell to her knees as her energy gave out. She didn't know what to do or say. None of them did.

Faust was the last to burst into the room, and as he did he shouted, "What happened!"

Yoh looked up at them blankly and responded, "She's taking a nap."


Thank you so much for reading my story. I hope you liked it. And please, don't forget to review.