Disclamer: I do not own Gravatation or any of the charecters.

Warning: Light Shounan-ai

"Yuki! Wait up!" Shuichi called, his feet pounding on the wet ground.

"Hurry up, you damned brat!" Yuki replied, not slowing down for a second.

Shuichi arrived next to Yuki and tried to seek protection from the rain under Yuki's umbrella, only to be pushed to the ground.

"Hey! What was that for?" Shuichi asked, tears appearing in his eyes.

"This umbrella isn't big enough for the both of us, baka. If you didn't want to get wet, you should have brought an umbrella."

"But...but..." Shuichi sobbed, but Yuki had already continued on his way to the grocery store.

Eye's glistening with tears and a pout on his face, Shuichi rose off the ground and hurried after Yuki.


Yuki couldn't take it anymore. Shuichi had been looking like a kicked puppy for the last twenty minutes. It was making him feel just a little bit guilty. Not that he would ever admit it.

"Here." Yuki said finally, tossing the umbrella to Shuichi, resulting in Shuichi getting hit in the face. "If you want it so much you can have it."

"Huh? But what about you?" Shuichi stuttered, recovering from the shock of having an umbrella hit him in the face.

"I'll be fine." Yuki replied, walking out into the rain with one hand in his pocket and the other one filled with groceries.

Shuichi quickly ran after Yuki and walked beside him, trying to cover them both with the umbrella and failing.

"I told you it wasn't big enough, stupid." Yuki informed Shuichi, moving away.

As Shuichi was despairing finding a solution to the problem, a sudden idea struck him.

"Hey," Yuki said, getting annoyed, "I told you it wasn't big..."

He trailed off, surprised. Shuichi had managed to get lift Yuki's left arm (the one without the groceries) and wrap it around him. This meant that Shuichi now had his head on Yuki's chest, Yuki's arm thrown over his shoulder. Miraculously, the umbrella as now covering them both.

"See? I knew we could both fit under it." Shuichi told Yuki, grinning.

Yuki didn't answer, still walking, but a small, almost invisible smile managed to find a way to his face.

And so, the two lovers walked down the road, kept warm by each other's presence.

A/N: Sorry if the ending was really bad. I couldn't think of anything else to say. Please Review!