Hello, sorry for the waiting, my mom have schoolwork that needed to be done (she learning how to be a teacher), so it took me a while to get the computer, and I have a science project, along with my school, and travel soccer, with my class works. And why did nobody tell me that I forgot the pixies! Oh, and I don't own anything expect for Phoenix, Ninja, and Will.

Why Is She Hiding Something from Us

"Man, I am so glad that classes are over, and that we have no homework's. Oh no, I hope my friends won't ask of what I hiding." thought Musa, as she saw her friends waiting for her at the door.

"Hey, Musa. The girls, and I want to know if you will to come with us to see the boys at the lake." Bloom

"Sure, but I got to do some things first. Then, I can go. Okay?" Musa

"All right, we'll see you later." Bloom

I waited until they were gone, before I checked my phone for e-mails from Phoenix if I need to know if I had to collect stuff for any of the potions she makes, and if my ninja armor had been disturbed. There was none, so I went after my friends, to meet the boys at the lake.

Meanwhile with the girls

"I wonder what things Musa needed to do." Layla

"Me too. I mean she always checks her phone for e-mails, and a box in her room, which has a lock spell on it. So far I haven't figured out what spell she uses." Tenca

"She was not in bed when I looked in her room the other night. The bedroom window was just closing, when I entered. Plus, she has been sleeping through her alarm, too." Stella

"Wait, you said that she has a lock spell on a box in her room, and you haven't found out what the spell is, yet? Bloom

"Nope." Tenca

"Plus, she constantly checks her phone for e-mails, right." Flora

"I believe I know why." Tenca

"Why?" Stella

"Well her phone rings when she has a new e-mail. The emails are from Phoenix, and they have a strange message, too." Tenca

"Who is Phoenix, and what do you mean strange?" Bloom

"Well, I don't know who Phoenix is. The e-mail was about getting a moonlight fire rose for a potion." Tenca

"What are you, girls, talking about?" Sky

"Hi, boys. We are talking about Musa." Said Layla, catching Riven's attention, when she said Musa's name.

"Has something happened to her?" Said Sky holding Bloom.

"No, not that I know of. But we do know that she hiding something from us. She is missing from her room at night." Stella

"She sleeps through her alarm, always checking her phone for e-mails, and she has a lock spell on a box in her room." Layla

"Tenca said, that Musa received an e-mail from a person we don't know, named Phoenix. The e-mail said that Musa had to get a moonlight fire rose for a potion." Flora

"Oh." Brandon

"You guys better wipe that look off your face because here comes Musa!" said Layla seeing Musa.

"Hi, guys, did I miss anything?" Musa

"No, but we were thinking that we could go on a camping trip all next week together." Timmy

"Sounds like fun." Layla

"I agree with you, Layla." Bloom

"I'll come, but as long I don't get dirty." Stella

"I'd love to." Flora

"Me, too." Musa

"There may be no technology, but at least I will sent time with my friends." Tenca

"All right then, let's go ask the headmistress to see if we can do it." Sky

"Okay, bye." The girls

"Bye, girls." The boys

I walked with the girls' back to Aflea. Stella, Bloom, and Layla were talking about making a list of things we will need for camping, if Ms. Faragonda agreed. Stella was whining about a few things she can't bring to camping. I just grinned. Soon, we made it to Aflea. As we were walking through the hallways we ran into Ms. Faragonda.

"Hi, Ms. Faragonda, can we ask you something?" Flora

"Of course, girls." Ms. Faragonda

"Can we go with the boys on a camping trip all next week." Layla

"Yes, you may if Saladin agrees with the boys." Ms. Faragonda

"Yeah!" cried the girls. Then, Stella's phone rang. Stella answered her phone and went out. We looked at each other, and were about to open our mouths to say something, when Stella came back in screaming.

"Yes, they said yes!" Stella

"Oh, yeah!" The girls

"Come, girls, we have to go shopping for camping." Stella

"Hold on girls. We need to make a list first." Bloom

"Okay then, let's do it!" Stella

I walked with the girls back to our dorms talking. As soon as we got there, I grabbed my C.D player, and my phone. I told the others that I was going to the tower. I walked over to the tower and looked around to see if anyone was there, but nobody was, I took out my phone, and send an e-mail to Phoenix. After that, I watched the sun set. I smiled. I was looking forward to camping. But I also knew I needed to be more careful, so my friends don't find out about my secret.

Done, and I like to thanks musagirl15, moonfire of darkness, purpleNova823, and my cousin, beachchica226 for reviewing.

I made a little chat between us.

Musagirl15: Ya so please write more.

Soccerhorsegirl333333: Thank you, and to let you know I LOVE ALL YOUR STORYS!  (Smiles)

Moonfire of Darkness: Stupid you.

Soccerhorsegirl333333: Yes, I'm stupid, and thank you.  (Stuck her tongue out)

PurpleNova823: Hmm.very good, nicely written, thou, it seemed somewhat rushed, but that's just me, anew, update soon! 

Soccerhorsegirl333333: You got to blame that one on my mother, she check my story to see if it was going smoothly, and, when you are going to add another chapter to Last Words, and thank you.

Beachchica226: hey Isabelle! This story rox. Remember keep writing those gr8 stories of usr. 

Soccerhorsegirl333333: Thanks Tati, and to let you all know she my cousin. I show her this website. 