Hello everyone, at insistent urging from many of my reviwers, I have finally decided to attempt a multi-chaptered fic on an SS HG pairing. Now I'm not too sure how this is going to turn out, for as all of you'll are probably aware, we as writer's portray our inner emotions in our fics, and let's just say my mind is in turmoil right now. One can say that through these fics, I'm trying to heal myself, and so I'm attempting to stop writing angst for sometime and attempt something a bit more positive. So if I get an adequate response for this fic, I've decided I will continue it.

Disclaimer: I'm not wasting anytime on this………go ahead and sue me…….all you'll get are decayed and rotten extracted teeth. Now do you really want that?

Chapter 1

Hermione made her way into the Great Hall for breakfast, occasionally nodding at the other teachers, and smiling. The staff had made sure that she felt welcomed admist them, and that she felt quite at home, after all she had spent seven years of her life at Hogwarts, all except one. Severus Snape.

Ever since her first day as a Professor, all he had done was throw a perfunctory sneer across her way, it was his way of showing her just how attached he was to her. Okay so what if she was the new Defence Against The Dark Arts Professor? Could he not set aside all this burning resentment that he harboured towards her, for having managed to snatch away the coveted job from under his nose, and just be happy for her?

But no, if he actually did that, then it would mean that he was sadly normal just like anyone else, and he could not allow the reputation of a "malevolant bat", which takes years to master, go down the drain. And so she braced herself for another morning in his very much un-wanted company at breakfast. Call it fate, destiny, the inter twining of the stars, or simply the fact that as she was the most junior Professor, she was the one who had the honor of being seated beside him. All the other Professor's had progressed to being senior enough to choose their own dining partners. Oh these dirty politics!

'Good Morning Professor Snape' she said in a tone as cordial as she could muster, as she took her seat.

His only response was to sneer magnificiently, and then turn his head away and pretend she did not exist. Now her point was if he really did want to pretend that she did in actuality not exist, why did he grace her with a sneer in the first place? It was like saying, "Now I see you, Now I don't." It would be so much more easier on her, if he ignored her throughly in every way, it was this half-and-half which annoyed her. This was neither here, nor there.

And frankly she was much too old to play such childish games, if he expected her to remain intimidated by him, she was sorry but she was rather disinclined to oblige at the age of twenty-one. And so she began to relish her breakfast with great ardour, and cut herself a rather unhealthily large slice of plum cake, and munched happily, when she was suddenly aware of Snape watching her rather keenly. What, it was now a crime to be a healthy eater? She had never been one of those women, who managed to sustain themselves on an assortment of letuces in a day.

She glanced up at him. 'Yes Professor Snape' she enquired politely.

'Miss Granger, I suggest you leave some for dinner, no doubt you will want to skip lunch as you have already eaten in advance' he said stingingly.

That awful man! How dare he make her out to be some sort of glutton? She did not have an eating disorder, she just happened to eat healthy that's all.

Swallowing the mouthful of cake, without managing to choke on it she replied quite frostily 'No doubt you prefer anorexic women, whose daily subsistence is nothing but salad, so that they can swoon in your arms.'

'Oh I don't see you doing that anytime soon Miss Granger, for one thing you would be quite a leaden weight.'

Now she spluttered in indignation. Did that man actually have the gall to call her fat?

'Professor, are you calling me fat?' she said furiously.

'I'm not calling you, I'm telling you, though I'm sure that your mirror must be attempting to do the same every morning, unless you've charmed it to chatter endlessly about how beautiful, and pretty, and cute, and lovely you are, along with any other adjectives you can think of.'

How dare the insufferable man bracket her in the same category as the numerous twits, who preferred to think that bust size was more important than brain capacity? She had been top of her class every year in Hogwart's and he knew it!

'Well atleast I don't spend my mornings preening in front of the mirror, just to watch my robes billow every time I turn and practice menancing glares so that I can attempt to look natural' she retorted.

At this he pursed his lips thinly, allowing his utter dislike for her to be evident.

'Miss Granger, I suggest you channel this unlimited, bounding energy you seem to possess, towards altering your dimensions drastically, and while you are at it, tame that unruly mane, or atleast curb it from giving a porcupine a complex' he said contemptuously, as he prepared to leave the Great Hall.

She watched his retreating back in aghast. She had done her best to be civil to the infuriating man, and all he had done was insult her intelligence, as well as her body proportions! Okay so she tended to eat a little, and she happened to have accumulated a little excess fat in the region of her hips, but that did not automatically make her obese! She dabbed at her lips angrily, and at the same time unconsciously fingered her hair.

She had suddenly for some reason lost her appetite that morning, and getting up she left too. She anyway had her first class with the first years, and she did not wish to be late for her introductory lesson, young minds are very impressionable, they needed to be moulded.

As she hurried along, she suddenly had the irrestible urge to charm her hair straight, not because he had anything to do with it. Oh no, not at all, she had been contemplating this sudden change in appearance since an indeterminable period of time, but had never got around to executing it. It was definately not because he had compared it to a porcupine.

Shrugging the urge aside, she made her way to the class room, where she told them to settle down and open their books. But by the end of the class, she was seriously beginning to consider the merits of taking an oath to never unleash one of these little brats on mankind. The little maggots were probably the spawn's of Hitler, and this was coming from a woman who actually adored children, so one would have no difficulty in imagining the extent of their terrorization.

So all though she had ended up deducting a few house-points, she had been unable to hand out any detentions. She somehow could'nt fathom the idea of children labouring away, scrubbing cauldrons or floors, all in the name of detentions. Somehow, according to her it bordered on child-labour. And so by the end of the day, she could feel a massive migraine rearing it's ugly head, and it had not helped that she had skipped lunch.

Ofcourse it had had nothing to do with Severus's earlier nasty comments, not at all, she had just not found the time. With a regretfull sigh, she headed off towards the Great Hall, her stomach was now rumbling in such a fashion that she could not ignore it, and she most certainly could'nt be bothered by that blasted man.

Please leave behind a review and let me know what you think, I hope you like it though.