Rolling Waves: Chapter Thirteen

A/N: Question to the audience: To much cussing? Had a reviewer say there was too much cussing. If there is I'll try to cut down but honestly that's how the story flowed in my mind. If you're that offended don't read my story simple as that. On another note, thanks to everyone who reviewed feel free to send criticism as well as praise. The praise builds up my ego, the criticism deflates it.

A/N2: … indicates thoughts, BTW this is going to be the last chapter and also not beta-ed.

Disclaimer: Don't own 'em. Wish I did

Summary: Dean and Max wake up…

Dean woke up with a giant crick in his neck. He shoulders were sore and his legs asleep. A soft smile crossed his face, Max was still obviously asleep her head still resting in his lap. And then he noticed it. His hand was in something cold. Dean opened his eyes to see his hand as well as Max's in identical bowls of water. SAM! Dean shook his hand in an attempt to dry and finally rubbed against his shirt to get rid of the excess water. He then rubbed his face. What the! He looked at his hand it was covered with some sort of paint. Red and Black paint. He looked down at Max and swore. If he looked anything like Max, Sam and Alanna had better start looking for ways out of the country. Dean moved to take Max's hand out of the water when she woke up.

"Dean? What is up with your face?" Max asked. Dean's face was cover with squiggles and shapes, a red star surrounded on eye, an arrow pointing to his lips with the caption "Kiss Me.", and two devil horns on his forehead.

"My face! You should look at your face." Max's right eye had a red heart encircling it, a target where her lips were, and across her face someone had written "Good Kitty."

"WHAT!" Max said jumping up to the bathroom. Dean smiled. He did not want to be Alanna or Sam. "ALANNA! I'm going to kill you!." Max said. Dean poked his head inside the door to look at Max. Max had already started scrubbing her face with soap. "I'm going to kill her. She won't know what hit her." Dean smiled, at least Max's anger wasn't directed at him for once. He grabbed some soap and started washing his face as well.

At Max's outburst Alanna got up and dressed. If she was going to get yelled at she might as well be dressed and if she was lucky she could get something to eat before the main event.

Across the hall Sam heard Max and Dean's conversation he figured he ought to get up and try to control the damage. And if it came down to fists he'd blame it all on Alanna. See if he wouldn't; the girl was certifiable.

A few minutes later Dean and Max emerged from the bathroom their faces and arms pink from scrubbing. The duo spotted the artists in the kitchen eating and drinking coffee. Before Max could say anything Alanna shoved a cup of coffee in her hand and a doughnut in her open mouth. Max scowled at Alanna but ate the doughnut and drank her coffee as Dean addressed the mischievous children in front of her.

"Alanna, you wouldn't happen to know how my face ended up somebody's canvas would you?"

"Canvas? You? Nope not a clue Dean."


Sam looked over at Alanna and saw that she would deny it till the end. "Nope."

"Oh really…" Max said. "If I'm not mistaken the particular shade of red lipstick used to draw on my face was your favorite color."

"You don't say. Hmmmm… well I did loose a tube of lipstick a couple of days ago. Maybe you have a ghost haunting your apartment. Has anyone died here?"

Before Max could retort Alanna carried on as if she had answered. "Well, there goes the rest of my vacation. Sam, we should go check on the possibility of a poltergeist haunting Max's apartment. You know go the police station, library, city records."

"You're right. I'll just grab my jacket and we can go."

Sam and Alanna left the kitchen before Dean and Max had registered what exactly had happened.

"Now Max be a good kitty and don't do anything or anyone I wouldn't do. Okay." Alanna said as she and Sam walked out of the apartment. Max glared at Alanna.

"Damn it. What just happened Max? I though we were going to rip them a new one, Maxie."

"Alanna, she's a sly one. She is. Don't worry, we'll get her eventually if not now then latter." Max said a calculating look in her eye. Dean could see her hands clasped together in a Mr. Burn's esque way.

"Yea." Dean said feeling slightly uncomfortable. Max plotting revenge or worst pranks was a force to be reckoned with.


"Yes Dean?"

"We're going to be alright right?"

Max looked him, the love in her eyes just barely contained. "Yea, we'll be alright."

Dean smiled at her his eyes smiling at the thought of all the great sex he was going to be getting.

The End.