Chapter 1: Topaz of Tutankhamen

"Mantis Flipcoin!" Omi jumped over Clay, who was being attacked by the Sapphire Dragon, and hit Jack directly in the face. He almost hit one of the infrared beams guarding the Topaz of Tutankhamen. "Jetbootsu!" Raimundo flew to Omi. "Come on, Kim," he muttered, "Hurry up!" Kimiko weaved in and out of the beams, which were no longer invisible thanks to Jack's ThiefBot. "JackBots, attack!" Jack ordered, they flew at Kimiko, but she was ready. "Judallei Flip, Fire!" The robots hit the ground hard, and, considering their temperature, they melted a whole in the floor.

"Titans, trouble!" Cyborg yelled. Beast Boy and Raven came in. "Someone's robbing the Museum of Diamond. We've got a three-second video." On the video, two Asian teens, a Brazilian and a cowboy were fighting another boy, a ghost and... a dragon? "Where's Robin?" asked Raven. Beast Boy rolled his eyes. "With his girlfriend," he muttered.

Robin and Starfire sat down. "Italian food," he muttered. "Awesome!" With excitement, he picked up the menu, eyes scanning the text. Starfire smiled. "Buongiorno, signor, signora." The waiter walked up to Robin. "What is your order?" he asked, abandoning his Italian accent. "Uh, I'd like a Capricossa... Starfire, what would you like?" Starfire looked at the menu. "I would like a salad of Italy," she said. The waiter's left eyebrtow raised, but he wrote the order down anyway. He left, and Robin's communicator rang. "Yeah, Cyborg?" Cyborg's face was slightly scared, but determined. "Just to let you know... someone's breaking into the Museum of Diamond." Robin looked over the street- it looked like a glittering statue. "But, you're kinda busy, right?" There was a smashing of glass, and someone went through the window, but went back in again. Starfire, too, was looking over him at his communicator. "Shall we go?" asked Starfire. Robin nodded. "We're there," he said, stowing his communicator in his belt.

"Eye of Dashi, Earth!" A rock flew at the white-skinned boy, but missed. Two new people came into the fight through the newly created hole in the window. The Topaz was still in the case. However, the bald one was trying to take it. "Omi! Watch out!" shouted the girl. Robin's foot connected with the side of Omi's head, sending him flying. Robin stood in front of the Topaz, in a combat pose. The boy named Omi came charging at him. "Tsunami Strike!" Robin dodged the attack, but Omi shattered the glass covering the Topaz. "Eye of Dashi, Wind!" The cowboy had thrown the object to another boy, and Starfire was hit by a tornado. Two dragons were fighting it out, both at over thirty feet high. "Let us leave!" shouted Omi, and the cowboy, boy and girl hopped on the green dragon, and flew out. Starfire flew after them, as Robin faced off against the pale-skinned boy. "JackBots, attack!" he shouted. "So you're Jack?" Robin yelled, over the sound of the JackBots. The boy nodded.

Starfire aimed a starbolt at the dragon, but it missed. A lightning bolt was shot back, as was a fireball. Starfire dodged them both. Another blast of wind flew at her, but she flew above it- increasing her speed, she dived at the dragon.

"Not good," said Kimiko. "She's not going away." The mysterious teen fired another green bolt at Dojo, but this one hit- Dojo went spiralling into the sea, passing a giant house that looked like a 'T'. "Tsunami Strike, Water!" Water flew up at Dojo, hoisting him into the air for a bit more time. "Typhoon Boom, Wind!" yelled Raimundo- the power of Wind propelled Dojo into the air again. "Judallei Flip, Fire!" Kimiko jumped off Dojo, and hit the teen quickly- she used her as a springboard to get back on Dojo. "We're so going out of this place!" said Omi. Raimundo tapped him on the shoulder. "Uh, it's 'We are so outta here,' dude."

Robin landed punch after punch into the boy's stomach. He fell over. "I think you're done for now," he said. "Not quite," he said through broken teeth. "Heart of Jong! Reversing Mirror!" Robin's eyes widened as he was frozen solid, and fell to the ground. Jack grinned. "At least we took out this guy," he muttered. "Let's take him back to my evil lair, and use him for bargaining." Wuya rolled her eyes. "Jack, you use the word 'evil' too lightly."