Chapter 13- A Common Foe

"The way I see it, Wuya's becoming more powerful," Robin muttered.

"Yes, but what can you do about it that we have not tried?" Omi asked.

Robin glared at Omi. "I thought you were determined to defeat Wuya?" he asked.

"If you cannot do your job, then it is not my problem," Omi said, without a clue of what would happen next.

Suddenly, a figure walked up to them- Master Fung. "If you lose to him, Omi," Master Fung muttered, "you will team up. If you win..."

Robin grinned. "I like the sound of that."

Omi backflipped, only to have Robin hit him with his metal staff. He landed hard, and Robin leapt high into the sky. Omi quickly jumped, and kicked Robin, who landed sideways in the water. "Tsunami Strike, Water!" shouted Omi- the water around Robin formed into a whirlpool.

However, Robin pulled out a Birdarang which froze the water- he slid down, and landed in front of Omi. "You are a most slippery opponent," Omi commented, charging at Robin.

"You're not too bad yourself," Robin replied, uppercutting Omi.

Omi landed in a heap on the ice. "Tsunami Strike, Ice!" yelled Omi- an icy formation formed around him, and span around, sending icicles at Robin, who knocked them away with his staff.

Robin ducked, and jumped backwards- Omi jumped at Robin.

"Monkey Strike!" shouted Omi.

"Repulse the Monkey!" bellowed Robin.

Omi's shocked expression prevented him from continuing his attack, and Robin sent him far into the sky. Robin leapt high, and when he was level with Omi, he hit Omi in the back with a specialised gadget. "Sayonara," Robin muttered, as the gadget kicked in, spouting flames out of the exposed side and propelling the Xiaolin warrior into the ground at an accelerated speed.

"How did you know that move?" asked Omi.

Robin shrugged. "Some guy named Chase Young told me it. He was originally going to become a new Teen Titan instead of Beast Boy, but he eventually went to do his own thing."

"Chase Young is evil," informed Omi. "and he tried to bring me over to the Heylin side."

"And I almost succeeded," said a cold voice that seemed to leech all happiness out of the air. Sure enough, it was Chase Young.

"Dragon X-Kumei Formation!" shouted Omi, and four coloured beams flew at Chase, who deflected them deftly.

"Attack, my warriors!" roared Chase, and several large felines that were lurking in the shadows became a kind of minotaur.

Clay was the first to fall, with Chase ramming him into the ground. Omi jumped at his former ally, but Chase grabbed him by the feet and swung him into the air. "Solar Beam, Blaze!" shouted Kimiko and Raimundo together, and a beam shot out of their outstretched hands.

The beams circled around each other, before merging, and accelerating towards Chase. It hit him, and sent him spinning. "Judallei Flip, Fire!" cried Kimiko, and she hit him hard, sending him into the sky.

Raven and Starfire flew after him, hitting him with different coloured beams of green and black. However, he merely deflected them, and both were sent spiralling out of the air.

Meanwhile, the battle on the ground was even more ferocious, with Robin, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Kimiko, Raimundo and Omi fighting against a seemingly infinite army of mutants. "We must retreat from this unwinnable battle!" Omi yelled.

Cyborg snorted. "Yeah, right. BB- let's go! Beast Boy Blitz!"

Cyborg picked up Beast Boy, who had transformed into an armadillo, and threw him up into the air. Cyborg's plasma cannon fired, pushing the shape-shifter into Chase.

Robin and Omi jumped up.

"Topaz of Tutankhamen, Eagle!" shouted Omi.

"Reel of Hinoca!" Robin bellowed.

Omi transformed into a bald-headed eagle, and flew up at Chase, while a dark horizontal beam hit Chase, propelling him backwards. He hit a cliff, and was stuck there. Omi used the Topaz to transform back. "Aha! I am victorious!" Omi said gleefully.

Robin tutted. "Excuse me?" he said in outrage.

Chase squirmed. "Ugh... Ruby of Rameses!"

The power of the Ruby picked up Beast Boy, lifting him up to Chase's level. "Yin Yo-yo!"

A portal opened, and Chase and Beast Boy disappeared through.

"No," yelled Cyborg.

Terra, who was flying back, saw what had happened. "No!" she screamed, tears coming out of her eyes.